
Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal Godchapter 1648: never to rise

Its sharp claws surged forward to rip the cobra on its neck apart. The cobras could never match the speed of the bronzed. While Queen had already swiftly retreated, the female cobra was still pulling her tusks and tail from the wyvern's body. It had no chance to dodge the coming claw.

But, Dyon had prepared. With a snap of his fingers, the female cobra disappeared.

The sickening sound of tearing bone and flesh filled Dyon's ears.

The wyvern's yellow slit eyes dimmed, the last emotion it felt being endless shock.

With a heavy thud, it fell, never to rise again.

Dyon didn't seem to shocked by the results. In fact, his next command was near instant. He had Queen cut the wyvern's head from its neck, stopping the poison from spreading to the rest of its body.

The wyvern truly didn't have a chance. Its mind was filled with too much rage.

It didn't even notice that the female cobra's venom had already impacted its nervous system, stopping it from communicating with its body as it pleased. As a result, even when it commanded its claw to stop, realizing that the cobra had disappeared from its neck, its arm didn't react in time and continued forward, causing it to take its own life.

Beasts of this caliber had reaction times that were far too quick. If it wasn't for the cobra's poison, such a tactic would have never worked.

As for where the female cobra disappeared to, that was even more simple. It was the work of Dyon's array alchemy.

These fortresses weren't just strongholds, they were also hubs for teleportation.

While manipulating even normal techniques was difficult here, it was even more difficult to manipulate the space. Dyon's formations, once capable of bringing him to a completely separate universe, could now only muster several dozen to a few hundred miles if he was lucky.

But, this was enough. He didn't need to teleport the female cobra a long distance, just a few hundred meters sealed his victory.

Dyon was incredibly satisfied with the result. The wyvern never made it to the fortress and none of his beasts were injured.

Though everything from the neck up on the wyvern was now useless to Dyon, it was perfect for the cobras who were obviously immune to their own poison. So, it wasn't a complete loss, especially considering how large the body of the wyvern was.

Dyon divine sense looked off into the distance. 'Should I risk it?'

His brow furrowed. This time was the best he'd ever have. The wyvern only just died, so its territory was still off limits to the beasts around it. From what Dyon could tell, there were definitely some things worth risking his safety for over there. Namely… A nurturing pile.

Just how high level would a wyvern's nurturing pile be? It would definitely have saint grade energy, no? Then he'd finally be able to feel whole again.

Dyon grit his teeth and made a decision.

Entering the mountain range was dangerous for two main reasons: Firstly, his already limited divine sense became even more limited. It fell to just 100km. Meaning, the suppression he would face as a whole within would be at least 100 times more than what he already faced here.

And secondly, the beasts.

Theoretically, with the wyvern gone, her territory should be empty… But… There was no way to be certain for unexpected events.

Still, Dyon steeled himself. It wasn't long before he stood at the very bottom of the mountain.

He thought about sending a clone, but he knew what would happen if he did so. There's no way it would be able to withstand the suppression, it might shatter before it got a chance.

He also thought about controlling the beasts from the distance, but the nurturing pile wasn't something that could be moved, not easily, anyway. Dyon needed to be there himself.

Dyon shrouded himself in three layers of protection. The first was the wyvern's saliva. He wanted to imitate the scent the scent the beasts surrounding her territory would recognize. However, he didn't want to use her blood. If he did so, the beasts would believe she was injured and might try to take advantage.

The second was his divine sense. He didn't know what level the beasts within this mountain range reached, but even if they managed to cultivate a soul and senses, it would still be impossible to detect him. He didn't believe any beast would have a stronger soul than himself.

Finally, he tapped into his knife true weapon will and seemed to vanish from sight.

Dyon felt his body grow heavy. The atmosphere almost made him sink to the ground. The gravity here was at least 5 times that of the forest.

He flashed forward at his fastest speed, switching to light type qi to help this along.

He took the very same route the wyvern had, leaping through sharp black rocks with a keen nimbleness.

Dyon sighed a breath of relief when he made it to the wyvern's lofty cave, his eyes shining when he laid eyes on what she had hidden.

The three eggs were a given. Dyon had been aware of their presence long ago, they were the reason he had chosen to target her and not any of the other several dozen beasts in this range.

It was rather what these eggs were nestled into that caught Dyon's attention: the nurturing pile. His arm, it could finally be healed.

Dyon hadn't been able to energy cultivate since he lost his meridians. Doing so would have ruined his balance and foundation. But now, he didn't have to worry about it any longer. He could finally start taking advantage of the Primordial Energy in this world.

Although the eggs had absorbed almost 50% of the energy within the nurturing pile, there was more than Dyon needed for his purposes.

A surge of holy type qi entered his arm.

Dyon's body felt completely refreshed. Hidden imbalances due to the rigors of body refinement slowly balanced themselves out. Even without eating any of the wyvern's meat, he steadily approached 350 000 000 jin. His body cultivation was now firmly within the middle 4th celestial realm.

Dyon took the nurturing pile and the eggs into his inner world, but before he turned to leave, he paused.

The wyvern's personal cave was deeper than his divine sense had mapped…