
The moment Ri decided to go all out, her ten tails flailed out behind her.

In the next instant, they turned as dark as night. Her expression became vicious and suffused with killing intent as her beautiful silver-blue hair became akin to depths of space.

Her sinister aura far overshadowed the presence of the blue whales. They were completely unable to fight back.

This was all Dyon needed to understand that these blue whales weren't King beasts. And, even if they were, their resistance would still be minimal.

Dyon's confidence swelled.

His Presence pushed outward, locking onto the colony of 12. As expected. Since Presence was rooted in the body, it was effective!

This was the final straw. All resistance completely collapsed. The worried of Ri and Dyon seemed ridiculous now. No matter what amazing evolution these beasts had undergone, they were still common grade beasts. In the face of this sort of display, they were unaware of just how powerful they truly were.

It was Dyon's blessing, and their disgrace, that Earth's energy density was so low…. Who knew how powerful these beasts would be if they were able to truly cultivate?

Dyon's eyes flashed. He was ready.

Dyon began the adjustments necessary to make use of the beast compendium, also known as the 7 classifications in the mortal realm: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and finally, Species.

The more of the 7 classifications Dyon had and refined into the seal, the higher the chances of success. If all 7 were had, that was when the 80% success rate was reached. However, something was telling Dyon that using The Seal against mere common grade beasts couldn't possible have such a large margin for failure.

Suddenly, Dyon's brow twitched. 'Not good.'

His teeth grit with resolve.

He had taken the opportunity provided by The Seal to spread his divine sense out. Due to that, he could very clearly sense fluctuations in the ocean's currents that definitely weren't due to himself. The warrior colony had likely called for help, and it was on its way.

Only creatures as large as these blue whales could cause such changes in the ocean currents from so far out.

Dyon unleashed his seal ahead of time, having no other choice. In the end, he had only managed to lock in 3 classifications. Whether it succeeded or not would be completely up to chance.


Unlike what Dyon believed, the blue whales fell under his command with absolute ease. Even the three colonies that came to their aid faired no better. The moment Dyon realized that his Presence could be used without reserve, these so-called beasts didn't stand a single chance.

In just a half hour, Dyon captured 3 warrior colonies for a total of 36 blue whales. However, this realization made him apprehensive.

At the moment, he and Ri had exited the oceans, catching their breath on the golden yacht above.

Dyon helped Ri get rid of the excess cold qi still bothering her.

"The good news is that cold qi can't be absorbed just because you want to absorb it. My ice will is only a step away from the half-step dao realm, yet I couldn't handle it all even with your protective measures. The bad news is that the blue whales are too weak to Presence. If we take them into battle like this, they'll be rendered useless in an instant."

Dyon nodded in agreement. Though the problem was resolved so easily, it was more of a bad thing than a good. If they could deal with it so simply, that meant others could too. If they wanted to rely on the enemy's lack of information, then that means it would only work once.

After going through so much trouble to capture these blue whales, they could only use them one time? How was that worth it at all?

"Something's fishy." Dyon said with a frown. "Presence is rooted in the body. How can beasts with such tyrannically large bodies be so susceptible to Presence? Even if they don't have Presence of their own, they should be able to resist at least somewhat."

"Maybe it's not just Presence." Ri supplemented. "They had to deal with fear of The Seal and my natural bloodline suppression of them as well. It might have been a combination of those three things."

Although Ri said this, she knew that it was grasping at straws. The blue whales were mere common grade beasts, how hard would it be to find an earth grade beast to suppress them? Even for middle rung clans such a task would be too simple.

Even if The Seal wouldn't necessary be easy to replicate, who was to say that weaker treasures wouldn't work as well?

Suddenly Dyon brought his fist to his palm. "I've got a crazy idea."

Ri tilted her head.

"Remember the Daiyu Ancestor?" Dyon asked with a grin.

"You mean?" Ri's eyes widened. "But the [Dragon Refining Arts] you got from the second trial… I thought you said that you would need to fully comprehend Runic Vein Theory before you knew if it was real or not?"

"Originally, yes." Dyon grinned. "But, I don't need to now. We have the Demon Sage, don't we? He has more understanding of Runic Vein Theory than I could ever imagine. If we combine the [Dragon Refining Arts] and the Dragon Souls we exploited from the Daiyu Ancestor, what are the odds that that would fix the weakness of the blue whales?"

Ri's heartbeat quickened slightly, her shock evident.

Who in their right mind would waste something as precious as a Dragon Soul, even if they were just Bronze Grade ones, one a mere common grade beast? Maybe only Dyon would be so wild!

"With the tyrannical bodies of the blue whales, there's more than a 99% likelihood that they'd survive the infusion of Dragon Soul." Ri said. "I have no doubt that as long as it succeeds, their weakness to Presence would be quickly fixed."