
?1998 Ragdoll

Dyon bled red, but the movement of his eyes, or rather, eye, was incredibly rapid. As he circulated his Silver Mirror Constitution to its absolute peak using Bold Type Qi, he forced himself to take everything in, only now realizing that maybe the loss of his left eye was more troubling that he originally assumed.

'This is it… This is it…'

If those below could hear Dyon's thoughts, they'd think he was a fool. In one moment, he was a man who could stand toe to toe with two Ancestor level characters, and in the next, he became a beaten ragdoll.

There was nothing Dyon's right eye missed. Even though he was blind to his left side, the truth was that his right eye was no longer normal.

In an average person, one's periphery was exceptionally limited. This was true even for cultivators. After all, this is a limitation of design and not something that cultivating can change. However, Dyon's singular eye was different.

If his straight forward line of sight was considered 0 degrees, he could see to the right 150 degrees. To the left, he could see 90 degrees, a measure that would be even more if it wasn't for the obstruction of his own nose.

In addition to this, if he shifted his pupils its furthest distance to the right, he could make up this final 30 degree span to see a full 180 degrees to his back

While others had their vision blur past a narrow focal point, he could see clearly in this 270 degree span. Unfortunately, this was still too limiting.

With the experience of the two Ancestors, they immediately realized that Dyon was reacting far slower to attacks that came to his left. In some cases, he wouldn't notice them at all, causing him to be inflicted with a barrage of injuries that painted a picture of crimson on just a single side of his body.

But even with the situation being as such, Dyon's eyes, or rather, eye, was glowing brighter and brighter. Of course, this was not a tangible brightness, but rather an allegory for Dyon's own excitement.

The Ancestors seemed to realize that this counterattack of theirs wasn't dampening Dyon's spirits. In the end, this ironically made them the more anxious side as they sought to end it all quickly.

'So this is what I've been missing out on…'

The rapid flickering of Dyon's eyes accelerated as he allowed his halo to fade.

'I've been relying on my Immortal Sense so much that I've missed what's right in front of me.'

Dyon already found Hell's Right Eye to be amazing. To have the ability to freely fold and unfold space as he pleased, even travelling between universes, something that was an inconvenience to everyone, suddenly became leisurely to him.

However, he could have never expected that he had merely touched its surface.

Dyon had always thought it was best to not trust his eyesight. In a way, he was correct. Eyes could easily be deceived, but Divine and Immortal Sense had ways of peering into the truth of matters.

Still, he had been far too extreme in his views. This problem became even more glaring after he gained one of the most sought after pupils in all of existence.

Not only did Hell's Right Eye have the ability to fold and shrink space, but it was incredibly sensitive to its fluctuations, far more sensitive than even Dyon's own Immortal Sense. In fact, while Dyon's Immortal Sense didn't have the ability to peer past a universe barrier yet, Hell's Right Eye actually could!

All of a sudden, reading the shattering of the void that allowed the two Ancestors to change the laws of physics as they pleased became easier and easier.

When Dyon reached a certain point, he retracted his halo entirely, abandoning his soul completely. He felt like it was still distracting him, stopping him from reaching an even higher level. He could feel it, that breaking point… It was right there!

An overwhelming presence broke free from Dyon's body. The momentum was so fierce that the two Ancestors were pushed back by the invisible force uncontrollably.

"Tsk." Dyon turned his head back to watch his vajra body tear the Immortal Blood Gong array apart.

The nine Dragon Pillars cracked and crumbled as its weighty presence made itself known.

The illusory array over Dyon's left eye suddenly shattered, revealing his closed eyelid leaking with blood below.

Dyon obviously hadn't been taking this fight very seriously. His true opponent had long since stopped being those of the mortal plane. His only thoughts were of defeating The Entity. But in order to do so, he needed to temper himself to the extreme, which was why he mostly used his qi and body in this battle.

Unfortunately, now that his vajra body had appeared outside of his own wishes, fighting under the same circumstances would be difficult. Though he didn't know how powerful his vajra body was… he could vaguely sense that defeating these two Ancestors wouldn't be a problem with it by his side.

The trouble was that he could also feel a strong suppression lingering over his vajra body. Remembering the warning of the Dragon King, he of course understood… His manifestation was something that shouldn't appear on the mortal plane, it was being fiercely rejected. If he went too overboard with an attack, he would face severe backlash far beyond a mere tribulation.

'It's fine. The fact it appeared this time definitely means I've made a breakthrough… It seems this eye is related to Perception in some way… It's no wonder I've never activated it in all this time despite it being the first of my six halos to awaken…'

Despite knowing this, Dyon didn't dare to use it too much. Even though he no longer had a left eye, wielding this enigmatic pupil still put great stress on the tissues in his empty eye socket. He felt a surging power that was eager to find an outlet, but there was none provided.