
Though his Presence was useless against these individuals who had far stronger bodies than he did, using it to amplify his aura and his words was still effective. It gave him a noble air others couldn't match even if he couldn't force them to their knees.

Chieftain Mellow didn't dare to say another word. He communicated with his chosen people with his eyes and sent them off.

Suddenly, Dyon smirked. "That's an interesting path you sent them on."

Chieftain Mellow froze.

"Do you believe me when I say the entirety of this world is in the palm of my hands? Do you believe me when I say that even a blade of grass thousands of miles from here can't shift without my knowing?"

As Dyon spoke, the Chieftain continued to shiver.

It was obvious what had happened. The Chieftain had sent them off, but the warning light in his eyes was obviously one to have them go seek help, likely from their ruling Clans or tribes. But, how could something like this escape Dyon's divine sense? He already had this entire space mapped out within his mind.

Changing the trajectories of the 5 messengers was simple for Dyon, he simply had to warn them with line of qi. Seeing that they had been seen through, the five had no choice but to turn toward the places Dyon actually wanted them to go.

As for the chieftain…

His knees crashed to the ground, his forehead swiftly following suit.

"Please spare my fellow tribesmen, the mistake is mine."

Dyon didn't use his normal carrot and stick approach. Usually, he'd make grand promises about the future they could have under his rule, but these individuals couldn't be ruled in this way. He didn't have time to slowly nurture good will, he had to rule with an iron fist. In fact, if they believed him to be a God, it would be even better.

"Get up." Dyon said blandly. "A second mistake will not be tolerated. Another one occurring only means death."

The Chieftain trembled, but slowly rose only to find beams of sealing qi entering the foreheads of all those present. And although he wasn't aware… the 5 messengers he sent also received a similar fate.

Dyon couldn't use The Seal freely here, but luckily, he had a small understanding of seals after comprehending his sanctuary seal. Plus, it wasn't as though he was completely unfamiliar with sealing individuals without The Seal. He had done so back during his first time in the Elvin Kingdom as well. Except this time, it was far stronger.

Sure, making them worship him like a God might work, but even that wasn't enough for Dyon's purposes. He needed to steel his heart. He didn't have enough time to allow leeway for mistakes.

112 years.


The 5 messengers were very familiar with the surrounding areas, but with Dyon's guidance, they were even quicker. They avoided beast dens with ease and approached their targets.

Back within the Mellow Tribe, Dyon began to organize the 53 warriors. Though these tribes seemed backwards, they didn't have the luxury of treating women with kid gloves. Just like the men, they too were warriors. In some cases, they were stronger than even their male counterparts.

The Mellow Tribe's terrain seemed no different from that of the other tribes, but that was only from a narrow perspective. Dyon had chosen this place for three main reasons: elevations, natural protections and underground caves.

In Dyon's estimation, this area once experienced a terrible amount of pressure. Not only did this cause the ground to swell, the ensuing Energy Surge was so powerful that it created not just one, but numerous underground caves in the general vicinity.

When Dyon was in the process of concurring this tribe, it was these very underground inner workings that they tried to take advantage of to escape. But, Dyon's divine sense had already located them.

What was more important here was the swelling of the ground. The slope was gentle and over a long distance, so it was difficult to notice at first glance. However, it definitely existed. It had about a 10-15% incline. It was small, but Dyon had to make do.

As much as he wanted a perfect mountain fortress, there was no such thing on the Ancient Battlefield.

No. This wasn't true. In fact, just 50-60 kilometers east of the Mellow Tribe, there was a striking mountain range so large that Dyon couldn't believe it had formed naturally.

What Dyon meant to say was that there were no human settlements in such places because they were the realms of beasts that would make even the Demon Sage in his prime feel his heart quicken. Yes. The very same Demon Sage who slaughter a Higher Existence Infernal Beast all to use its infernal core to power his mystical world.

Just like the rivers and lakes no one dared to approach, the mountain ranges of the Ancient Battlefield were death zones no one dared to step into.

The Ancient Battlefield was not ruled by humans. Even the so-called "center region" warriors Chieftain Mellow all but worshipped weren't even truly within the center of the Ancient Battlefield. They were just closer to the center than most other tribes and clans.

However, this was perfect. This meant that Dyon could ignore the east and most and south the mountain ranges extended to because attacks were unlikely to come from those regions, he'd have a small elevation advantage he could grow, and an underground working of tunnels that could be useful if applied properly.

Dyon got to work.

It didn't need to be stated how difficult it was to build a fortress in this place. Digging into the ground was impossible. This not only meant any structures built would be inherently weak without the ground for an anchor, but even gathering resources to build such structures was nigh impossible.

This was why warfare in this place was so difficult. Even if you got around the Energy Surges and the lack of resources and the dangerous beasts, it was still impossible to fortify strategic points.