
When they arrived at the gate of the city, Aldred jumped off Xer Xai and told her to vanish. The guard bowed to them and let them enter the city.

Aldred was always amazed at how wonderful this city was. For a fantasy medieval world, this city has done very well in city designing as it had easy access for merchants to park, and wide roads for them to travel.

The sight was amazing too. All the buildings and the streets were clean. With trees, and wooden poles which hanged upon a mana crystals that light up the city at night.

It was wondrous indeed.

"I cannot help but keep praising your dad for making this city so beautiful."

Maverick laughed. "You're not the first one. My father worked and still works really hard to achieve this."

Aldred nodded and continued walking on the side walk as carriages passed him.

Soon after, they arrived at the mansion's garden. They were told to wait here for Lord Aleron to come. And Renwick was already there smiling as dozens of his guards currently overseeing the thousands of criminals he caught. They were battered terribly with wounds all over their body.

Renwick raised an eyebrow when he saw Maverick did not bring anyone. "What is this, Maverick? Are you too scared to stain your hand? I see no bandits or criminals in sight."

"It doesn't concern you, Renwick."

"Of course it does. After all, how could I tell father that I am much better if you don't even try to compete."

"Your head grows bigger as time passes."

"I grow smarter as well."

Maverick snorted.

Aldred held his shoulder. "Let him be. We will show him our work later."

After waiting for a few minutes, Lord Aleron and his guards arrived at the garden.

"Father. I have captured 12,556 bandits and criminals running around our region. These people are vicious and evil, but I captured them with ease. In contrast, Maverick doesn't seem to do anything." Renwick grinned.

Lord Aleron put his gaze on Maverick.

"Excuse me, father. The bandits we captured are not here."

"Lies! If you did capture some bandits, you would have brought them here. You must be too embarrassed to capture too little so you hid them to cover the fact."

"Maverick, where are the bandits?" Aleron asked.

Maverick looked at Aldred and nodded.

Aldred turned around and waved his hand, suddenly, tens of thousands bandits appeared on the expansive garden. He also summoned the ones he turned into undead, and told them to morph into their real form.

Maverick smiled. "I have captured more than 40,000 bandits, ritualist, and criminals. I also destroyed their secret bases that they make right under our land. They have been dealing with dangerous drugs, and even extortion or kidnap innocent people in our region. The atrocity they did is unforgivable."

"Not only that. I have captured the leaders of a large base from Wildlings Gang. The most dangerous gang in the continent."

Renwick stared with widened eyes as Maverick listed out all the things he had done.

Lord Aleron glanced at the two of them. There was no praise in his eyes. In fact, if one looked closely they might notice a tinge of sadness within.

"Well done," he said expressionlessly. "Both of you."

Although their father praised the both of them, Renwick looked down in shame and defeat. It was obvious who did better.

"Leave the criminals here. My men will interrogate them. Both of you are dismissed."

Aldred, Maverick, and Renwick left the garden. Renwick left immediately, not even looking at Maverick.

"Let's go back to the courtyard," Aldred said. "I wonder if the others are having fun."

They walked to the courtyard, passing many maids on the way.

The soldiers were playing soccer with each other. Some went for sparring while Bartrem was reading a cook book.

When he saw Aldred, he put down his book and asked: "Took you guys long enough. What did you do anyway?"

"Captured criminals."

"How many did you get?"

"Around 40,000."

Bartrem's jaw fell. "40,000 in a single day?" He sighed. "I shouldn't be surprised. It would be weird if you don't get that number with your skill and power."

Then he noticed Aldred was in his adult form with a long sword on his back.

"Is that a new sword?"

Aldred nodded. "Maverick gave it to me and I fell in love with it instantly. Anyway, where is Mira and the others?"

"They're inside your room."

"Go to them," Maverick said. "I will visit my father to see what he found out."


Maverick left, and Aldred walked to his room. When he opened the door, the girls were currently changing their clothes.

"Aldred, you pervert!" Mareona pulled his head to the ground before quickly closing the door.

Ivette blushed when she realized that Aldred saw her naked body. Stella simply smiled as she didn't even try to cover herself.

Aldred stood up, rubbing his nose in pain. "Can you be a little softer? I almost broke my nose."

"Oh, I wish you broke your nose. Humph!" Mareona put her arms akimbo.

Stella then walked to him and hugged him, caressing his head. "Now, don't be too harsh on him. He just finished his heroic job. Capturing criminals from this region. 40,000 is a lot of people."

"How did you know?" Aldred asked.

She giggled and kissed him. "I am a magician."

Aldred raised an eyebrow.

"Now, don't think too much about it. Why don't we have 'fun' right now. You look so handsome and hot in your adult form. I cannot wait for you to turn into a real adult."

She wrapped her hands around his neck, pressing her big bosom onto his chest. "Do you want to have fun with me?"

Aldred smiled and shrugged. "Why not. If there's a hole, there's a goal."

Mareona hit his head.

"Ouch. I did nothing wrong."


"Alright. We're all going to have fun tonight." He glanced at each of them. They all smiled at him except Stella and Ivette who were blushing.

Stella had that naughty blush on her while Ivette was embarassed although she would like to do it as well. 'Brother, please pray for me.'

Meanwhile, Raff was sitting on a wooden chair, and then he prayed. "I hope you can bear some babies, sister."

Ivette would kill him if she heard that.