
Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal Godchapter 1773: dyon sacharro

That said, the Dyon of now couldn't afford to be thinking about such things. Though the battle for Celestial Quadrant seemed already won, there was one more worry weighing on his mind: The Sapientia.

He would be a fool if he didn't know there was something odd about their presence in this quadrant and even more foolish if he didn't take their threat seriously.

With the Pakal and Ragnor elites taken care of, it was only a matter of time before their territories were swept clean by Dyon. However, the matter of the Sapientia were completely different. To now, he still didn't know how strong the connection between the Sapientia of this quadrant and the main Sapientia Outer Power was. As such, he had to be cautious.

As he moved toward the core of Ragnor territory, he swiftly took hold of all Sapientia strongholds, controlling them tightly and ensuring there were no loopholes left behind. He needed to make certain that Connery couldn't find out about his movements ahead of time.

Not only did this impact his path toward success, but it also involved the life and death of Madeleine's former master. Though Dyon didn't care much Evelyn Sapientia, since he had promised his wife to give her a family, he would do so.

In the end, Ragnor territory was far more robust than Five Clan Beast Alliance territory. It took Dyon a full month before he managed to make his way to their core universe.

During that time, he had been forced to fight many faith wielders, an experience that painted a grim image for the future. Despite being so much weaker than him, and even without being the elites of the Ragnor Clan, these individuals still managed to survive a few exchanges before Dyon subdued them.

This reality was only made worse after one realized that since these warriors weren't elites, they only had access to a small portion of the Ragnor Clan's Faith.

Still, there was hope. Dyon hadn't used his own Faith and none were able to make him use his full power.

Finally, Odin City stood proudly before them all, a fierce formation of crackling lightning covering it completely. Those who had remained to defend Odin City looked out with solemn expressions, unable to understand just where this massive army that surrounded their planet had come from.

There was only one person who recognized the valiant leader at their vanguard all too well.

"Dyon Sacharro…" Connery's eyes narrowed.

The Federation Heads weren't the only ones who believed it was too soon for Dyon. Unfortunately for them, he had arrived right on time.

Connery almost couldn't believe his eyes.

How long had it been since he last saw this young man? Forty? Fifty years maybe? Was that enough time for such a drastic change?

When he sensed Dyon's cultivation, he trembled even fiercer. Pseudo Dao Realm from the meridian formation realm in less than half a century?

'He most definitely entered the Epistemic Tower, could he have also completed his trials in that time? Impossible!'

Connery, with his intel, was well aware of the existence of Lionel and Eve, but their cultivation was explained by Chaos Universe. One could smell the scent of infernal qi wafting from them. But, Dyon had no such qi, which meant that his power couldn't be explained by Chaos Universe.

This wasn't even the most poignant point. How could he build such an army in such a short time? Even if he was willing to accept everything to this point, how had he made it Odin City?

No matter how he racked his brain, Connery could have never imagined that the meeting of the Ragnor and Pakal Clans had been orchestrated by Dyon himself, nor could he imagine that Dyon had set the seeds for this event almost half a century ago.

Looking up at Connery, even with the Celestial Quadrant so close to falling into his hands, Dyon couldn't help but feel complex.

He obviously had no feelings of goodwill toward Connery. Since the moment they first met, they could only stand on opposite sides of the aisle.

Dyon still remembered when he first heard of the Sapientia. He was a boy, no older than thirteen years old. He still remembered the joking nature of Libro the Focus Academy librarian.

Still, even back then, Dyon had found it ridiculous. The concept that a single Clan controlled all of the martial world's information… How had people not found this to be a problem? How had people not stopped them?

Libro, Madeleine's foster uncle, was likely in this city as well considering Dyon sent them all away. Dyon wondered if he too remembered their first meeting as well as he did…

Washing the thought from his mind, Dyon's gaze didn't move from Connery. 'I'd really like to see… If you dare to still remain neutral.'

"Those of Odin City. Not only has your Lord Odin been captured by me, this planet is all that remains of your Ragnor territory. So… I will give you all a choice. You can either willingly lay your weapons down and allow us to enter the city. Or, you can raise them high and face the consequences…"

The pitiful figure of the once lofty Lord Odin appeared kneeling before the city. It wasn't just him, but the eleven Elder Fey – this time their true selves – and numerous Elder Champions were forced to kneel as well.

The impact of seeing their mightiest warriors captured like pigs couldn't be understated. Whatever morale Odin City had, maybe hoping they could hold out until the meeting of the Pakals and Ragnors ended, crumbled…

Before Dyon played this card, they had many options before them. They could rely on their ancestral formation to protect them for at least a few weeks. Then, when they no longer had a choice, they could awaken their ancestors. Odin City obviously wasn't left completely defenseless, so there were still Champions and Fey within the city with the right to call upon their slumbering Ancestors.