
At the same time, this Dark Ocean Realm was filled with endless dangers. These dangers might seem to be the product of numerous creatures of the water defending their territory, but Ri knew the truth. This vast expanse of Ocean was ruled by a single Clan!

Back then, when the ancients foretold of the collapse of the Elvin and Dwarf races, this sea was created as a final resting place. Much like how the Elves handed half of the Jafari Clan Treasure to the Mino Clan to protect, they left other treasures here with the Rainbow Kun Peng Clan.

During this time, unlike the Mino Clan who sharply declined, the Kun Peng Clan flourished. Eventually, their ancestors forgot about the kindness of the Elvin Race and attempted to take the treasures they protected for themselves. But, who would have known that they would end up being beset by such a vicious curse?

Magic arts and Poison masters were two sides of the same coin. Where a person could be an absolute expert in magic, it was also possible to be an otherworldly being on the Curse Path.

If one thinks back, it is possible to remember that the Mathilde Clan was capable of laying such a fierce curse that an entire universe became dubbed the Chaos Universe. As a result of their actions, thousands of ancient elves who died back then were unable to find their way to their ancestral grounds and thus could not spread word of their betrayal.

Since the Elves were capable of such a thing even after millions of years of decline… Just how fierce was a curse laid during their prime?!

The lofty air of the Rainbow Kun Peng was immediately shattered. Those whose minds were filled with greedy thoughts died, withering away on the spot. However, the Curse didn't end with just this, later generations became doomed as well.

Now, the Rainbow Kun Peng, a race of beasts comparable to the current celestial beasts – being peak transcendent grade beasts – could never break through to the dao formation realm.

This wasn't all either. In addition to their power being permanently suppressed, they were sealed into their beast forms, cutting off the human path and disallowing them from grasping true power.

There was a time they stood above the world. They were the second strongest race of Kun Peng only behind the Celestial Kun Peng, yet not only had they fallen from the Supreme Grade ranks, they could hardly protect themselves now.

As time ticked on, the Curse only grew worse. Their already low birthrates due to their high bestial grades fell even further. In addition, without being able to produce any dao formation experts or higher existences, their bloodline continued to dilute with each passing generation. Eventually, they would no longer be able to keep up the façade that they had, and others would storm into their Dark Ocean and claim their resources for themselves.

It was no wonder that this generation of Kun Peng had such an adverse reaction to Ri. Although they didn't dare to kill her for fear of an even worse Curse befalling them, they refused to admit their fault. After all, they were paying not for their actions, but for the actions of their ancestors. How could the Elves be so cruel to punish them who were innocent?

On some level, Ri understood this. That was why she hadn't rushed to suppress them with absolute power. But, to think they would rather blame her than their trashy ancestors! She couldn't tolerate it any longer.

The Kun Peng cried out in horror as they felt their strength slipping further and further away from them. They had already given their everything to reach this level, now it was being taken away once more. How could they not be overwhelmed by despair?

"Young Elvin Queen, please stay your hand. We submit. We submit." In the distance, an older Kun Peng with frail fins and greyed scales swam forward, its long whiskers seeming eerily reminiscent of a long white beard.

Ri's blue-silver hair had gone from its original color, to a blinding shade of white, only to fall into absolute darkness. Her emotions were clearly worn on her sleeve. Despite the words of this Ancestral Kun Peng, the agony of the six elders didn't fade. However, neither did she attack the newcomer. Her meaning was clear.

This old bastard was clearly aware of this situation the entire time, yet he didn't care to step out until he confirmed that Ri still maintained control over their Curse. It wasn't that he wanted to come, it was that he had no choice to under Ri's pressure. Under such a situation, how could Ri care for this ancestor's words?

"The Rainbow Kun Peng Clan," Ri said through a sneer, "You've spent the last several thousand year maintaining a façade of absolute power those of the Water Mist Sect are simply too scared to shatter. Yet, you keep these lofty airs of yours. Did you think that just because you're called the Dragons of the Water that you were truly Dragons?

"One race holds their head high, ruling over five quadrants, while the other can only bury their heads in the sand and play petty tricks to keep control over a mere 20 universes. You tell me, how can you compare?!"

The faces of the surrounding Kun Peng sunk. Ri wasn't wrong, but saying it so blatantly like this…

Over the recent years, they could only rely on the magic formations their predecessors left behind to put up a fake front. But, they knew very well that had it not been for the fear the Water Mist Sect upper echelon had for them, their façade would have already been broken. A single true dao expert could already sweep through them all without much effort.

"Young Lady, your words are too harsh." The Ancestor Kun Peng spoke with a grave tone.

"My Title is that of Elvin Queen. Call me young lady or anything related again, and I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget."