
Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal Godchapter 621: and then...

Ire's frown deepened, his brows furrowing and his lips pressing into a thin line. He hated how unprepared they were for everything. This should have been a war that they were constantly preparing for, and yet the Ragnors attacked at the most inopportune time.

The truth was that had the Ragnors gone through with their initial plan of waiting in ambush at the Belmont Holy Lands, they would have had far less success than what they had now. There were simply too many things for the Belmonts and their allies to handle now.

The blinding red light only seemed to increase with intensity. Those who were conscious of what was going on began to feel an odd pulling force on their blood. It was more of an irritant, and was easily fought off, but it left many of them with an uneasy feeling…

And then, it happened…

Pillars of red light beamed downward from the formation. A panicked cry came out from the allied forces as they tried to fight these beams off, but they suddenly noticed that they weren't being attacked at all!

Every single one of the thousands of beams that from the sky… Landed directly onto a corpse!

Confusion colored the faces of those around. However, the pointed response by the Ragnors to the situation let everyone know that the situation wasn't as simple as it seemed.

Array plate after array plate was crushed. In an instant, tens of thousands of Ragnors were perfectly coated in a thin sheet of red aura that smelt faintly of blood.

The hairs on Ire's neck stood up as an ill premonition flashed through his mind. "RETREAT!" He roared at the top of his lungs, using his saint energy to project his voice as far as it would go.

However, why would the Ragnors allow such a thing to happen so easily? If the Pakals turned their backs to them, they would simply slaughter them in pursuit!

The Pakals fell into chaos. Half wanted to follow the orders of their young master, but the other half couldn't understand the need for it. They didn't have the senses of Ire, and they let their anger get the best of them when they noticed the Ragnors shamefully attacking their backs with large smirks on their faces.

How could Ire not know that this would happen? Of course, he understood, but he also knew that he had no choice! And the next moments, would prove him exactly right…

There were few more familiar with the Ipsum family will than Dyon, and he had described it as nothing more than a blood sucking leach…

When the Ipsum family crystal will evolved to an intent, it would reach the artificial supreme law levels in power… It was one of the many experimentations of the Ragnor family, and one of the very few that actually succeeded…

However, what few knew or understood was that the red crystals weren't just a will… They weren't an inanimate object left to be manipulated by martial artists… No… They were born of blood sacrifice. They were organisms that could never be satiated… They were always hungry…

This was why the Ipsum family could never afford to master more than a single will. It wasn't that they were less talented. In fact, they were likely among the most talented for having succeeded in mastering this malevolent crystal will to begin with. It was that if they didn't focus their entire being – their absolute everything – into controlling this will… They would be devoured…

The beams of red light increased in intensity as they began to bore into the dead… Grotesque squirms of their skin and boils filled with blood seemed to bubble the corpses to life.

Soon, fallen allies, both Pakal, Ragnor, and Elvin, began to rise up.

There was no intelligence in their eyes… In fact, all anyone saw was an endless abyss of darkness that over-split with crimson waters…

The once dead, and now undead, stood awkwardly to their feet, some falling over in their first attempt before having to try again…

When Ire saw that the Ragnors were using their fallen comrades, his anger boiled as his the pain in his chest threatened to tear in heart from his chest. How long had he hated the Ragnors and their despicable means? How long had he watched them continuously ignore the line was common human decency to step into another level of abyssal hell? And now he was watching it unfold, yet again, before his very eyes…

His anger told him to charge forward. To put everything on the line to kill them all once and for all… But, his rationality told him that this just didn't make sense… He knew that it wasn't smart to attack.

Gritting his teeth, Ire repeated his order. "Retreat!"

However, just how many Pakals would listen? Seeing their friends and family, those they had just mourned the loss of, rise up to be used by a scumbag family… How could they stand for this?

Many lost their heads, charging blindly in a fit of rage.

There was nothing Ire could do. Without his father here, there was no one of absolute authority. Maybe if the martial world was more organized, maybe if they were more prepared, they could have avoided all of this…

The Pakals who lost themselves in rage relentlessly pushed forward, hacking down and punching through every Ragnor they found… But… That only lasted until they finally ran into the first line of undead…

All it took was a simple grip… And then two… And then three…

Screams of horror and agony rang out from Pakals who drowned under the embrace of their undead family members…

The blood leeching will spread, digging into the scream of the screaming Pakals and tunneling its way to their souls….

Just like what happened to Dyon, everything slowed down for them… They couldn't use their wills… they couldn't speak… they couldn't see… Soon… Everything was dark… And then… They were dead…