
Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal Godchapter 1753: beautiful sight

King Star's facial expression twisted.

"And even that would be fine… If it wasn't for the fact the outer powers are very much aware of our existence. The only they haven't split out 100 quadrants amongst themselves is twofold.

"First because that would lead to an inevitable war amongst the 5 of them and second because the Faith available within our universes is not worth their effort. In comparison to the universes and quadrants they control, we're nothing but a single drop in a vast ocean.

"So, now is as good a time to ask as any… Just why is it that the Star Clan hid such things? What are your motives? … How can we trust a Clan we know next to nothing about?"

Hearing his words returned to him, King Star's jaw tightened. It wasn't until he took a deep breath that he was able to slowly unclench.

Closing his eyes, he opened them once more to reveal irised filled with a soft calm.

"Since the Sacharro Clan has been so straight forward with their struggles, the Star Clan will be as well.

"Our Star Clan suffered great humiliation at the hands of the Sprite Alliance. Because we were located in a suspended quadrant, we were located quite a distance away from the outer powers, but were lucky enough to be relatively close to the tower quadrants.

"Back then, we sought to take advantage of the situation and eventually return the humiliation handed to us, but we never expected the tower quadrants to band together at they did. So, we were forced to take a step back.

"It is our mistake in this matter, but the martial world has always been ruled by whomever has the largest fist. Though in the past, we acted dishonorably, we hope to make amends by doing everything openly from now on."

It was an interesting turn of events indeed. Of those here, who had ever heard of a powerful Clan admitting their fault? This event inadvertently led to many gaining a better impression of the Star Clan.

In truth, even Amphorae was quite surprised. She expected to be asked to prove that they were once part of the Sprite Alliance. After all, with the Five Blade Clans as precedent for sprites existing without the Alliance, it would have been an easy argument to make. She never expected for King Star to admit things so openly.

'This Star Clan will be a troublesome enemy…' Amphorae remained calm, but her thoughts were very different.

"I believe the Federation will be much closer now that we've have these talks." Amphorae said lightly. "Shall we begin the first true parliament, then?"

Like this, the first meeting of the Mortal Plane Federation began. It seemed quite amicable, but slowly brewing conflict was obvious for anyone who looked.

In a hidden void, Apollos' immature eyes narrowed. 'Celestial Deer Sect…'


Deep within Ragnor territory, in their holy and most central city, a beautiful sight could be seen.

Roads built of energy stones, tall power buildings, and a palace at the center of it all that took up more than half of the city.

However, the place in question now was quite minimalistic in comparison to grand displays of wealth. It was designed with simple structures, but had a quiet elegance to it that breathed a scholarly air. This place was none other than the land of the Sapientia Clan.

In a dark office space reserved for the Clan Head, two figures sat. If those of the Ragnor upper echelon laid eyes upon the two of them, they would be immediately recognized.

One was an older man, brimming with vitality. He had calm eyes and a full head and beard of white. A simple crown wrapped around his forehead like a headband, shining a soft metallic bronze color.

The other was one Dyon would be shocked to see…. A long head of black hair, shining and piercing golden eyes… He wore a simple grey robe, but one sleeve seemed to be decidedly… empty? It was very clear that he had lost an arm by unknown means.

This man was none other than Connery Sapientia, the former Clan Head of the Celestial Universe Sapientia Clan, and now the current Head of the Ragnor Universes Sapientia Clan. As for was course of events led to these ends… It was impossible to know.

As for the bronze crowned man, he was none other than Odin the Sixth.

"What do you think, Connery?" Odin spoke with slow, deliberate tone. He seemed unhurried and confident without compare.

"Lord Odin, you know well that my Sapientia Clan doesn't participate in wars or political affairs. Even if your Ragnor Clan should fall to the Pakals, we will continue on as their silent and neutral vassals."

Neutral vassals? Who had ever heard of anything so ridiculous?

If those who understood Odin's temperament were here, they'd believe Connery to be a dead man, but, surprisingly, his brows didn't so much as twitch.

"The Pakals have sent a request for delegation, but why would they do so? Are they not in the leading position, currently? After conquering that universe, why would they suddenly call us forward?"

Connery smiled silently, saying nothing. Yet, Odin still continued.

"… If, hypothetically, two warring nations of relatively equal power suddenly found out that one of them had gained an upper hand, what reason would the advantaged nation have to call for a truce?"

Connery blinked thoughtfully. "In such a case, maybe the advantaged state isn't as advantaged as one might believe. Maybe they've paid a price for their façade, or are unwilling to pay a greater price for victory. They've won three step forward, but have voluntarily decided to take two steps back, either as a sign of good faith, to gain a future advantage, or maybe both."

"I see."

Without another word, Odin stood and left while Connery silently watch his receding back expressionlessly.

Not long afterward, he reached for a draw beneath the desk he sat behind. No… He seemed to reach for a draw, but his hand missed, reaching into seemingly empty space. But, magically, a draw suddenly appeared where his hand touched, revealing a small glimmering array a small envelop currently sat upon.

Calmly opening the letter, Connery read it line by line.