
In truth, Dyon planned for the minimum requirement to be that of a Comet Lord in the future. But, for now, he could only loosen the standard. Even the best of the former soul slaves were still middling around in the Master Realm, but, in just a few more years, even a few short months for the likes of Masada, they would slowly begin to meet Dyon's needs.

Eventually, Dyon envisioned an Array Alchemy Faction that stood above the guilds. Not just any Comet Lord could enter, only the best could enter. Only by attaching such pride and prestige to certain things could Dyon slowly brew a culture. But, he knew that he had to be careful, or else with that pride would come a sense of entitlement and elitism. It was a delicate balance.

"Now. I've spoken about the military factions that will be public knowledge, but there is one that won't be. As things stand now, the minimum requirement to learn the minor details of this faction will be the title of 4th Tier Official and you won't be able to influence its decisions until you become 7th Tier Officials. As things stand now, none of you are qualified. The only reason I've brought this up at all is for the sake of fairness and transparency. For now, you'll know this faction as The Shadows Faction.

"An Empire cannot be built in a day, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't have its own standards. Don't take these lofty goals that I've set as something to demoralize yourselves. Take them as motivation for a mountain peak you want to reach one day.

"I'll be giving you all ten years. For these ten years, you'll all be given the probationary privileges of a 1st Tier Clan. This is the advantage I will give you as founding members.

"During this time, you will receive that same benefits, resources, influence, and support, not to mention territory, as a 1st Tier Clan. Take this time to set your foundations, build up your youths, and entrench your roots. At the end of the 10 year period, those of you who have met the merit point bar for a 1st Tier Clan will be allowed to maintain this title, while those of you who don't will have your land and resources stripped."

Dyon's eyes burned with a fiery passion that lit a similar fire within those listening to him. His Presence affected them so much that they couldn't help but feel their hearts pump with desire.

This was their chance to rise up.


Dyon ended the first ever Mortal Meeting by wrapping up a few miscellaneous matters and small details.

First, he handled matters pertaining to the Soul Tags, scheduling with every Clan in attendance when to be prepared to receive their tags. It would still take quite a bit of time, even for Dyon, to form 15 billion Soul Tags. So he could only take things step by step since he was the only one capable of making them. It would likely take at least a year for everyone to be properly tagged, after this, he could start loosening the reins on everybody and allow them to grow.

With this also came setting up the tracking formations as well. They were far more difficult to make in comparison to Soul Tags due to the fact they had to work autonomously most of the time. Luckily, he only had to make one per Clan. As for those without Clans, or for small families, he would attach all of their Soul Tags to one big tracking formation at the Administrative Hall.

After dealing with this, Dyon began to mark off the land these clans would be able to occupy. As things stood now, everything was too loose and the borders weren't set well enough.

While a 9th Tier Clan would be allowed to rule over an entire universe, obviously, lesser Clans had far less territory.

1st Tier would be allowed about 5% of the land of a planet, 2nd Tier would receive 20% while a 3rd Tier would receive 50%. Once one becomes a 4th Tier Clan, they would be allowed dominion over an entire planet.

A 5th Tier Clan would be allowed control over a solar system while a 6th Tier Clan would be able to dominate a Star Cluster. 7th Tier Clans would control a galaxy. 8th Tier Clans would rule over a Galaxy Cluster. And finally, 9th Tier Clans would be given an entire universe to call their own.

This wasn't all either, every tier came with what Dyon called an 'Exploration Range'. This exploration range was often shared by multiple clans. The goal of a clan would be to, as the title states, explore this area, map it out, and seek resources.

These maps and resources are then sent to the Administration for merit points. In addition, for the resources, the Clans will be allowed to monopolize 30% for themselves.

Of course, there were also demerits assigned to those who chose to hide resources. However, this was also part of the reason Dyon assigned multiple Clans to the same exploration ranges. This way, if a clan wanted to cheat Dyon, they would have to hide the resources from the surrounding clans as well.

If they were found out, the punishment would be severe. But, if they simply handed the resources over as soon as they found them, they would be rewarded with 30%. Even a fool would know which path to choose.

This aside, Dyon did his best not to move Clans too far from where they had already settled, but for Clans like the Pakals who seemed dead set on pulling themselves away from everyone else, Dyon purposely moved them closer to the capital.

However, he wasn't blatant with these wishes of his. Dyon directly placed the most powerful Clans on Soul Planet, promising them territories personally designed and constructed by Meiying herself. Everyone knew what a Meiying constructed land meant… Not only would it look beautiful, but they'd even be able to cultivate faster!