
Within the cells of the Angel Clan dungeon, a petite woman sat in a corner with her knees drawn to her chest. Despite the pungent smell and disgusting floor, she seemed to still be without blemish. It was as though there was a halo of energy around her keeping her without blemish.

However, that energy couldn't stop the tears that were still streaming down her delicate cheeks. All she could think about was the cold glance and heartless words her supposed husband had thrown at her before tossing her away like trash.

"Am I supposed to pity you?" A cold voice suddenly tore through the quiet atmosphere causing Luna's trembling shoulder to freeze. But, she didn't dare to look up. How could she have the courage to meet the owner of this voice right now?

Seeing that she didn't answer, the voice continued. "Since it's been two days now, and the evacuation is complete, it's time that I question you." The voice continued indifferently as though even spending time ridiculing Luna was beneath them. "Answer quickly and honestly. The Angel Clan doesn't take kindly to traitors. The only reason you haven't been punished yet is because our King has yet to return. Don't make the punishment worse than it already is."

This voice obviously belonged to Amphorae. She hadn't confronted Luna all this time because she not only disdained to, but she though that it would be more appropriate if Dyon did so. However, with her husband having still not returned, the information Luna likely knew was much too important to ignore any longer. There were only a little over two days left now until the Moon Clan stormed them, so in order to deal with the possibility of Dyon not being able to make it back in time, Amphorae had no choice.

She furrowed her eyebrows earlier when she walked in after seeing just how many chains were around Luna, but she said nothing. The clan had used their best dao formation cuffs, but according to the Ministers, none of them knew was Luna's cultivation was.

Amphorae had never heard of such a thing. Was Luna really so powerful? Powerful to the point of being able to hide her cultivation from such experts?

Thinking to this point, Amphorae had no choice but to take a more cautious approach. So, she immediately ordered for them to use their best restricting treasures, not holding anything back.

"What is the Moon Clan's purpose?" Amphorae started with a simple question. If need be, she had already steeled herself to torture Luna. For a woman she hated, it only made it easier.

Surprisingly, Luna answered without hesitation. Even with her streaking tears, her voice was incomparably calm, holding a deep loneliness within…

"To steal the source of your spiritual vein."

Amphorae frowned. She was half surprised and half worried. But, she suppressed it for now.


"It's the only energy source capable of extracting my primordial yin safely."

Amphorae's frown deepened. How could Luna still have her primordial yin? Hadn't her husband taken it on their wedding night?

What Amphorae didn't know was that Dyon hadn't touched Luna only just a couple days ago. She also didn't know that despite Luna's words, he had successfully taken it. But, for now, she could only guess that this had some special reason… Likely the same reason even dao formation experts couldn't see this woman's cultivation.

"How did they find out about our energy source?"

"The spiritual vein in your clan, although you've isolated it, has grown far too large. It even wraps around the core of Planet Haven. No formation is enough to protect such a gargantuan vein. It was noticed the moment those experts came to this planet 30 years ago."

When Amphorae heard this, she frowned. So, it really wasn't Luna who sold them out? For some reason, she didn't believe that anything she was hearing was a lie.

"What does this have to do with you marrying my husband?"

"Nothing. He won a universe tournament 30 years ago without knowing that the prize was my hand in marriage. He took responsibility for his mistake by taking me as his wife and defying my father."

Amphorae was stunned. This was the first time she was hearing this story. In her life, she had never stepped foot outside of the Angel Clan, so she had no idea this had transpired. In truth, among those she knew, only Dyon and Veles had been there, aside from Luna, of course.

But… If they met this way…

"Then?...." Amphorae couldn't bring herself to finish the question. She had come here for the sake of the clan, yet she was embarrassingly asking a question for the sake of her personal heart demons.

"Then why did he fall in love with me? That's what you want to ask, isn't it?" Luna laughed a self-deprecating laugh. It was filled with so much anger, helplessness, remorsefulness and shame that even Amphorae, who hated this woman to the depths of her soul, couldn't help but feel a tinge of pity.

"You will always be the woman he loves most in this world." Luna said, her voice croaking for the first time. "I only used petty tricks and underhanded means to make him fall for me. His affections are nothing more than a spell he's been under for the last 30 years."

