

Level: 78

Power: Sleepy Crystal, Nano Sharp crystal, Body roll, Big booty.

History: Known as the wiggler, this massive beast would wiggle its big butt at powerful monsters to lure them before whipping the giant hammer-like tail in their face.

Aldred stared back at the beast, blade at the ready. The beast stomped the ground, charging at him, and Aldred rushed forward, dodging the sharp crystals on its jaws.

For a few minutes, Aldred kept on circling him, trying to find any weakness, but his blade was deflected by the thick pillar-like crystals.

After a few, he finally found the way to defeat it. Aldred leaped into the sky as the beast attacked, passing below him. He held the long sword with both hands and drove the tip in between the crystal pillars.


The blade went in deep in the middle of the tail, and Aldred pushed it to the right with a roar. The blade sliced with much difficulty, but eventually— the tail was cut off.

The beast roared and swayed, unused to the imbalance, but eventually it stood strong and glared at Aldred with steam coming out of its small nostril.

Aldred laughed and charged at the beast, sliding down under and slashing at its leg, dodging the jaw slamming attack.

The legs were strong, but Aldred noticed a small mark that he made. If he could keep attacking that point, the leg would give up.

Guragaan, the beast, slammed its stone-like claw at him. It felt like a gigantic sledgehammer was falling at him.

"Lateral Step Slash!"

The long sword sweeped horizontally, attacking the leg, while also pushing Aldred to the side.

The red color on the blade increased to the tip. Every time Aldred attacked, this red color would increase from the handle and up to the tip.

And since Aldred had attacked many times, the red color had reached the tip of the blade. He did not understand much, but this red color thing let him perform special attacks such as cutting the soul of the target which would deplete the red color.

From now on he would call it the spirit meter, since it could cut spirit and soul.

To summarize, the Spirit Meter would increase as long as Aldred attacked, and it gave him many benefits such as increasing his strength, and letting him use special attacks such as Spirit Slash and Spirit thrust. These two attacks could cut the soul of his opponent and reduce their power.

The other feature of this sword was something Aldred called Spirit Outline. Same with Spirit Meter, Spirit Outline gave him more strength, power, speed, and when it reached the red color, it would let him execute a special move called Spirit Downward Slash.

He could do this move with White Spirit Outline, and Yellow Spirit Outline, but the damage was 10% to 20% compared to when it reached the red level.

The Spirit Outline started from white, yellow, and then red.

The way to increase the Spirit Outline was to use Spirit Slash thrice in a combo or counter attacking after a foresight slash.

The heavy claw slammed to the ground beside him. The mark on the beast leg got deeper, and Aldred slashed it a few more times before then leaping backward.

More steam came out of the beast, Aldred could tell it was irritated. How could it not, he just cut off its tail.

Aldred let the beast charge at him and when the beast attacked, he activated Foresight Slash, and then counter attacked its legs.

The outline on his blade changed to white. The beast attacked again. Aldred did the same thing, and now the outline changed to yellow. For the third time, the outline changed to red.

With each outline color changed, Aldred became stronger and faster. He also used the sword more proficiently than before.

That was when the long sword guided him to move again. His whole body flashed forward while red particles covered his body. The sword slashed, leaving a trail of red color, but instead of attacking the soul of the beast, all the hard scales, and thick crystals protecting the beast were slashed before the blade went deep into the thigh and completely removed the beast's left leg.

'What power is this?' Aldred thought to himself. Then he recalled something Stella had said. About a spirit weapon that could cut any physical object in the world.

Did the sword just change from cutting the soul realm to cutting the material realm?

The Spirit Meter reduced more than half for using this ability, but it was worth it as the beast fell to its side, unable to stand up.

That was when his sight was hyper-focused on one point. It was like his whole vision zoomed in like a microscope, staring at one celular cell on the beast's belly.

"Spirit Thrust!"

The blade struck, his whole body glowed red, and it flashed forward before the tip stabbed through the belly.

It seared through the scales easily, penetrating deep into the beast's flesh. His body was still glowing red, and the red energy pushed him into the sky before pulling him down onto the beast.

"Spirit Downward Slash!"

Aldred slashed vertically. A red trail flashed, and then the monster was cut into thousands of pieces as sharp, chaotic red energy slashed all over the monster.

Aldred understood more and more about The Soul Reaper. Like he had said before, it wasn't designed to fight weak entities. Instead, it was designed to fight something stronger than itself.

It was also made for consecutive combo attacks. As long as he used all the skills at the proper timing, he believed he could defeat any monsters that were stronger than him. Maybe he could even defeat something that was above the Gold Rank as well.

He was certain that he could defeat a weaker Platinum Rank, but it was still uncertain since it had not been proven yet.

[You have killed Guragaan]

[+3,900 EXP]