
Unfortunately, the uses on the mortal plane were limited. That said, there were two places where this ninth floor would be incredibly effective: within the Epistemic Tower and within the Gates. Whether it was the saint, celestial and dao floors, or the campaign battlefields, they were all incredibly large pieces of land that could withstand high level battles, and as such were prime locations for terraforming.

This was what Dyon concluded after a few moments. It was a great ability, it simply didn't have many places where it could show off its prowess on the mortal plane.

'Wait…' But then Dyon paused once more. '… What if?'

One of the most inconvenient parts about building an empire in an upstart universe were the obscene distances between everything.

Dyon's home planet only had 5 planets while Soul Rend Universe only had 6, but this wasn't the total number of habitable planets between both. Every universe, conservatively speaking, had hundreds to thousands, if not definitely more habitable planets. In fact, Clans and Sects that controlled quadrants for countless epochs took advantage of this well, spreading their population outward.

Dyon initially assumed that the ninth floor would only be effective on large pieces of land… Since the laws of physics on the mortal plane didn't allow such large lands to exist outside of artificial realms, it should have been impossible to make full use of the treasure. But then, he thought of something else. What if he used it to restructure and reorganize the layout of his universe as he deemed fit instead?

If a universe was invaded, planets furthest from its power center would be in danger. And, one would have to spread your forces over countless trillions of miles. However, what if Dyon had the ability to systematically organize all of the habitable planets into one cohesive region?

Normally, this would be impossible. Planets have their own gravitational pulls and magnetic fields. In addition, they rely on being very precise distances from their neighboring stars to survive as well. If any of these things are pushed off balance, it could very quickly make a habitable planet a land of death.

But the ninth floor completely flipped these ideas on its head. Even the very laws that governed the mortal plane could be shifted to the user's will.

Of course, one couldn't change these laws with impunity. Or, rather, you would require and obscene amount of energy, more than was available on the mortal planes, to do so. However, if it was just about stabilizing the gravitational and magnetic fields of a few hundred planets, while also keeping their ecosystems balanced, it was well within the capabilities of the ninth floor!

'This is good… No, this is more than good… I can construct universes to absolute perfection without having to fuse them and place them at risk like Dark Ocean… And, even if I do fuse them, I can construct them such that they're not as vulnerable as it might appear…'

What if Dyon layered the magnetic fields of multiple planets to construct an impenetrable defensive formation? What if he rearranged the blackholes that even dao experts feared around his center of power and made invading him nigh impossible? What if he gathered the stars of a universe in a single location, forcing his enemies to attempt to navigate the darkness of space without any visual references?

How difficult would it be to fly through a universe when all the stars were gone? You'd be greeted with a sea of darkness, making it impossible to tell which way was up, down, left or right… How would you even attack if you didn't know which direction to go in because you couldn't tell which direction you had come from?

The more Dyon thought, the cleverer and more devious his schemes became. If he was able to implement even a single percent of these ideas, attacking the Mortal Alliance would become a nightmare for his enemies.

Of course, the idea of moving every star in a universe for such a plan was asinine. Even if he used the seventh floor to accumulate the necessary power, even millions of years wouldn't be enough to complete the task for just one universe, let alone the fact Dyon planned on controlling many more than that.

However, Dyon only thought of this possibility in order to open a new realm of thought for himself… If he could control a universe like a God… Wouldn't he be untouchable?

"… If we used the ninth floor to rearrange a group of stars into a flame-based attack array, we really would be untouchable. Even the War Canon wouldn't be able to match its might… Oh! If we incorporated concepts from the Golden Crow Clan's [Nine Suns of Armageddon] and their [Sun God Body] into this formation, it would be even better than that star grade formation within the [Dao of Array Alchemy]…

"… If we manipulate the strong gravitational pulls of several black holes, it should be possible to form an impenetrable barrier around our habitable planets after gathering them into one location. Still, I can't be too greedy, black holes are incredibly dangerous. Even a Higher Existence would lose their life if they travelled too close to one… I'll have to be careful if I use this method…

"… I wonder if the ninth floor can manipulate the void too?... What if I fused two universes together, but instead of doubling to their cumulative size, I instead layered them atop of each other. In fact, better yet, what if I shrunk the size of a universe. If that was possible, couldn't I logically thicken the void layer around the universe? Then wouldn't it be even more difficult to penetrate into our Mortal Alliance?..."

Dyon kept mumbling these wild ideas to himself. Ri and Amphorae had been watching him mutter away like a madman for the better part of the past day, yet he kept going as though his stream of thoughts was endless. They began to worry that his mind might overheat.

More than 80% of Dyon's ideas were unviable simply due to the ridiculous energy requirements necessary, but there were some others, like the formation of stars, that were very much possible given enough time, patience and resources.