
"Anyway, how much is for everything?"

"Your total is at 6 million merit points."

Aldred shrugged. He could get merit points again by selling Xer Xai's body parts anytime he wanted anyway.

"I want to buy elemental and non-elemental books. Do you have any available?"

"Yes, we even have martial arts scrolls or books for any weapon."

"Give me something for air and earth. Also, is there any good non-elemental spell?"

"There are certain type of non-elemental spell. Offence, defence, mobility, or utility."

"What do you mean by utility?"

"Utility is mostly giving buff to your allies or healing spell. It could also be summoning simple rope to tie something. Essentially, it's a spell that can be used for various stuff that doesn't fit the other categories."

"Tell me more about mobility."

"It lets you move from one place to another much faster. Earth and fire spell are especially good at this, but non-elemental spell can also reach their speed either by removing the weight of the user or turning the body into light particles. There is even one that let you teleport instantly to a destination."

"Teleportation?" Aldred raised an eyebrow. If he was correct, the divine dimension had that teleportation function where he could put a teleportation point to a certain place.

But to do that, he had to have traveled to that place first.

"You don't need teleportation spell or mobility spell, Aldred," Stella said. "I can do all of that for you."

"You also don't need utility spells," Sophia said. "I can buff everyone and Mira can heal."

"You also don't need to learn defensive spell as Mira, Sophia, and I can cast a defensive shield," Stella said.

"I think you only need to learn the elemental spell, Aldred," Ivette said. "You have a lot of powerful undead for offence. Not to mention Mary, Mareona, Bartrem, and all the soldiers can add to the offense for that."

Mary nodded. "You should learn more elemental spells. While we attack, your variety of spells can disrupt the enemies from the side."

"To be honest. You don't need to learn anything at all, Aldred," Mareona said. "You're too strong already. Nobody in Gold Rank can defeat you if you use your full power."

"We never know," Aldred said. "I don't want to underestimate my enemy. Who knows what I will fight in the future."

He also recalled that lady in the the forest that said a lot of powerful people were watching him.

He might have to fight them all. And he did not know what they were capable of.

"For now. I will only take the air and earth elemental spell."

"Is that all you want, sir?"


"What if I recommend you something. Within the non-elemental spell, there is an utility spell called golemification, and magical construction."

Aldred raised an eyebrow. "Explain more to me."

"Golemification let you turn certain objects into golem. Since you will be learning earth spell, you can shape your own golem. And magical construction let you build your own magical construct with various effects. For example, you can build a pillar that increased the gravity within certain radius. Of course you have full control of it, so you can select your allies to not be affected by it."

"Wow. Golem and magical construction. These two sounds very interesting."

"Aldred, you already have undead. Why build a golem?"

"I need to kill monsters to obtain more undead. And not all of them are suitable because I have limited slots for my undead. But I can have an infinite amount of golems and I can shape them however I want."

"We would also need magical construct to strengthened our ship, and we can use to fight stronger enemies or larger armies."

The receptionist nodded. "You can also use mana crystals to make your golem stronger or you can use spiritual core."

"Where can I find a spiritual core?"

"Usually, only rare beast have them. They are very powerful, but anyone would be willing to sacrifice a lot to obtain their spiritual core."

"I see. Well, can you get me those two as well."

"Most certainly. One air elemental spell. One earth elemental spell. One golemification spell, and one magical construct spell. Your total is at 3 million merit points."

Aldred paid in full, and then looked at his friends. "Did everyone get what they wanted?"

"Yes, sir."

They bought dozens of consumables. They did not need treasures because Aldred had a lot of them and it was more than enough for them.

"Let's get some rest. We will directly go to the 10th floor tomorrow."

They all walked upstairs and entered their own room.

Aldred immediately jumped onto his bed while his girls excitedly followed him and hugged him.

"Finally we can rest," Ivette said. "The dungeon is suffocating."

"Are you guys tired?" Aldred asked.

"Yeah," They all answered.

"Well, I am not letting you sleep tonight."


Pharder was sitting on his desk, reading the report his spy had sent. At first, his face was nonchalant, but it quickly turned into rage.

"Death Lord? The Undefeatable Gold Rank?" He slammed his table, cracking it. "What is Simond doing? I told him to kill the boy, and yet he is still thriving out there."

"Your tea, my lord," a meek women's voice came.

Pharder sipped the tea and winced at the taste. He threw the tea cup away. It shattered against the wall.

"I told you not to put any sugar!"

The women was terrified. Pharder pulled her by the hair and stared at her. "It's because of that boy and that damn empress. You remind me of Sophia the bitch that I owned before you. That boy stole my fucking bitch!"

He slapped the woman which made the woman cry in pain.

"Please, have mercy, my lord."

"Cih! Sophia would never beg like you." He punched her in the face, making her fall to the ground.

Pharder stood up and stepped on her face. He then grabbed something out of his pocket. It was a deep dark, glowing crystal.

The woman widened her eyes when he saw the divine object that only exist in folktales. "Eternal Mana crystal!"

"Shut up!" He stomped on her mouth.

Pharder closed his eyes and siphoned a trickle of energy from the crystal. His body became stronger, but there was a limit of how much he can absorb each year.

"If not for the empress, that slut in the brothel wouldn't have the thought to cut off my dick. Ever since her book spread, you women have been rebelling against us men."

Pharder grabbed the woman by the neck. She gasped for air and tried to pry his hands away.

"Since you have seen my secret. I will kill you."

"Akgkk. Pleese, no, my lord. Akgkk."

"Too late." He punched through her chest.