
"Everything is still running smoothly. Even though the Demon Generals aren't here, Zabia and the Ipsum disciples are, so no one dares to cause trouble. Plus, they're too invested in making sure they don't lose their status as First Tier Clans to worry about anything else."

Clara answered, but Dyon could tell that she had skirted around the issue of the twins.

"… The twins won't last more than one or two more months…" Ri said softly.

Dyon felt a pang when he heard this. He sighed and looked up into the skies.

If the luck of the martial world was decided on how good of a person you were, Mia and Bella would live the lives of Empresses. Yet, this was the hand they were dealt.

He had tried everything he could for them in the last two years. He had even tried giving them Sovereign Sparks. Despite only being able to produce one a year, he didn't hesitate to give them to the twins. Yet, they were swallowed into their bodies and only seemed to marginally make them better. In fact, without the sparks, they would have died already… But, Dyon felt that all he had done was prolong their suffering…

'Was it selfish of me to leave when I did? Was it really because I was ready, or because I couldn't face their last carefree smile?'

Dyon sighed again. "Alright. You two rest, I still have other things to handle."

Dyon dove down to Low Gold City. The first thing he did was use ten thousand or so dao stones and his Mend Core to repair the city from the ground up. He planned on having Meiying renovate the lands, but this would obviously take a while. So, this would have to do for now.

The business owners were very thankful for Dyon's help. They didn't know what magical device he had used to accomplish such a thing, but by now, Dyon was basically a God in the eyes of many.

Luckily, since Low Gold City was never expressly owned by anyone, the shop owners here were free entities of their own without contracts tied to specific Clans. They only had to pay a small protection tax so that powerful, arrogant geniuses couldn't wantonly destroy their shops.

This made things far easier on Dyon. He simply drew up a new protection contract that was actually far more generous than what they received before. Instead of paying a percentage, Dyon allowed them to pay a fixed fee depending on the size of their shop.

Also, Dyon felt the Low Gold City was an excellent market to begin selling some of the treasures he deemed were useless from Orcus' mystical world. While he found them useless, they were drool worthy to many others. So, he opened an auction house named Sacharro Auctions.

After everything was handled, Dyon turned his gaze toward the 9 pagodas.

"Dyon? Dyon!" Ava's voice suddenly woke Dyon from his thoughts. She was followed by the same group she had been with previously, including Thor and Tammy. It also seemed Thadius had reunited with his wives.

"Hey," Dyon responded with a light smile.

"Are you sure this is okay? Even though you control this territory, the gold danger zones are still up for grabs."

Dyon shook his head. "It's no problem. The reason Low Gold City was built here was because it's the only safe area from several hundred thousand miles. In order to enter the 9 danger zones, you must first enter this city. After all, the entrances are all facing us."

Dyon smiled deviously. He couldn't control all of the towers because he was only allowed to claim 1 gold danger zone. However, he could control who could enter freely. This was why Low Gold City had never been permanently owned by one Clan or Sect, it was too important.

"Oh!" Ava nodded in understanding. "If that's the case, I'll stop worrying then."

Ava practically sprinted away, not because she was running from Dyon, but because she had been wanting to enter the gold danger zones for so long already. This was finally her chance!

Seeing her run off, so carefree, Dyon couldn't help but smile. Whenever there was darkness, there'd always be light somewhere. The twins might be dying, but it seemed Ava was slowly becoming her usual self again.

Dyon winked at Caedlum who was standing dumbly and booted him toward Ava's fleeing figure.

Tammy faintly smiled at this scene while Thadius laughed lewdly only to have his hips pinched to hell by River and Ronica.

Dyon didn't understand why he had been so eager to leave such a happy atmosphere in the past.


Dyon explained his plan to Ava simply so she wouldn't worry, but it was actually more complicated than he let on.

Even if Dyon closed off access to Low Gold City and its teleportation formations, others could still take the long way to reach the gold danger zones. Although several silver danger zones surrounded them, for the enemies Dyon had angered, they would be no more than a joke. In fact, Gods wouldn't even waste their time on danger zones below gold, let alone True Gods.

In order to handle this loophole, Dyon directly used his remaining silver danger zone claims on the 9 silver danger zones that surrounded the pagodas. To do this, he had no choice but to relinquish the rights to 2 of the 3 silver danger zones he claimed from the Enigmatic Sect.

With those danger zones under Dyon's control, along with his monopoly of Low Gold City, no one would be able to enter this area without his permission.

The only unfortunate part was that unlike his territory protection, he could only lay claim to danger zones for the next 6 months. This left his Demon Generals half a year to use the pagodas to their heart's content. By the end, Dyon would need to come up with another counter measure to deal with the inevitable anger of True God Aurum, Lux and Nativus, not to mention the Daisho and Star Clans.