
Now, Dyon didn't just have 1 Celestial Son under his control. With the exception of Nora, a woman who shared a name with Madeleine's biological mother, was the former First Celestial Daughter, and Dravil's current fiancée, he controlled all remaining 4 Celestial Sons and Daughters!

Abraham had broken through and become Third Celestial Son immediately. Dravil was obviously First Celestial Son. Silvyr, a woman loving daughter Ri had battled during her and Dyon's first campaign, had become Fourth Celestial Daughter. And finally, Mekhi Uidah took the mantle of Fifth Celestial Son.

Believing he had so many talented sons and daughters, King Uidah practically died of happiness. But, it soon became a headache.

He had settled on Dravil before, but now there was Abraham. Plus, he couldn't just keep passing Nora around like she was worthless, right?

After pulling the reins on Dravil, he decided to let the siblings figure it out themselves.

Under Dyon's machinations, the Uidah upper echelon split in four directions, with Abraham and Dravil having the biggest pull.

Together, they waged war against Ragnors and the Five Beast Clans, but they also waged war against each other. The skirmishes between the two Princes became the entertainment of the Uidah Clan. Despite the bloodshed, for a Clan who had slaughtered their former twin Clan, Alidor's family, in cold blood all for the sake of power, would they really care about such things?

All that was left was for Dyon to effectively use these chess pieces of his.

Should he just take down Uidah territory in one sweep? Should he use the key to use the Uidah to attack? Maybe pincer the Five Beast Clans or launch a surprise attack on the Ragnors?

Dyon threw the latter thought away immediately. The Ragnors were on a completely different level than the Beast Clans, such simple tactics wouldn't work so easily on them. However, this didn't mean Dyon wouldn't make a move.

In one sweep, Abraham and Dravil led their armies on a conquering spree, taking control of all Gates bordering Ragnor territory with them being completely unaware. Then, they moved on to Dyon's true ask of them.

By Dyon's scouting, the Ragnors controlled 29 universes, the Pakals controlled 26, the Uidah controlled 24, and the Five Beast Clans once controlled 18. If one added Chaos Universe and Dyon's Universe, that made 99 total. This meant that other Dyon's home universe, there was actually 1 other completely unclaimed universe left within this quadrant.

[Author's Note: These totals were mentioned a while back (Chapter named 'Seed'), finally coming into play now]

This universe was sandwiched between Pakal and Ragnor territory and was likely the only reason they were constantly at each other's throats. This territory was shared between the two, neither seemingly capable of taking the upper hand on the other. In the end, they split the resources amongst themselves.

With the Ragnors taking the upper northwest of the quadrant and the Pakals taking the northeast, just like Supreme Universe, or Universe Thirteen, was a choke point, so too was this universe in question. It acted as a bridge that connected Ragnor and Pakal territory.

This universe was pointed out by Pathfinder Nixie. As long as Dyon took it, the likelihood of conquering Celestial Quadrant within five years would skyrocket to 60%.

Abraham and Dravil's task? It was precisely to take this universe under Dyon's name.

Though it was their task, Dyon didn't hesitate to give them a helping hand first, conquering its universe spirit and giving Abraham and Dravil the advantage of suppression.

With this, Dyon had taken control of 13 Universes fully, and 1 more in essence.

While the Five Beast Clans were sweating about Dyon's coming attack, Dyon was already planning far beyond them.

Though the Five Beast Clan Alliance was waiting for the end of the 7 month period, Dyon had no intention of waiting that long. There were now less than 110 years left until the Ancient Battlefield descended, but Dyon understood the importance of building up the strength of his territory. Before they began that battle, he had to ensure that both the culture and strength of the Mortal Alliance was perfect.

However, even though he was in a rush, Dyon wasn't a fool. He had just absorbed several hundred million warriors into his army, but his true core force only composed of 30 million.

Why did Dyon not directly conquer Universe Thirteen? What was the point of him starting from the edge of the Five Clan Beast Alliance and rushing to conquer 13 universes in a month before their elites noticed? It was because he didn't have enough people.

Without the swelling of his army that occurred as Dyon conquered one universe after another, he wouldn't have had the strength to take Universe Thirteen to begin with.

This alone showed the massive problem Dyon was facing. He didn't have the level of accumulation these Clans that had existed for thousands of years had, and now he was running to catch up.

However, as much as he wanted to lean back and take his time to digest the gains, he didn't have such luxury.

Dyon got to work immediately. After conquering the pincer universe between Ragnor and Pakal territory – which he quickly named Universe King, representing its importance among his chess pieces – and securing his 14th Universe, Dyon worked in earnest to organize his forces.

Under Monet's coercion, the beasts had no recourse. The scary strength of Heaven's Children shone through as Monet didn't seem to have a limit on the beasts she could control.

Dyon scrapped his previous organizational structure. As they ventured deeper into beast clan territory, they ran into more and more beasts and less and less humans. The more this occurred, the less sense it made for all of the beasts to be taken under Giralda's wings.

Though Dyon had introduced a military organizational structure during the first Mortal Meeting, this wasn't the appropriate situation to make use of it since these individuals weren't truly his citizens yet.

Dyon's army had swelled to 1.5 billion strong. Without hesitation, he split them among his Demon Generals, giving each 500 000 to command and temporally naming them Demon Corps.