
So why was it that Dyon had five of them?!

This wasn't the only treasure Dyon had from the Immortal Plane that shouldn't have appeared here either. Another example was the Sage Tower. Yet another example of the [Dao of Array Alchemy]. Even further than that there was the [One Above All] technique that he had come here to retrieve in the first place.

Just what happened to cause so many treasures of the Immortal Plane to fall here?

Was it because of The Entity? Did its descent cause such impossible things to become more possible? But even then, it couldn't be that the owners of the Treasure of the 33 Heavens were actually so incompetent?


Dyon shook his head. 'Thinking about these things are useless. I need to figure out what to do here.'

"Little Yin, Little Yang… What do you know about Realms?"

'The Laws of the Immortal Plane are different from the Mortal Plane. Space is sturdier, substances are far harder than they should be simply by virtue of existing on that place, and there are all sorts of others oddities that are difficult to explain if you don't experience them yourself.

'However, one undeniable true is that every World on the Immortal Plane has a different set of rules. Realms are often created with a World of the Immortal Plane as a template. Essentially, entering this Realm is the equivalent of entering a World of the Immortal Plane.'

Dyon's heart felt conflicted as he listened to their explanation.

"This… Shouldn't this be a good thing, then?"

'Well… Yes and no.' Little Yang responded. 'Do you know what they call people like you on the Immortal Plane?'

Dyon frowned, not liking that line of questioning.

'They call you Impures. Well, some might use harsher words. Scum, infestations, low born, trash, cockroaches –."

"Alright, alright. I get it."

Little Yin giggled. 'There's a reason Higher Existences shed their bodies to Transcend and leave it behind in the form of their Faith Seeds. Living on the Immortal Plane with a mortal body is like living in hell. It's not just because of the discrimination, but because it's quite literally like living with a debilitating disease.

'Some poor souls, even when born on the Immortal Plane, will leave their mother's womb with mortal bodies. Those who are luckier are born directly with Immortal Bodies, some with the greatest lineages are born with higher grade Immortal Bodies.

'But, even those born with the lowest grade Immortal Bodies are so powerful from birth that even a newborn could kill the current you if they cried too hard.

'Simply put… even with this Realm right before you, a space that incomparably valuable even on the Immortal Plane, you can only look at it.

'Essentially, even if you could sell this Realm for an exorbitant price only a few margins lesser than an Ethereal Grade Weapon on the Immortal Plane, it's nothing but a torture device to the current you.'

Dyon's gaze turned cold. He didn't bother to listen anymore as he took a step forward, vanishing in the orb.

It wasn't even a second, not even a split second, after entering that Dyon felt his entire body reject him. No… It was more like the world itself was rejecting him, like he was an impure existence that didn't deserve to live.

Just breathing felt as though hot coal was rolling down his throat. His body felt as though numerous ants were gnawing beneath his skin, eroding away his muscles and organs. Even his bones suddenly felt incredibly fragile, as though they would shatter if he didn't walk gingerly enough.

The world itself was dark and heavy. Dyon could already see his destination, just a normal cabin built of surprisingly beautiful black wood, barely a hundred meters in front of him. Yet, that distance that was once nothing more than a blink of an eye to him had suddenly become an insurmountable challenge.

It wasn't just him who was struggling. Little Yin and Yang also had mortal bodies. Thankfully, they were celestial beasts, so their connection to the Heavens was closer, thus allowing the pain to be far more bearable for them, but the truth remained the same.

Shockingly enough, even Chenglei was roaring in pain. Somehow, Dyon's Inner World had been cut off from the Mortal Plane the moment he stepped foot in here. It severed its connection with the Mortal Plane and built a new one with this pseudo Immortal Plane.

"Goddammit!" Chenglei roared.

"Ha." Dyon chuckled. "Even a baby could kill me, huh?"

Despite the agonizing pain, Dyon sat completely still, his gaze steady as he stared toward the black wood cabin in the distance.

He found it funny. Yes… Funny.

On the Mortal Plane, they spent their whole lives, working up through the Foundation Stage, charging through the Celestial Stage, the Dao Stage, before eventually coming Higher Existences. After millions of years of toiling, one may finally break that final barrier and transcend… Only to have the strength equivalent to a baby born on the Immortal Plane.

It was life's greatest joke, no?

Dyon picked up Little Yin and Yang from his shoulders. Their weight, which had once been as light as a feather even to a mortal with no cultivation, had suddenly become incomparable heavy to him.

Still, he delicately stroked their fur, acclimating himself to the pain racking his body.

Dyon was used to pain. But, he found this pain to be unbearable.

The reason why was simple. The pain he suffered through in the past always made him stronger. No matter what he went through, he could be confident that in the end of it all, he would gain more strength to protect his loved ones.

But this pain was different. Dyon could tell it wasn't making him stronger. In fact, its sole purpose seemed to be to weaken him.

This wasn't just physically either, but mentally. As though it wanted Dyon to know he was inferior.

"You have a lot of nerve." Dyon sneered.