
Her bloodline stimulated to new heights. Her body grew an entire foot, her bust and hips becoming even more exaggerated. But, her skin became as black as charcoal and her eyes began to glow with a yellow, feline light. Still, her most shocking transformation were her hands. In that instant, her nails became sharp claws stretching outward at least six inches.

The muscles in her forearms bulged as she swung downward, one hand toward the line of qi, and another toward the sleek black arrow.

'That's unfortunate.' Dyon said with a light smile. '[Qi Line] is a pincer attack.'

By the time Eleven realized this truth, the first line of qi was already upon her. At that same instant, Fifteen realized that she had been so worried about the front, that she completely forgot to cover her own back.

'Dammit!' Fifteen grit her teeth.

She could no longer continue to pretend. If this continued, not only would she be revealed, but Eleven would also end up injured. If she was going to be revealed anyway, wouldn't it be better if Eleven was spared?

This was all the motivation she needed. She wasn't Fifteen… She was Nine!

A growl escaped her lips as the seals on her cultivation snapped. A 9th Stage Dao Formation Expert had appeared!

Dyon's eyes widened. That's impossible, a seal that escaped his divine sense? He didn't believe there was anything capable of doing such a thing. Yet, it was right in front of him!

'Dyon, she's not a normal cat beast, she's a Dream Panther! Hiding their true form is their innate bloodline ability. Their abilities are far beyond the scope of normal sealing and illusion techniques!'

It was at this moment that Dyon realized that Ri's abilities weren't infallible. When facing dao experts, celestials had no choice but to lower their heads.

The roar of a Dream Panther shook Dark Ocean. Even Ten's dragon bloodline was nothing before her strength.

Fifteen's, no, Nine's transformation was too drastic. The quiet, unassuming, and docile young woman became a ferocious beast in an instant.

Beautiful purple fur coated her body as the beast skins she wore tore apart to reveal an alluring body that was soon covered. She grew half a foot, but the most shocking change was her presence. It felt as though her every step could quake the very fabric of reality.

Dyon's mind trembled. He had met great experts before. He faced Ancestor Daiyu and Head Void. He had even fought and survived a battle against a Higher Existence during second trial, not to mention the fact his Granny Celest was now a peak dao expert who should be far stronger that Nine. However, this somehow felt different.

It only took Dyon a moment to understand. Ancestor Daiyu had relied on burning his soul to reach that level. Head Void was nothing but a weakling in comparison to the rest of the martial world. Elder Conli, the Higher Existence of Dyon's second trial, withheld his might to the best of his abilities because letting even a small bit of it leak would have destroyed Planet Moon and thus the treasure he was looking for. And Granny Celest, how could she expose her might to a young man she saw as her grandson?

This was the first time Dyon had met an insurmountable mountain in full force.

Dream Panthers. A race of feline beasts that struck fear in those of the martial world. They were Higher Supreme Grade beasts, just a step below Dragons and Kitsune, but their abilities were devastating.

There were stories of individuals experiencing trillions of years of life in an instant, only to lose their minds when they finally awoke. There were some who wondered to their deaths, meandering into black holes or dangerous abyssal cores that seemed completely safe just a moment ago. There were some who charmed beyond their limits, giving away their lives in servitude of these Dream Panthers, only to despair in the last moments of their life when they realized those feelings were never real.

Legends of sirens, the succubus, and myriads of other enticement and illusion driven tales were all tied to Dream Panthers in one way or another… and yet, one had actually appeared here.

Still, none of these things were the most damning and fearsome part of this race of beasts… The true issue lied in the fact that not only were Dream Panthers known for their near impregnable auxiliary abilities, their bodies were also only just short of Dragons!

How could such an outstanding race be ranked below kitsune? Simply put, despite their overwhelming strength, no Dream Panther had ever stepped foot into the realm of Higher Existences. No one knew exactly why, though there many theories, but in the end, this result left them a step below the field of beasts they should be a part of.

However, did this matter? Whether Nine could become a Higher Existence or not, all that was important now was the fact that Dyon was not a match for her!

Nine snorted watching as the beams of the [Qi Line] technique approached from her front and back. Though she was shocked to realize that the cold qi affected her even after she undid her own seals, that hardly mattered now. In the face of absolute power, schemes meant nothing!

"I'll crush these petty tricks!" Nine roared.

Her claws swept forward, a pride that could match dragons in her eyes.

However, what she didn't know was that after the initial shock, Dyon regained his bearings and his eyes lit ablaze with fighting intent. He felt his heart pounding. He didn't understand what it was, but it felt like he was… excited?

'I thought you all said you wouldn't fall for the same trick twice? Fifteen was never my target…' Dyon's shock morphed into a smirk. '[Retrace]!'

From the very begin, Dyon's target had never been Fifteen, or Nine, now. He had been targeting the only Heaven grade beast remaining, Thirteen!