
"The most important reward I asked for was the yin soul kernel. Originally, I had planned to use this new found power to seek out revenge on you, Little Husband. But, after I absorbed it, something surprising happened.

"The injuries to my soul that my clan's manifestation caused me were healed. It wasn't as instantaneous as it sounds… At first it was a small feeling. My thoughts grew less dark and I began to feel emotions like remorse and regret once more.

"Weeks later, it finally clicked what I had done… It was then that I entered the Elvin Kingdom once more and had Primrose help me seal myself.

"I don't want Little Husband to blame her. In fact, if I could make a small request, please do help her. She's carried this burden all alone for so long…"

'Primrose…' Ri trembled. This girl was once her best friend. In fact, it was Primrose who pretended to be the Elvin Princess in Ri's stead for so many years.

"… This is likely where our timelines begin to deviate. In my timeline, 30 or 40 years after I made this choice, Head Void ravaged our home Planet. He killed so many, Sister Alexandria lost her parents, and hardly anyone remained.

"The only Earthen Elf remaining was Ri… As a result, she took pity on my Eostre Clan and released us. We became among the only elves remaining.

"Back then, I had no idea what happened. After I was awoken, my memories were sealed and I lived life without being aware of the horrible deeds I committed.

"I watched as little husband tore a path toward revenge and smiled joyfully when you finally took Head Void's life with your own hands.

"You continued until you stood atop of the world, curbing the rebellion of every clan across the Mortal Plane. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough and Little Husband died during your final battle…

"The moment your life ended, the seals on my memories shattered and I was faced with the reality of my actions. But, the heavens had given me a chance, a chance to do for Little Husband what you had done for me. I entered the Timeless Library.

"Little Husband knows well of the Timeless Library. It was the structure that caused the Demon Sage's empire to fall, not to mention countless heroes before him.

"As such, you also know the problem with the Timeless Library. It teleports its users to a random point in time, either forwards or backwards. The issue is that logically speaking, time forward is infinite and time backward is finite – at least by the shallow comprehension of us humans. As a result, you are guaranteed to be teleported into the future. This is what probability dictates.

"The only way to curb this possibility is by pouring endless resources into the Timeless Library, only then can you confine the timeline to a stricter range. However, this was where the Timeless Library was exposed for the fraud that it was.

"The Timeless Library took advantage of individuals, accumulating an unholy amount of resources as it forced experts to try and constrain its so-called 'randomness'. But the reality of the matter was that these resources were stored and used against those who sought to save the mortal plane and in the end, those individuals were taken to the exact points in time they least wanted to appear in.

"Little Husband exposed this truth. The Timeless Library was never a holy grail. It was more apropos to say that it was a philosopher's stone. An item that promised riches, but only did so in exchange for countless reaped lives.

"The truth is that the Timeless Library isn't a treasure at all, instead, it's a Heaven's Child capable of bending time to their will."

Jade casually mentioned a matter that shook Dyon to his core. A Heaven's Child? In league with the entity? This…

"I tell Little Husband this so that you know to be careful. Even The Entity isn't fully capable of controlling a Heaven's Child. All it can do is lock them away in this so-called Timeless Library and use a carrot and a stick approach to push this Heaven's Child toward doing its bidding.

"I know what Little Husband must be thinking. If this Heaven's Child was a subordinate of the entity, how did I end up here by using the Timeless Library?

"Do you remember what the goal of The Entity was from the beginning and even to now? The Entity's Senior Brother sacrificed his life for the sake of the Mortal Plane, yet failed, leaving the entity bitter and enraged.

"Some might tell you that this Senior Brother and First Disciple of Abraxus' was just a good person, but this isn't entirely the truth. There is no such thing as absolute good in this world… Abraxus' First Disciple transcended, but he couldn't let go of his Mortal Plane attachments.

"From the words The Entity spoke in rage as it battled you, the First Disciple was born to a relatively normal family. In the end, while he was able to break this mold and become a mighty cultivator, he was never able to bring his parents to the same height. He lost his mother and father not to some terrible enemy, but rather old age…

"Then, the First Disciple faced tragedy once more. He who could hold the skies up with a single hand and destroy universes with a single thought lost the love of his life… Once more, not to a terrible enemy – as he had the ability to crush them all – but rather… Old age.

"The First Disciple transcended, hoping to leave behind these mortal affairs. He even became Abraxus' first ever disciple and became a force that was unmatched even on the Immortal Plane. Like this, he fell in love once more, to another women.

"He thought that everything was perfect. He would never face the same pain again. After all, this was the Immortal Plane, they were all Immortal. However, Fate is a cruel mistress. They lived together happily for billions of years, but then it happened again. No human or beast could take the lives of his loved ones, he was too powerful, but the Heavens were undefeated… Once again, he lost his love to old age…

"This vicious cycle repeated itself, again and again. Every time he believed he had closed off his emotions for good, he would be swayed once more. Each time, he'd spend billions of years with his new, cherished love, only to lose them again to the ravages of time.

"Nine times this happened. One time on the Mortal Plane and eight times on the Immortal Plane. Each time was just as devastating as the last, no less painful, no less horrible...

"Finally, this undefeatable man fell into a pit of despair. A man so powerful that even the Heavens couldn't take his life was completely unable to protect those around him from those very Heavens. It was even to the point where he was forced to watch as the only man he could have ever considered his equal, his Master, Abraxus, crumble due to old age as well while he remained perfectly fine...."