
In addition to this, the Devil Quadrants were allied with the Infernal Beasts… The mortal enemies of the celestial beasts. No matter how you looked at it, it was an alliance that could never work.

The true reason why they were a worthy ally was because of one Clan: The Mathilde Clan.

When Dyon saw this, he was shocked. Why would Jade tell him to trust a traitorous Clan? Wouldn't that be asking to get backstabbed again?

But, that was when he learned just how absolute the power of the Elvin Queen was. The only reason the Elves fell apart was because they didn't have this true center of power anymore, so they tried to fill her role with the True Empaths. But, Ri was here now!

Dyon was guaranteed one backer among the devil path cultivators, but that wasn't all. He knew their weakness.

Their souls were inhibited by their devil qi. This was why they risked sending such an absolute genius here. They couldn't foster any array alchemy experts and had thus fallen behind the other outer quadrants by far. They weren't in a position where they could look down on Dyon's extended hand.

The Sprites.

According to Jade, Dyon needed to pay more attention to them. It wasn't a simple 'oopsie' case that the Star Clan "accidentally" attacked a quadrant of their tower quadrants. They did so purposely.

[Author's Note: Was explained previously that the Star Clan came from the outer quadrants and believed themselves to have discovered a "new" quadrant, thus they attacked and conquered the quadrant that is now currently their second quadrant. This was how the tower quadrants came to learn of the existence of the outer quadrants… Jade is saying that this wasn't coincidental at all.]

Then Jade dropped a bomb… The Star Clan Dyon knew, the number one Clan of their tower quadrants, was just a branch Clan of the Sprite Alliance, a mighty Empire that spanned almost 100 quadrants alone.

Dyon would be lying if he said his breath didn't quicken at this reality… almost 100 quadrants? That was the threshold to become a Planet Grade Empire.

According to Jade, something major would happen within the Sprite Alliance in just a few years. She didn't know the details of the events because Dyon's alternate timeline self didn't, but what she did say dropped a boulder on Dyon's chest…

Dyon's alternate timeline self never found Eli…

And… he always speculated that the reason why was related to this quickly approaching event…


Lilith's sword tore through the air, slashing through a sea of black flames with battle intent flickering in her red eyes.

The Nephilim.

This outer quadrant alliance was one that struck fear in the hearts of all, even the Sprites.

Endless Clans of war crazed Giants, all of whom had stronger bloodlines than the last and each of whom sought blood and carnage.

According to everyone, the Sprites should the be dominant race of this Modern Era. Well, more accurately, the dominant race of humanoids. However, while their talent exceeded that of Giants, it wasn't by much. In addition to the fact their birth rates were incredibly low, they were far less ancient that the Giants who had bloodlines stretching back to even the angels.

Much like the others, Jade described a list of strengths and weaknesses, as well as matters to look out for.

Dyon felt that his war with the Nephilim could only be won by expert sabotage. They were too fiery of a race and far too war loving. Turning them against themselves was by far the easiest route and also the route his future self took.

However, this alone wouldn't be enough… He needed strength… The Nephilim Alliance was already a 5th Planet Grade Empire! This meant that they controlled at least 500 quadrants!

The Transcendent Beast Alliance.

Jade's explanation of this outer quadrant alliance was yet another bomb shell for Dyon. The Beast Protection Alliance was a seed sowed by them! Of the four outer quadrant centers of power he had thought of until now, three of them were actually already dipping their hands into the tower quadrants!

According to Jade, the Transcendent Beast Alliance looked down upon Heaven Grade beasts as much as anyone else did, but they felt that they needed to bolster up their forces if they wanted to compete with the other power centers and wanted to use Heaven and Earth grade beasts to do so. The reality was that they were even weaker than the Devil Quadrants, ranking dead last, so they wanted to change this.

In the previous timeline, Dyon never subjugated Nine or Thirteen, and his contact with BPA was scarce to the level of being nonexistent…

When Dyon wondered why that was when their plans were so large scale, Jade answered for him…

In 112 years, the Ancient Battlefield would descend. This would take a much longer time than anyone could have predicted, but no one knew that there was a reason this time was so very different. Finally… Dyon learned of exactly what the Ancient Battlefield was. And the answer… It was something that both made him shiver with fear and excitement.

He remembered his exact thoughts when he learned the truth: 'The Heavens like to play games…'

The descent of the Ancient Battlefield made it impossible for BPA to continue with their original plan. By the time those events came to an end, let alone bolster their forces and grow stronger, they were on the brink of collapse. The Transcendent Beast Alliance suffered the most during those times, almost entirely losing their right to be known as an outer quadrant power center.

Dyon knew what he needed to do. Within these 112 years, while everyone felt that the Ancient Battlefield was just around the corner and was entirely focused on it, he needed to conquer not just the 99 universes, but also his home quadrant. He had to.

If others could read Dyon's thoughts, they'd lock him up and put him in a mental asylum.