Amphorae was stunned. A mixture of anger and resentment flashed through her face. Luna hadn't said much, but how much more did she need to understand? All of these years she had spent thinking she wasn't good enough, that she had no choice but to temper her feelings… That she just didn't have a right to love in this lifetime… It was all because of this woman before her?!

After moments passed, Amphorae finally managed to suppress her emotions. Now was not the time to vent her frustrations, nor was it the time to set off on a revenge war path. However, what this did do was elevate Dyon's position in her heart to a point where no one could contest it. This was especially so after Luna explained further without any prompting.

The man she loved had never abandoned her. In fact, he had somehow fought back through all these years, racked with endless guilt before finally making his way back to her. When Amphorae learned that Dyon had never even touched Luna until a day or so ago, it was like all of her resentment from the past decades were washed away.

The human heart was complex. No matter how much someone loves another, it was often times impossible to remove shadows that weighed on it. Although Dyon had gained Amphorae's forgiveness, it was impossible for him to remove the bitterness she felt in her heart in a short time. There was even a strong possibility that she would always feel that inferiority for the rest of her life.

Before Amphorae knew all of this, she had felt gratified that Dyon had come back to her, but in the back of her mind, she thought that he had only done so for the sake of the clan. After so many years of neglecting the Imperial Concubines, the inner strife of the Angel Clan had reached an unprecedented level. Amphorae couldn't help but feel like a tool for Dyon to grasp hold of the clan's morale again…

However, now she knew that none of this was ever her husband's choice. His heart was simply too warm and he trusted the wrong people… And yet, he had somehow fought through all of that and grasped a hold of his mind again.

As for Dyon taking Luna's virginity, she didn't care. In fact, in Amphorae's mind, it was good that this woman before her had suffered a loss of something. Wouldn't it have been too much of a joke if she spent all these years leading her husband by the nose, yet kept her purity? Amphorae even had the mind to throw her to the military brigs and let the army have their way with her. If it wasn't for her former status as Dyon's woman, Amphorae wouldn't have hesitated.

It wasn't that Amphorae couldn't see that Luna was remorseful, but she couldn't be sure. This woman had managed to trick them all for 30 years and had just now practically sentenced their Angel Clan to death!

What were they going to do about a joint attack between the Moon and Viserion Clans? The Moon Clan was a Royal God Clan who had three other God Clans under their rule. And that wasn't even mentioning the backing of the Ahpuch clan! In fact, there was no guarantee that the main Viserion branch wouldn't get involved considering it was their hallowed technique that was stolen! The only saving grace for the latter matter was that Amphorae was familiar with Veles and knew he was much too prideful to do such a thing. Which almost made her wonder why it was he had set that pride down to attack with the Moon Clan….

'Maybe he won't?...' Amphorae's brow furrowed. She hadn't gotten word that Veles allied with the Moon Clan, but the Angel Clan information network was far too weak to intercept such important inner workings. So, Amphorae had decided to exaggerate and take into account all worst case scenarios because it was only like this that she would manage to overcome this shortcoming. But, she just now realized that if she accounted for the Moon-Viserion alliance, she should also account for the possibility of the main Viserion Clan getting involved.

However, she immediately dismissed the idea. While the Ahpuch clan was involved, it was only to the extent that their first prince and his guards were here. It was as though the Ahpuch clan had washed their hands of this.

Since this was the case, there was a reason… And it was likely that that reason also bound the Viserions since the two Emperor God Clans were in an alliance.

The more Amphorae thought about it, the more her emotions settled. While the Viserion branch clan attacking was a bit unexpected and worrisome, it had its advantages. The warriors of the Angel Clan were quite familiar with the Viserion warriors. Also, the Viserion battle form had a major time restriction that could also be taken advantage of. Not all of them were like their King who could practically spend an entire day and night in his second battle form. But, even Veles could only use his third battle form for at most half an hour.

Amphorae inadvertently began to pace as she melded the new information she was gathering with her husband's laid out plans. The more she did so, the more in awe of Dyon she became. It was as though every question she asked already had its answer…

The only problem was that if Dyon didn't get back before the battle began, their ultimate trump card would be unusable.