
?2017 The Time

"This, well…" The elder pondered for a moment as though trying to remember. "… Between every Era, there is a transition period. A new pinnacle race isn't built in a day, after all. However, the transition period between the Primordial and Golden Eras was decidedly long. Very long.

"As you might already know, the transition between the Chaos and Primordial Eras was exceedingly fast. This was because it was the Angels themselves that defeated the Titans, so they had already existed.

"However, things were different for us. The Angels slowly and steadily declined, leading to a chaotic period of countless wars vying for supremacy.

"At the time, our two races were a simple human tribe. We did control a few quadrants, but we could only be considered to be middle of the pack, only being a 6th Level Planet Grade Empire."

Dyon's lips twitched slightly.

That was considered middle of the pack? That must mean there were super Empires that controlled thousands of quadrants back then. That was the only way to reach the star grade… One must control 1000 quadrants to reach that level. As for the 6th Level Planet Grade, that controlled 600 quadrants.

That alone was a level above the Nephilim Alliance. But they were actually one Clan!

"Back then, since there had only been two Eras before, the people of that time called it the Warring Era. It wasn't yet set in stone that an Era would be defined by its pinnacle human race, so it was a title everyone accepted.

"This chaos was part of the reason for the rise of the Dark Phoenixes. They swept up so much power in that time that many believed this new Era would be ruled by beasts and not humans.

"It wasn't as though this hadn't happened before. Before the Chaos Era, beasts were the overlords of our mortal plane. This was something many often forgot…

"But that was when a drastic change occurred. There was the sudden rise of the Jafari Clan."

Dyon's pupils constricted.

He remembered his grand teacher saying that he knew nothing of the second trial because he was only born after the Primordial Era. But, he also said that he wasn't part of the Golden Era either, and could only be considered to have existed in between them.

It was only now Dyon truly understood what his grand teacher meant. The Jafari Clan had actually risen to power during the little spoken about Warring Era!

"The Jafari Clan mastered spatial and time will in ways no one had ever done before. In the past, use of wills wasn't so sophisticated. Many viewed wills as simple power boosts and always developed them along that path. It wasn't until the Warring and Golden Eras that cultivators began to comprehend their wills with their own unique finesse and flair as the Jafari Clan did.

"Due to them, the humans once more gained equal footing with beasts. It was then that many began to think that many a new pinnacle race was appearing.

"However everything changed after their Origin Ancestor transcended. For some reason, the name of such a powerful man was lost in history, and his Clan quickly followed suit."

These words once more caused a bomb to go off in Dyon's mind.

What if it wasn't that no one had ever built an Emperor God Clan in a single lifetime before, but rather that no one remember them doing so?

Abraxus' name was expunged from history because he managed to perfect his mortal body before transcending! That must be it!

"We became very lucky as a result of this and managed to lay our hands on the favorite treasure of Jafari Clan. This allowed us some extra strength, but we were forced to hide it. After all, the Jafari Clan treasure was something even those Star Grade Empire powerhouses coveted. So, even though we lay hands on it, it was something we kept hidden and would only use in the most dire of circumstances.

"Like this, the Warring Era continued without a clear victor. We even suffered quite a bit, almost falling to the 5th Level Planet Grade several times.

"It was then that a drastic change occurred. Much like the Origin Ancestor of the Jafari Clan, this man's name was lost in time… We only know him as the only man the Holy Goddess ever loved…"

Dyon frown deepened. They didn't know this man's name, but they knew this Holy Goddess… Doesn't that mean the Holy Goddess either failed to transcend or formed a Faith Seed in the end?

"His meteoric rise was even fiercer than the Jafari Origin Ancestor. With his own strength, he forced countless to fear him. If it wasn't because he was completely uninterested in forming a Clan, many believed he may have become the first to unite the mortal plane as one.

"Instead, he arrogantly faced those who wielded Faith with disdain. In fact, he considered it to be a handicap his opponents needed…

"For whatever reason, the transcendence of this arrogant Ancestor was far more shocking than anything the mortal plane had every witnessed before, even the Ancestor himself was shocked and confused by what was happening.

"Due to the enemies he had created due to his arrogance, many had come to assault him as he climbed his Heaven's Staircase."

Dyon nodded silently. Unlike other tribulations, the final one of the mortal plane allowed others to interfere as they pleased. This was what Orcus blamed for his injured foundation. As a result of the attacks he faced, he was forever unable to transcend in his lifetime. He had no choice in the end but to seal himself and wait for another opportunity.

"The arrogant Ancestor boldly climbed his steps, shattering the attempts of his enemies to thwart his path, but the further he climbed, the stronger the trembling of the mortal plane became.

"Eventually, many thought that the mortal plane itself would collapse. There wasn't a single corner of that was unaffected. During those years he challenge his 9999 steps, countless universes collapsed in on themselves. The death toll was unimaginable."

'Months?' Dyon's eyes widened. The ascension of his wives took days at most. But this Ancestor's took years?