
The days ticked by.

By now, Dyon had cleared 250 000 000 jin and was quickly approaching the limit of what he could achieve with beasts of this caliber. Unlike previously, this was a true limit. He was lucky to gain a jin or two whenever he ate now.

But, the good news was that the scorpion-gorilla babies had grown explosively. They each required a wagon of their own now despite still being within their transparent egg sacks. Their mother had been just over two meters tall, and they were already approaching that limit.

Because Dyon was filtering out the holy type qi for them, in combination with the help of their eggs, their ability to grow were excellent.

Dyon realized that this had been the same for the bronzed as well. When Dyon first saw them, they were incredibly small. It wasn't until their mother was healed and could hunt for them again that they had grown explosively in size. It seemed that creatures of this world had almost excessive potential for growth.

However, Dyon found something else odd. If creatures of this caliber appeared in his reality, they would be several dozen meters large at the very least, but these beasts were quite compact despite being so powerful. He wondered if this was related to their body refinement process. Or maybe their small size was the reason they were so powerful.

That aside, much like the bronzed before them, the scorpion-gorillas began to slowly evolve to a greater height. Though they couldn't be considered as beautiful as the bronzed, their egg sacks began to exude a pressure that made Dyon's heart palpitate.

In the beginning, the skin that covered their pig-like noses began to quickly cover their bodies. This was a worrying transformation for Dyon, but he decided that he should see this through to the end. He hadn't been there every step of the way for the bronzed, so he had no way of knowing if this was a good thing or not. In this end… It became an exceptionally good thing.

The pink-ish leather skin coated every inch of their bodies except for their scorpion tail and legs. After this, thin and sharp black hairs sprouted to coat the thick leather flesh.

Then, their scorpion tails began to change. The hard, black shells that covered them extended upward. Their spine soon became encased by plates of black steel.

Their six scorpion legs shifted. Instead of remaining as legs, they curled inward, becoming three pairs of rib guards. The broad torsos of the scorpion-gorillas shone with a menacing light now, their rib guards looking almost like a black knight's armor.

This was yet another worrying transformation for Dyon. Although it gave them far higher defense than even their mother, they no longer had legs now. They only had two pairs of thick arms now coated with pink flesh partially hidden by sharp and fine black hair.

But, that was when the repressed genes they gained from their mother manifested once more. Their scorpion tails extended even longer and wider. It was then that their length increased from about 2 meters to about 4 meters. Their lower regions had become 4 times thicker than the largest anaconda's.

The day before the six scorpion gorillas awoke, their final transformation was in their faces.

Their pig-like features became more sinister. The wrinkles of their gorilla genes stretched outward until they disappeared, revealing two boar-like tusks. However, these tusks weren't normal… They had thousands of small perforations that oozed with venom.

Soon, the scorpion plates that had begun to cover their spines stretched upward once more, through to their necks and up the back of their heads. Finally, it encased their faces in a menacing visor and helmet of black steel exoskeleton. The only thing that still remained of their previous faces were their long black venomous tusks that dripped with acid, and their yellow, vertical slit eyes.

These creatures definitely were not beautiful, but their power…

"I'll call you the cobras." Dyon's eyes shone as the six cobras broke from their fluid sacks and devoured what remained of their mother's corpse.

Their mother's greatest weakness was that her powerful arms were just as important for attacking as they were for her mobility and stability. But, the cobras could stand tall like snakes, freeing their arms for the powerful strikes they were meant to deal.

With the addition of the cobras, Dyon's efficiency skyrocketed. Though he had to split the food more ways, they could challenge more and defeat more in the same time.

However, Dyon couldn't help but notice that of the six cobras, only one was female. Come to think of it, of the bronzed, only one was female as well.

Considering there were only four bronzed, it wasn't enough to raise an eyebrow. It was well within the realm of possibility. But, it was more unlikely that among six children, only one would be female…

Normally, Dyon would have waited for a larger sample size before he made any conclusions, but when he realized how difficult it was to find nurturing piles, he came to understand that this wasn't just about a scarcity of pregnant females, it was about a scarcity of females, period.

For some reason, this world birthed more males than females. This would become quite the issue if Dyon ever planned on increasing his population of bronzed and cobras.

Dyon felt that it was time to leave this general area. He could see the surrounding 10 000 km clearly, so he knew there was nothing worthy of him staying here unless he began to approach the human settlements.

In truth, Dyon had been observing these 'humans' silently for a long while. Much like the beasts here, they were quite mutated, but not in any obscene way. It was more so that they were larger and taller, likely due to an adaptation to this sort of environment.

Dyon also noticed that beasts didn't approach the human settlements though these humans occasionally left to hunt for themselves.