
This was a secret maybe only Aritzia herself knew. However, the point was that she had a youthful innocence to her that was no match for Dyon. No matter how intelligent a person was, without proper life experience, it was meaningless.

Much like Saru, Aritzia likely used some technique to make herself look older than she was. Who knew how long she had been pretending? It likely wasn't until recently that she could use her true appearance. Or, maybe she hadn't ever used it…

"How?" Aritzia asked after collecting herself.

"You don't have a solid understanding of that man or how many reserves he has." Dyon said plainly.

"I don't?"

"How talented do you believe he is?" Dyon asked instead of answering.

"Very talented. He's a Moon Lord already. He has the Titan Diamond Body God Constitution. His wife is no less talented. And, he seems to have fused with a spark of the Sovereign Flame…"

Dyon shook his head. "You're still ignorant. Not only does he have Titan Diamond Body, he has the Silver Mirror Constitution, and… It seems to be far stronger than the normal upper limit of the constitution.

"Not only is his wife talented, both of his wives are talented beyond your imagination. In fact, Empress Madeleine can only rank second among the two of them in terms of pure combat prowess. As far as I'm aware, his most powerful wife is already a middle dao expert… And she's less than 160 years old!"

Aritzia already felt as though her mind was collapsing as she heard these words. But, it seemed Dyon wasn't finished yet.

"If you think that's all, you'd be sorely mistaken… You believe True God Sacharro is a Moon Lord, when I know quite well that he is in fact a Planet Lord!"

Aritzia sucked in a cold breath, her hand slightly trembling. Just what was she trying to meddle in?

Aritzia took a deep breath. "How do you know all of these things?"

"Isn't it obvious to you by now?" Dyon smiled lightly. "We come from the same quadrant."

"I see…" Aritzia's heartbeat became erratic. This explained everything. "… But what about –"

"My Title? I haven't taken my trials. Like I said, I find them to be useless. Plus, being high profile goes against my goals."

Hearing these words, Aritzia almost felt like the spitting up blood. You don't want to be high profile? Then why does everyone know your name? You haven't been doing your job very well at all.

"But you very clearly have …"

"Presence? Who said someone has to take trials to gain Presence? In case you haven't noticed, I'm a genius."

"What's your purpose here exactly?"

"Lady Aritzia, I've told you many times already. I want to knock a certain True God Sacharro down a peg."

"You aren't worried?"

"What do I have to be worried about? They have a Higher Existence. We have a Higher Existence. He is talented. I am talented. His wives are powerful, and so are mine."

"I need to know something. No… Two things." Aritzia said seriously. "Where have those of the Celestial Deer Quadrant been all this time and why is it that you have such an enmity with True God Sacharro?"

"Where have we been?" Dyon laughed. "We've been wherever we deem fit worthy of our appearance. The tower is useless to us, but now… It's become quite an interesting prospect."

Aritzia's eyes narrowed. These words, they were the very same words those arrogant outer quadrant geniuses said all the time. What was the only thing that could make them appear?... Wasn't it the Ancient Battlefield that would make its presence known not too long from now?

"As for my enmity against True God Sacharro, you should already be aware of this too. The resources of Dark Ocean are the Legacy of my Elvin Kingdom. But, some arrogant bastards seem to believe that they can lay claim to it as they see fit."

"Then how does Comet Lord Gallagher fit into this equation?" Aritzia asked in suspicion.

"Ah, my little Clara, she'll soon be mine." Dyon said confidently.

Aritzia's delicate features twisted in disgust.

"What's with that face? Can a man not pursue a woman he desires? Why are you pretending like a pinned her down and raped her?"

Aritzia wanted to spit out something like: 'You were just asking me to be your wife 5 minutes ago, now you're talking to me about other women you're courting, and you don't see a problem with that?'. But, she managed to rein herself in. If she said something like that, rather than embarrassing Dyon, she would only be embarrassing herself.

"You truly don't know her origins?"

Dyon raised an eyebrow. "You're thinking about this too much. How many knew of Emytheus before he introduced his Brother of Guardians? The universe has many geniuses. My little Clara likely received a fortuitous encounter that allowed her to gain the legacy of a formidable Weapon's Smith. Then, she shrouded herself in mystery and made a name for herself."

Aritzia was stunned by this explanation. Could she really have overthought it?

"I might be wrong." Dyon said with a shrug. "She's a mystery even to me. But, I'll crack that veil of hers one day. It's my fortune that my little Alex and her have become such good friends."

"Speaking of which, isn't your wife a little too free with who she reveals your clan's secrets to?"

"Secrets?" Dyon laughed. "Dark Ocean can be considered a secret now? The Mist Clan should have known long ago that Dark Ocean is protected by our Rainbow Kun Peng allies. They just haven't been strong enough to take advantage. As for other Clans and Sects, due to your tower quadrant rules, would they attack the Water Mist Quadrant?

"It's much more of an open secret. If even you see it as a secret, Lady Aritzia, I can only say that our Elvin Kingdom is quite fortunate. At least this means that much of our resources are intact."

Aritzia's eyes narrowed. She couldn't not admit that it had indeed been too easy to link Dark Ocean to the Elves.

"What sort of cooperation do you want from me?"

"Easy. I'll give you the same deal I gave to Palace Master Jasmine. In exchange for 5% of the Dark Ocean's resources, I want you to obstruct True God Sacharro from dipping his greedy hands into my dealings."

Aritzia's eyes contracted once more. It seemed her questions about Palace Master Jasmine were answered as well.

"How do I do that?" Aritzia said slowly.

"Simple." Dyon suddenly took out a sheet of paper shimmering with a golden hue. It only took a moment for Aritzia to realize that it was a soul contract.

"If you use my contract, not only will Dyon be completely unable to interfere with our matters for the next few years, you'll be able to take back the shares of the Sapientia Network you signed over to him before long as well. In fact, he might even beg you to take them back and pay you in exchange.

"In the end, not only will you retain a majority hold over the Sapientia Network, you'll also gain 5% of the treasures of my Elvin Kingdom and a hold over the mighty True God Sacharro."

As Aritzia read over the contract, she started off skeptical, but the more she read, the more her eyes shone. By the end, her body shook with excitement. At that point, Dyon knew he had won.