
The reason was simple: they had no way of taking Eli from him at that point. In addition, killing him would necessarily implicate Eli's life as well. As a final measure, Dyon had essentially taken his own friend's life hostage. It wasn't the morally upstanding thing to do, but if he and Eli ever wanted to get out of here, it was the necessary thing to do.

Dyon went out of his way to show the Heaven's Children that he could negate their abilities, albeit for a devastating price. As a result, they had no way of knowing whether killing him would actually kill Eli as well. Even if they didn't understand the intricacies of [Inner World: Sanctuary], they would have to be careful.

Of course, Dyon's inner world collapsing after his death likely wouldn't kill Eli. Dyon's cultivation wasn't powerful enough to form a world completely without the overseeing of the Heavens, meaning Eli's life was still protected.

However, if that happened, Eli would be forced to drift across the endless void of time and space forever. This was something that was no different than death, and also something the Heaven's Children wouldn't risk.

In the end, they had reached a stalemate. They couldn't kill Dyon, or else that would implicate Eli. And, Dyon was now their prisoner, they also probably couldn't treat him too poorly either. If they allowed him to die by other means, it would still implicate Eli.

Still, Dyon would be lying if he said he wasn't surprised to find where he was.

Of course, he was in a cage, but it was too spacious. It curved at the top like he was some sort of bird and was actually made of gold. The only differentiator between it and a bird cage was that it wasn't hung from the ceiling and was instead seated upon soft, lush green grass.

Not to mention the fact the cage was spacious, but Dyon was actually seated upon a plush bed that he could only imagine was filled to the brim with the feathers of a majestic and pure bird. Even his clothes had been changed to a soft white silk. It seemed similar to what a rich man would wear to sleep in his mortal world.

'Isn't this too far?' Dyon almost didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. How could this count as a prison? Shouldn't they be… harsher?

Dyon should have been enraged with these people for taking his friend away from his family, but he was finding it difficult to keep that rage in this environment. Was this a tactic of theirs? If so, he had to hand it to them.

Dyon shook his head, sending his mind inward toward his inner world.


Eli, who had been wandering aimlessly through the 40-kilometer space was startled to suddenly hear Dyon's voice.

"Dyon? Dyon!"

Eli enveloped Dyon in a massive bear hug. Considering the scrawny guy stood at seven foot tall, Dyon was definitely the one who lost in that exchange.

"How are you? Are you okay? Did they do anything to you? I tried calling out to you, but you didn't respond for days!" A string of questions left Eli's lips.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just have a bit of headache, it's no big deal." Dyon patted Eli's shoulder reassuring him. Of course, it was easier to fake health with a projection than it would be with his true body. To say he was in shambles right now would most definitely be an understatement.

"But… What do we do now?" Eli nibbled his lips. He already had a good understanding of Dyon's plans just because of his own guesses, but if he was correct, they were in a stalemate. There was no worse situation to be in considering the opponents were immortal … Even though it looked as though Dyon had leveled the playing field, he was working with a limited lifespan, while his enemies weren't.

Of course, because Dyon's lifespan was limited, that also put Eli's life on a ticking timer. But, the Heaven's Children didn't believe Dyon would be stubborn to the point of holding out until he died of old age, that was simply too ridiculous a thought.

"What do we do, hm?" Dyon smiled meaningfully. "I don't know about me, but you most definitely have something to do. Go home to Delia and Little Aiden."

Without giving Eli a chance to retort, Dyon forcefully activated the Relay Station, sending Eli across the Mortal Plane in an instant.

Like Dyon thought, he wasn't powerful enough to create a space completely separate from the Heavens. What did that mean? That meant his Inner World was technically just another universe on the Mortal Plane. As a result, a Planet Grade formation was enough to send Eli back.

Because Eli was within a separate space, the spatial lock the Heaven's Children placed around Dyon's cage had no impact whatsoever and thus Eli faced no interference.

Unfortunately, Dyon could only send a projection into his inner world and couldn't enter personally, so he himself couldn't leave. Dyon believed that this was likely because his body acted as an anchor that stabilized his inner world. His body was the very connection to the Heavens that allowed this to be possible. Until he was strong enough to stabilize his world on his own, this would continue to be true.

Still, seeing his friend off was more than enough for him.

Of course, Eli could only stay for a few days before coming back because Dyon had yet to find a perfect plan that ensured he wouldn't be kidnapped once more. But, he could easily go back and forth as he pleased. With Dyon acting as a shield for him, the Heaven's Children wouldn't realize he had changed locations unless he stayed for too long.

This wasn't all either. With Eli going back, he could reassure Dyon's wives that he was doing just fine.

After sending Eli off, Dyon's eyes once more turned cold. He needed a plan to escape…