
Reincarnated as the Demon King's Sonchapter 162: spirit weapon

The next day, Aldred woke up not with 2 women in bed, but all 7 women in bed. Mary, Mira, Mareona, Sophia, Ivette, Zafrina, and Stella all were under his blanket. Mary and Mira were even on top of him. Aldred was in his adult form currently, so they could hug him comfortably.

The six of them woke up and smiled at him before greeting him good morning. Aldred kissed them one by one. He treated them like they were his wives. And yes, he did consider them to be his wives, although they hadn't done any kind of ceremony yet. That could be done later though.

After a few minutes of lovey dovey, they went out of the room greeted with a fragrant smell of well-done steak. Bartrem was grilling a bunch of meats helped by the soldiers. He got a bunch of spices container on his waist, and he didn't even take a glance as he masterfully took the container, seasoned the meat, and put it in its place again.

He flipped the meat and slapped it a few times.

"What do we have today, Bartrem?"

"Today is going to be a burger made out of soft bun and fish from Ermontryon."

"I never had a seafood burger before."

"Well, it's softer and easier to chew than a steak and other meat. I figure you guys would be bored with steak, so we'll try this instead."

"I am fine with tasting new things," Aldred said. "After all, that's part of the adventure; trying new things."

Bartrem smiled. "Wait for a moment till the burger is done."

"Take your time, Bartrem." Aldred sat down on a chair-shaped tree along with his 7 women. Ivette was on his lap, hugging him. She was a bit clingy today, though he did not mind it at all.

"Did you guys go shopping?" Aldred asked.

"Yes, we did. Zafrina brought us to a lot of different stores," Mareona said. "The clothes are so beautiful."

"Why didn't you buy them?"

"We're soldiers, Aldred. We don't have time to look pretty."

Aldred blinked. 'You guys are literally the definition of Hot Girls… how could you say you don't have time to look pretty.'

Well, what Mareona said had some truth to it. Their appearance was the result of their natural beauty and training. They did not use make up or beautiful clothes. And yet they still looked so pretty.

"Mareona. You look beautiful as you are. You don't need powder on your face for that."

Mareona blushed and looked away. "Since when did you know how to complement someone."

"You talk like I never praise your beauty."

"You never did."

"I did. In my brain." He didn't mention that he also imagined some snu snu X-rated scene of her inside his mind.


"Aldred, did you capture criminals with maverick yesterday?"

Aldred nodded. "These guys are the most vicious and evil type of people I have ever seen. I won't describe it too much, but they won't show any mercy to harmless females and children. Homicide, extortion, ****, kidnapping. These guys are animals."

"Did you kill a lot of them?"

"Can't expect God to do all the work. Lord Aleron is currently interrogating them. I already used my skills to ask them some questions. They know nothing. I am not sure what Lord Aleron will find."

"My father has a lot of ways to obtain information," Zafrina said. "Even if the person itself doesn't know, he could peer into their memory, track the place down, and cast a spell that could help in finding out the real perpetrator."


"Nobles will never dirty their own hands. This is why this spell is developed and it makes nobles more controlled of their behavior."

"What kind of spell is that?"

"This spell cannot be done by a normal magician. Only a non-elemental magician with a special treasure can do this. Unless… Unless you are a time magician which is simply a legend in this continent."

"They do not exist?"

"Not that I know of. Anyway, why are you still wearing that long sword on your back?"

"This is not ordinary long sword. It's alive. It has a soul you see."

"A soul?"

Stella frowned. "Spirit weapon?"

"You know something about this weapon, Stella?"

Stella noddedd. "Long ago when the first intelligent creature sailed to this continent, I saw one of them bring a spirit weapon with them. I fought him and won, and then he told me about his weapon. It was said that the weapon will choose its master, and it will grow stronger alongside them. I also heard that only with this type of weapon could someone reach the main continent."

"Seriously? Is it that powerful? I mean I know it could reduce someone's rank from Gold to Silver, but I didn't know it was that powerful."

"What did you say?" Stella asked. "This sword can reduce the power of your enemy?"

"Yes, I fought the criminals as practice. I could kill them instantly, but I used them as training targets and yes their strength was reduced to Silver Rank from Gold Rank."

"The man I told you said that some spirit weapon might have different power, and some are rarer than the others. Some could cut the souls of a limb, rendering them useless even if healed, some could give great strength to its user, or unique magic power. But that sword is different. It can reduce someone's rank… it might be one of the rarest spirit swords that ever existed in the whole world. But my information cannot be trusted as I have only visited a few continents before, and not all of them have spirit weapons. At least, from what I know."

Aldreed nodded. "Those who have spirit weapons might be in hiding, afraid that people will hunt them for their weapon. After all, this sword is too strong and valuable. I cannot believe Maverick gave it to me."

"Maverick did that?"

"He said that he couldn't use it. Seems like the sword did not choose him."

Stella nodded. "They can be a little picky. You're lucky you got a good spirit sword, Aldred."

She did not say that the sword was also lucky finding Aldred. The both of them were a perfect match!