
The call of a celestial was truly booming. If a celestial focused their entire being into a shout, their voice wouldn't dissipate for several thousand miles. Like this, the young man's voice blanketed the city despite his terrible wounds inflicted by his own people.

City guards charged forward to subdue the young man, only for them to be shocked by his identity.

This youth… He was the Patriarch's illegitimate child and a talent that outshone even the late Balor who Dyon killed. However, due to his status, he was shunned and sent away to the lesser planets of their core universe. If they remembered correctly, wasn't he supposed to be ruling a small plot of the southern galaxy cluster? What was he doing in the northern cluster?

"The southern cluster is quickly falling! Enemy attack!"

No matter how much those of Raven City might have wanted to ignore the clamor, it was simply impossible. The young man fused every last bit of his strength into his voice.

"What is going on here?!" A booming voice came from the distance. It didn't take much for the nobles of their society to realize that this was the voice of Patriarch Raven.

Over the last few months, Patriarch Raven have been in a foul mood. First Universe Thirteen was conquered, then their Faith began to drop by large margins for several days until they could only feel the Faith of their five remaining universes.

To make matters worse, they didn't dare to tell the Ragnors about their plight for fear those shameless bastards would take advantage of this opportunity to attack them as well. If the Ragnors found out they had lost so much Faith, they would likely throw them away as an ally immediately.

But now, here was the shame of his existence, his own bastard son, screaming and yelling in Raven City of all places. How could his already foul mood not grow worse?

"Patriarch." The young man grit his teeth, having long since stopped calling this man father. "A strong enemy is sweeping through the southern cluster. To make matters worse, it seems much of their army is made up of beasts of our Five Beast Clan Alliance. I believe we've been betrayed by the other four Clans!"

Hearing these words, the Patriarch calmed his anger. No matter how foolish this bastard son of his, he wouldn't lie about something like this, right?

He stared into the bloodied young man's eyes, as though trying to confirm something.

In the end, he grit his own teeth. "Bring the healer here, don't allow the messenger to die!"

Maybe this would be one of the few acts of kindness he would ever receive from his so-called father.

"Begin preparations for battle!"


Raven Universe was suddenly embroiled by war.

The actions of Patriarch Raven's bastard son gave them a glimmer of hope to respond. Their armies came together quickly. Though some were still licking their wounds from the last campaign against the Uidah, a good majority had already recovered after three months of rest. Those who hadn't were far too mortally injured to have been of much use in the future anyway.

In that moment, the whole of the Raven Clan banded together, coalescing their fighting force at speeds they never had before and charging toward the southern cluster with a momentum fueled by rage.

Patriarch Raven and his elders knew well that they couldn't allow this to continue. Much of their fighting force was concentrated in the northern cluster because the Gates to Ragnor territory bordered along that region.

Somehow, this enemy had managed to ignore their closed Gate and make their way here. In addition, Pjisel's report – the bastard son of the Raven Clan Head – noted that much of the army was made up of beasts from the territories of the other four Clans.

These matters sent the Raven Clan upper echelon into a whirlwind of confusion. Could it be that, from the very beginning, they had been betrayed? And if they were betrayed, did that mean some within their own Clan were part of the conspiracy?

The most likely candidate for such a farce would be the Patriarch's bastard son. He had every reason to be dissatisfied with his father. Plus, the invasion began in the cluster he was given free reign over. On top of all of this, he was the only one who managed to make it so far to pass on the news? Where were the Pseudo Dao experts under his command? Where were his messengers? Why had he come from the wilderness instead of from the teleportation formation?

The elders of the Raven Clan watched on coldly as the healer wrapped the Pjisel's wounds.

Large swaths of powerhouses shot into the skies, filling the space around Planet Raven with experts as far as the eye could see. It could almost be said that the only ones who remained near the surface of the Raven City was the patriarch, the grand elder, and several dozen elders.

Pjisel seemed oblivious to the odd atmosphere as he winced in pain, allowing an old lady to dress his wounds.

Soon, he stood up and lightly pushed the healer away, looking up into the skies toward his father.

"Patriarch, please allow me to fight, these wounds are nothing. I can be of great help." Pjisel's black eyes shone with a flicker of rage. The people who did this, he wanted to grind their bones to dust.

"Of great help?" Patriarch Raven replied blandly. "Just like you were of great help to the southern cluster I entrusted you with?"

Pjisel was taken aback. Why did he sense such hostility in his father's voice? Why were the elders looking down on him like this?

No… Wasn't this the way it had always been? Somehow it was his fault that his father couldn't control that stick in his pants. Because his father took his mother for a single night when he knew he shouldn't have, somehow this was now his cross to bear.