

The missile exploded right when it came into contact with the train. Instead of exploding in every direction, this missile shot all of the shrapnels, flame, and shock wave to the front. A whole block of the train was destroyed, and it detached from the head.

Aldred and his friends were protected by golden protective field. Stella maintained the field with her magic.

Meanwhile, his enemies were battered with their armor mostly broken.

"Who dares?!" The wealthy man said with charred armor.

Suddenly, something fall from the clouds. That something shot out a jet of flames from its butt and then flew towards them.

More kept falling from the clouds.

"Those are missiles! Be careful!" Aldred said.

"Men!" Bartrem shouted. "Grab your bow!"

Bartrem grabbed his long-bow from his spacial bag, and then aimed at the missiles.

The arrows were released and struck the missiles in the sky, causing them to explode.

But more and more came.

Aldred aimed with his hands and sent out a storm of fire arrows at the missiles. They exploded one after another, creating fireworks in the sky.

"How can there be modern weapons in this world?"

After a while, the culprit of this attack revealed itself. It was a gigantic jet plane with white color that blended in with the clouds.

The jet aimed its nose at Aldred, and then rained down large-caliber bullets at him.

"Bastard, he's targeting me." Aldred pointed with both of his index fingers and shot all the bullets.

The bullets exploded in the sky.

"Those are explosive bullets! Don't let a single one of them through."

The wealthy man glared at the flying object. "Kill that thing for me!"

His men spread their wings and flew to the sky.

"We winged-men have always been the kings of the sky. Your stupid flying object won't survive a minute against us."

The plane maneuvered to the side and blasted all the winged-men from the sky. All of them fell like rain and splattered on the ground.

"Impossible!" The wealthy man stared with widened eyes. "We are the winged-men. How could you defeat us in the sky?!" (USA USA USA)

The jet sent out a missile and blew the wealthy man to pieces.

Aldred tried to bring down the jet plane by shooting fire arrows, fire bullets, and fire javelins at it, but it maneuvered quickly and dodged all of his attacks.

Missiles and explosive bullets blasted the golden projection. It shook and threatened to burst.

"Can you hold on, Stella?"

"I can. Don't worry."

Stella's shield let Aldred attack from the inside while being protected from outside attacks. This was the result of her mastery in magic.

Aldred clasped his hand, and joined both of his index finger into one. A powerful, larger, faster, and more precise bullets blasted off his fingers with a powerful recoil and struck the plane's engine.

The plane went out of control before it crashed into the ground.

"We did it!" Sophia said.

Suddenly dozens of jet flames pierced through the clouds and rained hell upon them.


Tratatat! Tratatat! Tratatat!

Aldred frowned and said. "Arise!"

Black mist exploded in the plain, and numerous undead stepped out.

55 Bajaragon quickly shot into the sky while the others leaped with all their power and pounced on the jet plane.

Xer Xai burst from under the ground, clawing two planes, destroying them, before she opened her mouth and chomped on 5 planes at once.

Missiles exploded on her exoskeletons.

Aldred raised his hand, staring at the planes. "Fire Combustion!"

There was the sparking sound, and then the jet planes ignited before bursting into flames. Raising his long sword, he drew it back and then slashed.

"Water Razor!"

"Execution Strike!"

Numerous water arcs, and blood red, shot into the sky, cutting the wing of the planes.

Many of them fell.

As more planes started to clump the sky, Aldred's eyes spun in red, and a powerful aura burst out from his body.

"Sky Splitting Strike!"

The aura condensed in his long sword, and spread out in all directions. Pushing out the grass and the air itself before Aldred thrust into the sky.

Thick beam of energy blasted upward, pierced through the sky, and then exploded.


The planes in the radius of 15 KM swayed by the powerful shock wave, and they couldn't control themselves before falling to their death.

The Bajaragons spewed flame out of their mouth, contending against the fighter aircrafts in the sky. With their superior regeneration ability, they dominated the fight and eventually won the battle.

But the war isn't over yet.

A dot was flying in the sky. Aldred activated his godly eyes and was shocked at what he saw. It was a large cargo plane with 200 meter in length (656 feet), and a wingspan of 240 meter (787 feet).

How could a gigantic plane like that ever fly in the sky was incomprehensible to him. Even the largest plane in the modern world paled in comparison.

The side of the plane slid open, revealing numerous gigantic humanoid steel robots. They jumped off and a jetpack burst out flames from their back before they slowly landed on the ground.

There was one robot that was larger than the others. It was holding a sword with vibrating blue light on the sharp edge.

The larger robot pointed at them, and all the humanoid robots raised their mechanical swords and charged at him.

Sophia stepped forward and swung her staff. The ground under the robots instantly turned into mud. Their feet sank because of their weight.

"Destroy them!"

Bartrem fired powerful arrows one after another before his soldiers quickly followed.

Aldred was attacking them as well.

The back of the robots opened, and an artillery barrel aimed at the golden projection field.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The artillery shells boomed right in front of the golden projection and vibrated it ferociously.

But it was as if the golden shield was impenetrable, the explosions couldn't even reach them.

That was when suddenly, the larger robot held a gigantic gun with two mechanical hands. The barrel glowed in blue, making an electric charging noise, and after 5 seconds, the charge was full before, the robot released the trigger.


A streak of blue energy went straight towards Aldred, creating a blue line in the air.

Shockingly, it pierced the golden shield and blasted Aldred's chest.