
If word of this spread to the Sprite Alliance, billions of men would declare war on Dyon. No, it might even be trillions. Though, that was only if they believed something so absurd could become a reality.

Even more incredulous was the fact their Mistress wasn't enraged by this display of affection, but was rather growing more and more nervous by the second.

Bodies continued to surge into the hall. Clara had been the fastest, but familiar figures in Meiying, Lyla, Zaire, and Amphorae appeared as well.

Soon, Delia and Eli appeared as well, following by a train of toddlers.

It was as though these individuals were intent of suffocating Dyon under a torrent of affection. Without regard for how much surface area his body had, they all piled on. In the end, Dyon was forced to raise Alauna up on a defensive formation so that she wasn't smothered along with him.

Just when Dyon thought it couldn't get more chaotic, Ri swept in, having returned from the Elvin Clan territory at her fastest speed and plunged into the pile as well.

The only one who didn't join was Amphorae who smiled contentedly from the side. Maybe there wasn't anything in existence that could make her lose her composure.

At that moment, any dissatisfaction the Heaven's Children might have had toward Dyon couldn't help but disappear. If a leader was so loved by those around him, they simply couldn't bring themselves to believe that he could be a horrible man. Maybe there was a reason their Mistress gave up her innocence for this man.

Of course, they were seeing their Mistress with rose tinted glasses. It would be more accurate to say that Luna stole Dyon's innocence rather than the other way around. After all, technically speaking, Luna lost her virginity to a woman, not Dyon. If anything, she was the impure one in their relationship.

Alauna giggled happily at this scene. Though, it was hard to tell whether she found it funny that her father was being dogpiled, or if the golden array beneath her was just that fascinating.

Finally, someone asked.

"Who is this adorable little girl?" Meiying's violet eye twinkled. She pulled Little Alauna down, playing with the little girl's chubby cheeks under her unrestrained giggling.

That was when Dyon dropped a bomb of his own.

"This is Alauna. She's my daughter."

The atmosphere became too complex to describe in just a few words.

First, it froze over. This wasn't because of anger, but rather, concern. After hearing Eli say that there were those capable of manipulating emotions and seeing that Dyon was followed by those they could only assume were Heaven's Children, they thought that Dyon hadn't escaped at all, but was rather being manipulated as they spoke.

Maybe these Heaven's Children had designs on what Dyon was building here and thus used this little girl as a pretext to control Dyon. After all, none of this made any sense at face value.

First of all, Dyon only had four wives, all of whom were currently in Soul Quadrant, though one of them was still in a coma and should soon awaken. Dyon wasn't the type of man to wantonly sleep around, or else there were quite literally countless women he could do so with – and with their consent at that.

There was the possibility that Dyon was coerced into having sex with another woman by this emotion manipulating Heaven's Child, but there were too many problems with that as well. Namely, this little girl was clearly about a year old, but it obviously took 9 months from conception to birth. Dyon had only been gone for 11 months, so this baby should be 2 months old, not almost a year old.

Dyon first tackled this by reminding them of The Seal, ensuring them that it was impossible for his mind to be manipulated. It was only after this that they breathed a sigh of relief and stopped looking toward the Heaven's Children so trepidatiously.

That was when the emotions shifted once more, into confusion and a slightly awkward atmosphere.

Now that it was confirmed Dyon's emotions weren't manipulated, where had this child come from? And who was her mother? And… Why had Dyon betrayed his wives, something none of them believed would have ever done before.

Though Luna was shaking nervously, practically collapsing into a pool of her own sweat, Dyon calmly faced these matters without blinking an eye. It wasn't that he didn't have complex emotions about these matters as well, it was rather that he felt it was his responsibility to take them head on.

For Ri, Clara and Amphorae, they only needed one name to understand everything – Luna.

They were all intelligent women. Dyon had told Ri, Clara and Madeleine about Luna and Amphorae the moment he exited his trials decades ago. As for Amphorae, she quite literally lived those moments herself.

After knowing it was Luna, the concern in their hearts was lifted immediately.

Dyon didn't seek to make excuses, but they all knew that his emotions were being manipulated during the second trial. If they weren't, how could a man as prideful as Dyon stoop to the level of taking a woman he felt he should hate as his own?

This was the very same woman who just hours later Dyon forced to fall into a trap he devised. If he was in his normal state of mind, he would have never had that moment with Luna.

[Author's Note: After Luna and Dyon's moment in the carriage on the way to the Viserion Clan, Dyon caught Luna stealing the Viserion Clan's core technique using her relationship with King Viserion's wife. Dyon ended up using this ploy to make it seem like a rift was formed between him and King Viserion, then used King Viserion turn coating as a trumpcard during his war with the Moon Clan.]

Alauna immediately became the center of affection for the three women. Even Amphorae stepped out of her comfort zone to say hello, even spending a few awkward moments holding the little girl in her arms.

Though they didn't say anything to Luna directly, they didn't need to.