
The formation core Soul Rending Peak used to give their experts a boost had a so-called 'Root Formation'. This root formation was known as the [Nature's Order] formation. It was able to take power from the surroundings, similar to the abilities a celestial, but on a much larger scale. What the formation core did was act as a link to the main formation, allowing it to be used at a further distance away.

The trouble was that creating the formation core of a root formation required the equivalent of reaching the One with Self realm of a martial technique. Simply put, one needed to understand a formation and recognize it no matter how many permutations it had or adjustments were done to it. They should be able to draw and recreate this formation in their sleep!

It took Dyon's clone, even with Dyon's level of soul path talent, 6 months to create the formation core for a single root formation! And the formation he chose?... It was the [Infinite Heart] formation!

In that moment, 10 000 puppets appeared from nowhere, shocking Cativa. These number of puppets, they were double the number of Star Force members they had brought!

The puppets of the Demon Sage Tower were works of pristine art… Unlike the flashy silver and gold sentries that defended the celestial doors, these puppets glowed a calm, soothing violet.

The material that coated their exteriors were completely see-through, revealing the hidden mechanisms inside. It looked like the gorgeous gears of a watch, ticking away to perpetually provide power.

It was almost a shame to make them fight at all… However, Dyon wasn't worried about them becoming damaged. These were puppets from the Immortal Plane, if they could be damaged by mortal realm cultivators so easily, they might as well not exist at all!

The formation core glowed within Dyon's hands, shooting out 10 000 tentacle-like lines to connect with each puppet. In that moment, 10 000 peak celestial auras pierced through the Star Force's momentum.

Without even another glance, Dyon left the formation core in the air. It was as though he was taunting them… You want my formation core? Come and get it.

Cativa became flushed with rage. He believed that he could deal with them with puppets? And what kinds of puppets were these? Why were they so beautiful?

Even still, Cativa calmed herself. These puppets could delay them, but not for very long. Everyone knew that puppets performed below their optimal strength. They simply didn't have the flexibility or intelligence of humans.

A first-grade puppet would perform like a second-grade warrior at best. And, those first grade puppets were incredibly rare and expensive. Let alone 10 000 of them, a single clan, even on their Star Clans level, would have a dozen at most. Maybe only those outer quadrant clans and sects might have a few hundred.

Unfortunately for them, the Star Force would soon find out that these puppets weren't normal by any stretch of the imagination… Even though Dyon wasn't controlling them, didn't the Demon Sage Tower have an item spirit?!

Dyon's body flashed as he charged toward the Heavenly Sword Guild.

By his calculations, the energy source of his [Infinite Heart] formation could only power 10 000 peak celestial puppets for 12 hours. After those 12 hours were up, the energy source would dry up and Dyon would never be able to call out his puppets here again. He had already tapped into all the energy sources within a million-kilometer radius, yet he only received 12 hours in return…

Still, this would give him valuable time he needed. With one army dealt with for now, he still had three others to deal with!


Dyon didn't bother with the matters of the Star Force any longer. He immediately cut across several silver danger zones, utilizing his teleportation arrays to make haste toward the Heavenly Sword Guild.

At this moment, the Heavenly Sword Guild was being led by a figure Dyon would recognize all too well: Diasho Ken, the magic swordsman!

His sleek black hair followed behind him ethereally, floating like a dream. His features were the pinnacle of perfection, as though carved by holy light itself. His eyes were piercing, standing out amid with white garbs. However, his most striking feature were the two swords that floated behind him, one substantially longer than the other.

If one looked closely, it became obvious that his twin swords weren't being held up by any sort of energy. No, his sword were actually willingly following him, using their own spirit to follow their master!

This Magic Swordsman, Diasho Ken, went by another title. He was none other than the 27th ranked captain of the Heavenly Sword Guild and younger brother of True God Diasho.

To his back, he led five thousand warriors, even the weakest of whom were of the 6th Order. It was as though they had coordinated their actions with the Star Force, but this wasn't too surprising. After all, they were both half-sprite power centers.

Daisho Ken hadn't come alone. He brought along with his the 31st, 43rd, 47th, and 51st ranked captains. For the Heavenly Sword Guild to send 5 of their 112 captains, it could only be said that they were giving Dyon a tremendous amount of face!

The captains of the Heavenly Sword Guild were godly figures to the martial world. According to rumors, one wouldn't be allowed the title unless you were both a noble of the five blade families, and of the 7th order at a minimum!

Lower ranked clans could only dream of having so many talents, yet the Heavenly Sword Guild had 112 of them! This didn't even mention their 36 lieutenants, 4 generals, and their lofty commander, True God Diasho.

[Author's Note: I've been making a mistake in recent chapters. It's spelt Diasho, not Daisho.]

Ken's arrogance could be seen clearly in his sharp brows. True God Sacharro? He was nothing but another bug to be squashed beneath his feet. In this lifetime, the only man he would allow to stand above him was his elder brother! And, even in that case, no one knew who would become greater in the end. Cultivation through the dao realm was long and arduous, no one could say who would be the better man among the two of them in a hundred thousand years.