
Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal Godchapter 1718: cannibalized

Though the Five Beast Clans had likely realized that something was wrong by now, there was nothing they could do. There were still seven more months before the gates opened once more, and Dyon had already systematically taken control of what few teleportation formations the beast clans had. They were, in effect, completely in the dark about the happenings of their territory.

In addition, because the last campaign had just ended, the Five Beast Clans were likely entirely focused on healing up and preparing for their next assault on the Uidah. Dyon's timing couldn't have been more perfect.

So, what was Dyon doing in the void of space, seemingly doing nothing while staring at endless blackness?

Amphorae had told Dyon long ago about the true method to conquering a universe. It wasn't just about taking control of its people, one had to take the core of the universe for itself.

The trouble was that this core of the universe wasn't so easy to find either. Depending on the universe, and its unique growth pattern, the core could be found practically anywhere from the surface of a planet, to an endless black space just like where Dyon stood now.

Dyon had yet to truly conquer any of the universes, but now, things were about to change. It was time. Before, he refrained from doing so because the Clan Patriarchs would be incredibly sensitive to dips in their Clan's Faith. But, now that Dyon's fist ruled these 13 universes, there was nothing holding him back.

His first target? This very Universe Thirteen. It acted as a choke point connected to all five of the Five Beast Clan Core Universes. As a result, it was the territory of the most powerful of the five Clans, the Golden Crown Ravens. This made it a uniquely perfect place for Dyon's first true conquering. Once he had the advantage of Faith, defending this territory would become far easier.

So many culmination of events had led Dyon to this point, even with his unique calm, he couldn't help but feel that gravity of this moment.

Even with the darkness around him, he closed his eyes, calming his inner turmoil until it reached the serenity of a smooth, but still rushing river.

"Will you continue to hide?" Dyon spoke into the nothingness. "Or will you make your presence known?!"

Dyon's Presence bloomed outward in full force. He knew with absolute certainty that Universe Thirteen's Core was located here. After all, he had a perfect map of this universe thanks to Researcher Ton.

In that moment, hidden strings of Gama Qi wafted into existence as the spirit of the universe slowly awakened.

[Leave! I'd never allow a man who used such cowardly means to control my universe!]

Dyon snorted at these words.

A Universe Spirit didn't have any sort of magical ability. Its only task was to decide who could wield the Faith of its universe. Still, some of them had eccentric personalities.

This one was quite savage. It was likely because of this that it had attracted such a population of beasts under its charge. Seeing Dyon force its people to kneel with means it believed were underhanded, it was no wonder it acted like this.

However, it was still incredibly weak. Dyon didn't dare to face the spirit of Soul Universe yet as it had accumulated an ungodly amount of Faith during its existence, but this puny Universe Spirit wasn't even worth of tenth of that one.

"Unfortunately for you, this isn't your choice."

The spirit seethed in anger. [You dare speak this way to me?!]

"If you don't give me your trial immediately, I'll be sure to feed you to another Universe Spirit when I get the chance. Or, I could just corrupt you like the Chaos Universe spirit."

[Y-y-y-y-y-YOU!] Dyon could almost here the grinding of the spirit's teeth. But as an existence bound by the rules of the Heavens, it had no ability to do anything untoward. [I'LL GIVE YOU A TRIAL YOU'LL NEVER PASS.]

In a flash, Dyon found himself in a land filled with charging beasts as far as the eye could see. He could only shake his head at the scene.

In not even an hour, Dyon faced the Universe Spirit once more. The so-called trial was nothing more than a joke.


Dyon chuckled at the Universe Spirit's tantrum, he couldn't help but find it cute. Maybe he would have it cannibalized after all.

In that moment, a stream of Faith surged toward Dyon's body. Blinding golden lights illuminated the endless space.

The first line of Dyon's lineage had been forged.

Dyon glanced at the Universe Spirit as it threw a tantrum. Now that he had subdued, he could see its true form. If he had to describe it, it looked exactly how one might describe a cherub. A little chubby baby with wings far too small for its body.

According to Amphorae, a Cherub was actually a mighty angel with five pairs of wings, but seeing this little foul-mouthed little guy, Dyon couldn't help but chuckle. Maybe all of the legends that circulated his home world really did have some kernel of truth to them. After seeing the mystical races and creatures of the Ancient Battlefield, he had already become certain of this.

Dyon wondered if all Universe Spirits looked like this or if it was just this little guy.

"You may think of me however you'd like, but the fact of the matter is that the Five Beast Clans can never accumulate as much faith for you as I can. Be obedient, or I really will feed you to another universe."

The cherub grit its teeth, its small golden body bobbing in the air.

The Five Beast Clans had treated it with the utmost respect, but that was only because they didn't understand the secrets within Universe Spirits. Dyon knew that their only ability was to siphon and act as a medium for the control of Faith. They had no ability to act against their owner, lest the Heavens lose their power.

Simply put, Dyon didn't feel the need to be respectful to this little spirit, especially since it was so weak.