
Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal Godchapter 1680: like this?

The little girl's head tilted in confusion. Wasn't that the case? Why would Blake make fun of her for being weak because she cried, then?

Dyon felt his heart flutter. Her inquisitive look was far too adorable.

"Strength is decided by your will. As long as you can feel sad and cry, but get back up and try again, that's true strength." Dyon explained with a smile. "Because Little Precious cried yet still wanted to learn how to get stronger, Little Precious is already strong."

"~~Really? Really?~~"

The little girl jumped up and down happily. Without exaggeration, Dyon felt that this beautiful moment was the best he had ever experienced. Nothing could top this, nothing.

Time continued to tick by. While Dyon taught Little Precious what it meant to be strong in heart, he also began to teach her how to be strong in body. If one passed by the Unblemished Castle's gardens, it wasn't impossible to see the scene of a man and a little girl throwing punches in the air together – a scene that could warm the heart of even the coldest person.


"Are you sure about this?"

Months had passed, and suddenly, the 11th month greeted them in the form of several black figures skulking in the shadows.

"The Unblemished One has a secret realm she doesn't allow anyone to enter. According to a credible source, there's something important of hers hidden within it. As long as we can take whatever it is, she'll have no choice but to do our bidding…"


"~~Like this, like this?~~"

Little Precious brandished her little fist, punching outward. If it wasn't for her small body, anyone could have confused her for a seasoned expert.

Her fist left a sharp, crisp whipping sound hanging in the air. Dyon was certain that she was far stronger than other children her age, and she wasn't even 1 year old yet!

Dyon grinned with pride. What a perfect little girl. She couldn't possibly be more perfect.

"Good job!"

Little Precious beamed at Dyon's praise, her little body jumping up and down with excitement. She had already gained an agility that was far beyond what she should have.

Just as Dyon and the little girl were bonding, a loud crashing sound resounded through the garden.


Dyon's eyes sharpened. He realized what was happening immediately. This garden, it was a mystical world and someone was trying to forcibly enter.

Just where were the Heaven's Children? Dyon had gone through so much trouble to just take a single step into this place, so how were these individuals wantonly slamming away at the barrier without being stopped?

It wasn't that Dyon assumed no one else could fair better than he could. It was just that, according to his grand teacher, there were many examples of Heaven's Children being controlled by massive empires of the past. This meant that the strength of the Heaven's Children wasn't infallible, especially when they weren't aware that they were Heaven's Children.

This was a large part of what Aslan and Caspian used to justify taking Eli away. They thought he was being used like they had been used in the past.

Suddenly, Dyon's attention snapped back to Little Precious, what he saw made him feel as though his heart was being shattered into countless pieces.

She gripped her little fists, staring as hard as she could at the ground. She looked as though she was trying her hardest to not be scared, but the shivering of her small shoulders told a different story.

She flinched at every loud bang, her small body shivering from head to toe.

Rage built up from the depths of Dyon's soul. If he got his hands on the bastards making an innocent little girl feel this way, he'd tear them apart!

A vicious aura surged from Dyon's body.

His healed body pulsed with silver light, his veins surging with mercury-like blood.

Dyon's hand suddenly reached outward, grasping the golden bars that made up his cage and yanking backward with every ounce of his being.

It was then that something Dyon could have never imagined occurred….

Just as the entrance of the mystical world was torn apart, the bar Dyon had forcibly pulled on came flying free.

Dyon almost didn't register the numerous moving black figures as he held the flimsy bar in his hand. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Dyon was certain. He didn't tear this cage apart because he had superhuman strength… This cage… From the very beginning… Was made of normal soft gold!

Dyon didn't have time to think about why his cage was something he could torn his way out of whenever he chose, nor did he have time to think what was the point of all of this if he was never truly caged. Maybe they believed manipulating his emotions with Little Precious was enough to keep him in place.

He swept forward, scooping the little girl into his arms.

At that moment, the trembling little girl who had been completely focused on reining in her own fear was astonished by the sudden change.

She felt a warmth she hadn't felt in her entire life, a sense of security that hadn't been there before. It was then that her shaking stopped as she focused on gripping Dyon white silk pajamas.

Dyon held the little girl to his chest. He too felt a sense of calm overwhelm. Nothing in the world could make him release this little girl.

He immediately found that the space around him was still sealed. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't send Little Precious into his inner world. For the first time, he regretted giving the life ring to Eli.

"That must be it! That little girl!"

The black clothed figures reacted instantly to their new scenery.

Dyon's jaw set, feeling Little Precious grip the cloth on his chest tighter. "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you."

Though he said these words, Dyon didn't know how he would deal with this situation.