
The Heavens would never create something useless. The Soul Path was abandoned in the Chaos Era because it was too difficult to cultivate, but the rewards one received at the end were just as if not more astronomical than one would receive for any other path.

'The Heavens like to play games…'

These thoughts rang in Dyon's head again and again. To expect a cultivator to reach to the dao realm before reaping any of their rewards… Wasn't that too much?

No. It might be even worse than that. Dyon's soul was far stronger than the average individual. For all he knew, others needed to comprehend star qi before reaching his level. The Heavens were too cruel.

Still, despite thinking this, the grin on Dyon's face grew wider and wider. His path forward had suddenly become easier. He was slowly understanding the rules of this Ancient Game.

What Dyon didn't know was that this realization wasn't a normal boon for him, it would be the difference between him dying an early death and surviving. Because those existences that sensed his flash of soul qi wouldn't remain idle for much longer… In fact, Dyon's actions would soon be exposed precisely due to that event.


Hours ticked by. By now, Dyon had entered the sea of the rubies himself, his confidence far higher than it had been before. He had slowly begun to understand the type stone before him.

As though Dyon's thoughts were infallible, the ruby type stone wasn't centered around fire at all. It was instead a volatile, explosive qi that reminded Dyon a lot of ancient aurora stones.

Before Abraxus tamed aurora qi, it had actually once been incredibly violent, not to mention red, just like these rubies. One of Abraxus' greatest lamentations was actually that aurora qi lost much of its strength after being tamed which resulted in the soul path remaining weaker in comparison to other paths.

These type stones weren't aurora stones, though.

From what Dyon could tell, they were a type stone that increased attacking potency. Not just speed of attack, but strength as well.

Originally, Dyon wanted to categorize it as a light type stone of the saint grade, but their characteristics were too different.

For one, these type stones were too dangerous to use on a large scale, unlike light type stones. As a result, though it could theoretically increase speed, it wasn't wise to use it this way. Instead, it was better for short bursts to boost concise and well timed attacks.

In addition, this type stone had a disintegrating or destruction characteristic to it. It worked a lot like nuclear energy from Dyon's home world. It was constantly undergoing fission and fusion, which was likely where all of the heat was coming from.

This made this energy a massive double-edged sword. On the one hand, it could explosively increase your own attack power, but on the other, it was like a ticking time bomb hidden away in your body.

Suddenly, Dyon felt very thankful that he didn't end up throwing his chaos flames into such a space. Let alone himself, it was likely the whole region would implode.

Luckily, though this energy while acted like nuclear energy in practice, it was actually far more stable. It would only react violently when it was extracted from its crystal stone encasing.

'I'll call you all explosive type stones… You'll be quite useful…'

Mining type stones became far easier for Dyon after he realized the strength of his wills.

The glowing of the cave dimmed from its bright red to a more bland black as Dyon collected more and more. Soon, he couldn't dig further, even with his newfound strength, and decided to leave.

But, as luck would have it, he found an uninvited guest at the other end of the tunnel. Or… Maybe he was the uninvited guest in this situation.

The yellow slit eyes of a black-blue wyvern stared toward Dyon menacingly. As expected, the tunnel was too narrow for the wyverns to enter, but that didn't stop them from blocking the path out.

That said… Maybe the Dyon of a few hours ago would be nervous in this situation. But, the Dyon of now felt his blood boil with anticipation.

He had been cooped up for too long, doubting his own combat prowess and hiding behind the auxiliary abilities of his soul. But… That wasn't the way of the Titan Emperor.

A fiendish grin spread across Dyon's face.

His blood pumped, the thumping of his heart resonating so loudly that the low growls of the male wyvern were completely drowned out.

When Dyon first awoke his Titan Diamond Body, his blood had turned for a crimson red to a royal blue. Though he still bled red, his blood was much different from other humans fundamentally.

As time passed and his body grew stronger, his blood began to change once more. What once were small flecks of bronze became strands. And strands soon became entire currents. If one looked into Dyon's body, it would seem as though rivers of ambrosia coursed through his veins, pumping his body with vitality.

Dyon stretched his palm out.

If others saw this scene, they would think Dyon had lost his mind. He was a facing a beast more powerful than one that took several hours of planning to take on just earlier in the day with such a casual expression. To make matters worse, his hand was now just half a meter from the snout of the wyvern. Was he really so intent on losing the hand he just regained so quickly?

'[Whirl]. [Spiral].'

A concentrated burst of green wind will twirled around Dyon's palm. He didn't even register the odd change because he was completely focused on controlling the massive power that flowed through him. Wind will had always been colorless… Though Dyon's half-step dao was a light green color, the wind it produced wasn't so…

The wyvern had already flinched at Dyon's loud beating heart, but seeing this odd phenomena form before it, it suddenly felt that its easy victory had slipped from it.

It had felt something odd several hours ago. One of its many mating partners, and one of the few strong enough to birth its children, had inexplicably let out a battle cry.