
"Even so, please let me try, master."

Aldred raised an eyebrow when the lion-man called him 'master'. Well, having a talented student wasn't that bad.

Parthos charged forward and executed three quick spear attacks. Aldred did not move and let the spear come at him. But that was a fake attack, before it landed, the spear was being pulled back. This happened three times before Parthos thrust towards his chest.

That was when Aldred tilted his body. Parthos immediately slammed his spear to Aldred's face, but Aldred did not move, because the spear was suddenly being pulled back and stabbed at his leg instead.

Aldred calmly raised his leg and stepped on the spear, making it stick in the ground.

"It's real! You can see all of my fake attacks!"

"Told ya."

"How did you do it, master?"

"Practice. Try staring at a fly's wings, and count how many flaps it did per minute. If you can do that, you would have good eyesight like me."

"I will do that."

"Good. Now will you leave this carriage alone."

"Haish… this is a hard choice, master. The commander is my brother. He'd kill me if I let the carriage go willingly."

"Who is in that carriage anyway?"

"I don't know myself. All I told was to hunt and kill anyone inside."

Aldred sighed. "Well, since you cannot disobey order, I will beat you until you sleep on the floor."

Parthos sighed and accepted his fate. The other lion-men also did not have any choice. What were they going to do? Fight him?

This human literally taught their boss a lesson on how to improve his strength. How the hell could they defeat that?

"Alright, all of you line up, and let me slap you in the face."

Parthos looked at his men and shrugged. They then started lining up one by one.

One of them stepped forward in front of Aldred.


Another one stepped forward.


One after another they were slapped unconscious until the last lion-man, Parthos stepped forward.

"It's your turn now. I don't think you can make me sleep in one slap, master. I have a strong neck."


Parthos fell to the ground.

"I have a strong hand," Aldred replied.

Aldred then turned around and approached the carriage. He opened the door and found a girl was unconscious inside.

"Holy sweet god! This is a leonin beauty!"

(Author note: Remind me to put the reference image if I didn't do it yet.) (You didn't do it - T)

"She doesn't seem to be wounded in any way." Aldred jumped inside the carriage, and lifted her up before bringing her inside his carriage.

"Mira! Help me heal this girl."

His shouting woke everyone within the carriage. Then they immediately saw the beautiful girl lay on the table.

She had gorgeous, majestic long hair, and wore a beautiful, thin clothing with white stockings that was outlined by soft gold outline.

But most shockingly, this girl had a tail!

"Where did you find her?" Mira asked.

"Well, a group of lion-men chased her, and I saved her from them. Anyway, can you heal her? She doesn't seem to be wounded but her carriage rolled a few times."

Mira reached out her palm, and a trickle of golden water made their way inside the leonin girl's body.

"Her head got hit a few times," Mira said. "But it's not critical."

Her golden stream then softly went inside her head and fixed all the damage from within. With Aldred's EXP sharing system, everyone within his party became stronger every time he killed a monster.

This made Mira's spell even more potent as she enjoyed some of the buff that he received from the system. Such buff increased her magic mastery by 300%, and increased all of her attributes by 50%.

With those two buffs, her already potent healing spell became so powerful that healing potions became useless in front of her power.

After a few minutes, the beautiful leonin girl woke up, and looked around.

"Where am I?"

"You are in my carriage," Aldred said. "And all of them are my friends. This one is Mira. She's the one who saved you."

The leonin girl held her head in pain. "I cannot remember anything."

"Ehh… memory loss?" He looked at Mira.

Mira nodded. "It will heal, but it might take some time."

"Do you remember your home?"

The leonin girl shook her head.

"Great. Now how can we bring her home if she can't even remember her home? I guess we have to bring her along with us. Hehehe."

All the girls there smiled bitterly at his naughty joke.

"But in all seriousness, we should drop her in a city somewhere. We cannot bring her on our adventure."

"There's a city nearby. We can put her down there."

"Wait, don't leave me. I cannot trust anyone else, and putting me in the city will not do me any good. I don't know who I am. Where will I stay if you leave me in the city?"

"She got a point," Aldred said. "But can we really bring you along? You have good clothes and accessories. You might be the daughter of a noble or something."

Currently, Aldred did not want to have any problem with any noble. The weakest of them had 4 Diamond Rank at their beck and call.

Although they couldn't hunt him if they want to, it would still be dangerous.

"We should bring her along in the meantime," Stella said. "When she gets her memory back, we can escort her home."

"But we will be at sea when that happens."

Stella smiled. "Did you forget that you set up a teleportation point in Folineley City?"

"Right, didn't think about that. If she recalled her memory, we could just teleport her home."

Stella nodded. "In the sea, some part of the area might disable my teleportation spell. But your teleportation point is not a simple spell. It was a dimension with its own rules."

Then they all looked at the leonin girl.

"What is your name?"
