
"I see…" Dyon rubbed the little girl's head. "It's alright, I'll figure something out. If not here, then I'm sure my constitution's world will have something capable of helping you."

"My celestial hamster clan is capable of refining our bloodline to higher grades by making use of materials that have high levels of ancient aura." Little Yang suddenly said.

"Ancient aura?"

"Materials that have long and vast histories, especially when they aren't from our current era, have very dense historical path time will attached to them. This can passively help us strengthen ourselves." Little Yin explained.

"You mean to say that Linlin might be able to improve in a similar way?" Dyon asked with a skeptical look on his face.

"The Celestial Turtle is the closest to us Celestial Hamsters in ability. Their Wisdom path isn't so dissimilar to our Time path. It's just that one of us seeks to use the past in order to forge the future, while the other seeks to use the path for enlightenment of their inner selves.

"All we have to do is teach Linlin the method of absorbing Ancient Aura and she should see vast improvements as well. But, she'll be limited in her capability because her time affinity isn't as high as ours."

Dyon nodded. Although the twins explained it like this, this could be a massive chance for Linlin.

The twins didn't see any drastic changes within themselves, but they were already within the peak supreme grade! Dyon never worried about improving their bloodlines because they didn't need it. However, if Linlin used such a method from the transcendent grade, her improvements would be akin to leaps and bounds.

"Good. It's settled then. I'll entrust Linlin to you two." Dyon smiled, continuing his way through the forest.

Dyon didn't end up finding anything more valuable than the Pulse Trees, but he was still content.

For the next few days, Dyon continued his way around the Mystical World. He managed to find a few seedlings that would one day blossom into comet grade plants. He believed that Eli would find a far better use for them than he would.

Aside from that, he mostly relied on Little Rain to find precious minerals.

With his luck, he found another deposit of Timeless and Spaceless stones. He suspected that Little Rain had seen how happy he got last time they found such deposits and went out of his way to find them again. He really was a good kid.

Finally, the second phase began. From now on, it would no longer be safe to roam the ground.


A smile bloomed on Dyon's face, his happiness evidence. With his wife in his arms, he sat the throne room of one of the sky castles he had taken for his own, watching as the life of several pills bloomed before him.

After some thought, Dyon decided to leave the 20 nine pulse fruits to the side. Since they were so close to evolving to the moon grade, he didn't have the heart to use them now. Instead, he homed in on the lesser fruits.

By Dyon's calculations, the jin of weight provided by these pulse fruits would increase by 100 000 for every additional pulse until the fifth pulse. After that, the sixth pulse would provide 1 000 000 jin, the seventh pulse would provide 2 500 000 jin, the eighth pulse would provide 5 000 000 jin, and finally, the ninth pulse would provide 10 000 000 jin.

At this moment, Dyon was approaching 11 000 000 jin of weight. This was a weight that he could casually use as his own without too many drawbacks. However, he had only reached this limit after more than 50 years of training, so it was obvious just how valuable these fruits were.

If one did the calculations, one would realize just how astronomical of a price it would take for Dyon to reach the very peak potential of his constitution.

Currently, Dyon was at the Rose-Bronze Silk realm. The base weight for this realm was 10 000 jin, but its upper limit was 1 000 000 000 jin! In order for Dyon to reach the Rose-Silver Silk realm, he still had to multiply his current wait by almost 100x!

The trouble was that these pills would only be so effective up to three times. Therefore, it was impossible for Dyon to use them until he reached this upper limit because they would provide diminishing returns.

However… Dyon had a slight loophole to this.

A pill created by a particular pulse would be recognized as a new pill entirely. It was similar to what one might see in a drug addict. If the potency of the drug being taken in increased, then the high would continue to increase as well.

If Dyon started with the nine pulse pill, the lower pills would lose their effectiveness. However, if he started with the one pulse fruits, then steadily increased, he would maximize their benefit!

Once Dyon reached the 1 000 000 000 jin threshold, even pseudo dao formation experts would have to take him seriously!

It wasn't long before Dyon had accumulated eight sets of 15 pills. However, this so-called short period of time was actually several months. Even for Dyon, creating so many comet grade pills would take a while. That said, the smile on his face never faded. He felt incomparably relaxed.

Of these 120 pills, four fifths of them were for the beasts babies. Knowing this, Dyon purposely didn't surpass the realms of perfection for these pills. Although he believed he could handle three-ringed pills of this caliber, the body refinement of the beast babies was still lacking.

After cautioning the celestial beasts to be careful, Dyon sent them off on their own. This hurdle was another they needed to leap over alone. In the end, Dyon sat in the throne room once more with 24 pills before him.

"Am I crazy?" Dyon thought with a bitter smile.

"Yes." The light mumbling of Madeleine caught him slightly off-guard, but it made the bitterness of his smile fade into the wind.

After more than half a year of recuperating, Madeleine looked far better. Although her skin was still slightly wrinkled and her hair was still mostly gray, the difference was still like heaven and earth.

"Taking so many body refinement pills, especially reinforced by three times is just plain masochistic no matter how you look at it." Madeleine said with a light smile, nestling into Dyon's chest. It didn't seem like she had any intentions to stop him, so Dyon just stroked her hair, allowing her to fall asleep once more.

Dyon sighed. Madeleine was right. If he took just the pills from the first to fifth pulse, according to his calculations, after taking into account that they were reinforced by three times, he would be adding 13 500 000 jin of weight to himself in an instant.

It had to be noted, that this added weight was just a way for Dyon to represent the improvement in his body refinement. Obviously, not everyone who took these pills would gain body weight, that was unique to Dyon's constitution.

Rather, the proper way to look at things was to imagine Dyon's body undergoing training he took 50 years to accumulate in a matter of moments. He would be going from 11 000 000 jin, to 24 500 000 jin in what was functionally an instant.

If you took into account the six, seven, and eight pulse pills as well, there was an additional 76 500 000 jin to be acquired. Translated literally, this was like if Dyon trained for 500 years in Chaos Universe.

Dyon remembered the pain of waking up from his beast-like state very vividly. He didn't know if he could handle that pain multiplied by ten times.

However, he knew that he had to. If his calculations were correct, after taking the last eight pulse pill, he would reach 101 000 000 jin. This was just over the 100 000 000 jin he needed to re-enter his constitution's world… Something was telling him that having this ability would become very useful in the future.

So, without hesitation, Dyon grit his teeth and swallowed the first pill.

The moment it reached the pit of his stomach, it was as though an atomic bomb had gone off within him.