
Aldred jumped away from the flaming golem. It pointed at him, and a condensed stream of water jet shot out from its finger. He tilted its head to the side as the water cut the air around, and missed him by a hair.

Aldred smiled and rushed forward before casting a water shield in front of him.

Numerous water and fire attacks crashed against his shield, but with his unlimited mana, the shield was almost indestructible.

"Water Razor!"

A line of sharp water flew forward at high speed, and cut the golem's arm. It blasted into fine dust and fell off.

But suddenly, the nearby earth was pulled, and then formed into its hand.

"It's self regenerating," Mary exclaimed.

"It's using nearby elements to repair itself."

The golem belched powerful flames at him. Aldred rolled forward with the searing hot flame above him.

He quickly closed the distance, and then punched the golem's chest. His fist sunk into it, creating a hole. But the chest quickly formed once again, trapping his fist.

The golem raised its fist and slammed him in the face. Boom! He was thrown a few meters away and another fire and water attack came at him.

"Time for me to get serious. Let's see how much of a beating you can take."

Aldred pointed with both index fingers. "Fire Bullet!"

Numerous high-caliber bullets stormed the golems like a M134D minigun, but instead of 50 rounds per second, Aldred's spell was at 80 rounds per second.

With such speed and power, the golem was torn to shreds in less than 5 seconds.

Aldred stopped firing and looked at the remains of the golem on the ground.

"Is it over?" Sophia asked.

Stella sighed. "So that was it. That's the limit of the golem."

Aldred frowned. "No, it's not the limit. I still can feel the connection with the golem."

Something moved from below, and then a hand burst out and grabbed onto his legs. Aldred widened his eyes as the golem's head came out and belched a large tongue of flame right into his face.

The flame was suddenly absorbed and siphoned into Aldred's hand. It was his spell: Fire Absorption.

Aldred then reached out his palm and a spinning fireball appeared. "Fire ball!"

He pushed the fireball inside the golem, and then released it, dragging the golem dozens of meters away before exploding with a loud blast.

The remains fell off like mud, but it started to form into a golem again.

Aldred smiled. "Stop."

The golem halted its steps.

"What do you guys think?"

"It's not bad," Mary said. "It's as annoying as your undead, but I think it can be better. That said, is golemification always this powerful? That golem can be destroyed right?"

Rachel hesitated. "It wasn't supposed to be this way. Every time the golem was destroyed, it shouldn't be able to repair itself unless the master is willing to expend a lot of mana. It's much better to create another one from scratch rather than repairing the old ones, unless it was made out of powerful treasures."

"Ah... mana," Stella said. "Aldred never runs out of mana. And I don't think he ever will."

"I will create a few more golems, and let you guys fight it," Aldred said.

"Before that, Aldred," Maverick called. "If you want to continue the treasure hunting journey, can we escort Zafrina back home, first?"

"Sure, no problem. She's part of the family now."

Zafrina blushed. But that blush quickly turned into disappointment of herself because she couldn't join Aldred in his adventure.

"Also, Aldred. I forgot to let you drink fresh Diamond Rank blood."

Aldred scratched his cheek. "I wasn't serious about that, but if you're offering then I must not refuse."

Mary and Mareona looked at each other and giggled.

"Alright. Let me make a few golems for you guys to fight."

Aldred proceeded to use his earth elemental spell to make a few humanoid golems, and then some weird golems with hands the shape of a machete. Then lastly, he created golems with big hands filled with 3 holes at the front, like the barrel of a minigun.

"Fight with these guys, first. I want to test something."

It was 73 VS 73. Humans VS Bots. Who will win was not yet to be seen.

Both side stood on the opposite side of each other. Aldred was nearby and he looked to both sides.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, sir!"


Bartrem and the soldiers roared before slashing forward at the same time. Powerful red arch flew at the golems and cut their waist. That disrupted their momentum, and Bartrem took that chance to pierce their formations from the center.

That divided the golem to two, and he coordinated the majority of his force to eliminate the right side.

But there was something he didn't take into account.

The gunners!

The golems with 3 holes on their hands aimed at the soldiers and sent out a storm of fire bullets at them.


"Take those gunners out!" Bartrem shouted.

Just as they charged towards the gunners, large golems with machete hands came at them and slammed at their shield.

These golems were far larger than the normal one, and although they were a bit slower, they very much hid that weakness with heavy blows.


Heavy clashing and powerful aura intermingled in the battlefield. The once coordinated attacks were disrupted, and Bartrem noticed that with a frown on his head.

"Gather around!"

The soldiers quickly gathered under his command, and swiftly entered a spear formation where Bartrem charged as the tip.

They kept on slashing forward, sending numerous red arcs that cut down everything.

That did it and they cut through the formation, reaching the gunners. Suddenly, another formation of golems appeared.

They slammed the ground, and a wall of earth burst upward, knocking all the soldiers into the air.

The gunners below fired at them unhindered.

The fight continued, and both sides were evenly matched with Bartrem's sides gaining more and more advantage as time passed.

The battle was intense, and it proceeded for a few minutes until the golems ran out of mana, and couldn't activate their spells anymore.

The battle was over.