
A delicate roar left her lips as a blinding beam shot forth from her manifestation, piercing skull of the looming beast and causing it to collapse in a pile of its own filth.

Jade floated down from the skies, her breathing heavy. The heaving of her chest was truly a sight to behold, especially how beads of glistening sweat seemed to disappear into their deep ravine, never to be seen again.

"It's still a bit crude, but I believe that you've comprehended at least the foundation, now." Rose said with a slight hint of approval in her voice.

Jade smiled lightly, wiping the sweat from her delicate brow.

When Rose had told her there was a way to fix the weaknesses of her Eostre Clan's manifestation, she hadn't believed it. She had resigned herself to never use it again and was more than hesitant to follow Rose's instructions.

Although her soul had been healed by the yin half of the soul kernel, there was no guarantee it wouldn't be harmed again. If that happened, it wasn't as though there was another soul kernel that could heal her again.

But, the reality was right before her. The looming shadow of her manifestation had been wiped away.

"Just where did you find such a marvelous solution, master?"

There was a complex light in Rose's eye when she heard Jade call her as such, but she could only quickly hide it in the end.

"I received it from my own master." Rose said lightly.

In truth, this solution came from Dyon and it was Jade's former self that perfected it. However, Rose still had a keen dislike for Dyon and had no intention of praising him in any sort of capacity, even if she had to lie.

Though, in her opinion, this wasn't much of a lie. After all, it was Jade that completed the path herself even if it was Dyon who set her on it to begin with.

"Master, the Ancient Battlefield is descending soon… Shouldn't we return?"

"Return to what exactly? Do you think that boy can protect you better than I can?"

If Dyon was here, he'd likely sputter with laughter. Since when had Rose, who was more than a decade younger than him, start calling him 'boy'? It seems she had really gotten into character when she took the role of Jade's master.

"That's even more reason to return." Jade said through gritted teeth.

Of the two of them, she wanted to return the least. She didn't want to have to face Dyon after all the things she had done. However, she wanted even less to let Dyon suffer. Her master had the strength of a Higher Existence. If Dyon didn't have such strength to rely on when the battlefield descended, wouldn't he be as good as dead? She couldn't allow that.

"We won't be returning." Rose's brow furrowed. "End of discussion!"


Junior sat in silence looking off and into the distance.

One would think that in such a situation, he would be observing some serene atmosphere. Maybe watching some dark ocean waves or the twinkling night sky… But this wasn't the case at all. In fact, Junior was watching quite the bloody scene.

Several Embryonic Infernal Beasts savagely fought each other, ripping out the throats of their opponents with sharp, flesh filled teeth.

Blood and carnage filled the dark space, a dark red fog filled with shining stars in the distance as their backdrop.

Still, even with all of these savage beasts around, and even with Junior not lifting a finger to hide his presence, none of the beasts dared to approach him. In fact, they shivered in fear just at the sight of him.

If others saw this scene, confusion would color their features.

Normal beasts had instincts that made them avoid stronger opponents, this was part of the nature that separated those of the human and beast path. However, this instinct was greatly dulled in Embryonic Infernal Beasts who had extremely low intelligence.

If this wasn't enough to confuse you, there was something even more odd about this atmosphere. These Embryonic Infernal Beasts, currently in the process of fighting to the death with one another, were actually all several times more powerful than Junior! In fact, if even a single one of them, even in their greatly injured states, turned to face Junior, a single breath would be enough to eradicate his body.

However, even with all of these things being true, the beasts didn't dare to approach Junior…

Suddenly, Junior's expressionless features brightened.

"Wife! You've come." He beamed brightly, turning his head to watch Lilith's nervous but gorgeous figure slowly float down toward him.


Hearing these words, Lilith, who had been shaking slightly looking toward the beasts in the distance, suddenly had her emotions overcome with a wave of anger.

"This is what you call the union of husband and wife? All that bloviating about how much you wanted me, and you turn out to be a eunuch?"

Even Lilith couldn't figure out why she was angry. She had agreed to this marriage in a moment of vulnerability… Not that she felt she had much of a choice to begin with… But, at the very least, she could have stalled like she had with Sokzac in the past, dragging things out. However, she hadn't this time, likely in some attempt to get that man back.

What a joke that was. In the end, wasn't it that man's idea to marry her to his son anyway? How exactly was she getting him back by doing the very thing he proposed in the first place? She really couldn't understand her own actions…

So, she lashed out. Whenever she saw Junior, she dumped all of her emotions onto him.

However, there was that smile again. That irritating smile she wanted to tear apart with her bare hands.

Whenever she lashed out like this, he'd always return that smile to her. It was filled with love and understanding, as though he'd take whatever she dished out without complaint. It was the kind of smile she could rely on, the kind that was unconditional…

So why did she hate it so much?