
On the Golden Crow Sect side of things, it was in their best interest that news of True God Sacharro wasn't released at all. In that way, if he died, suspicious glances couldn't be aimed toward them.

That said, they knew that this was a useless endeavor. They assumed that a genius like Dyon wouldn't simply be able to leave his Clan as he pleased, so they likely already knew where he had gone. This was why they hadn't bothered to attempt to stifle the information, but that didn't mean that they would actively spread it themselves.

Along with these two reasons, there was a last third. Dao Formation experts found it beneath themselves to do such things. After reaching such a deep cultivation level, what benefit could the SNN give them that would raise their eyebrows? They were already rich.

One had to know that aside from the disciples who entered the Mystical World, the remainder were all supervising elders who had followed them. All of whom happened to be dao formation experts.

As a result of this, the news spread slowly and naturally. Eventually, it reached the ears of those who were much less prideful than those old cultivators and it was they who finally brought the news to the SNN.

Like this, the SNN did their own investigating before somehow finding footage of the incident. In an instant, images of Dyon's handsome visage became plastered all over the martial world. But, what many were even more interested in was his clash with True God Falkor! To defeat a True God without lifting a finger, this was a man truly worthy of four first place finishes on the God Trials!

At this moment, Clara and Ri were fighting yet another life and death battle. A massive beast that could only be described as a black-scaled basilisk roared toward them, its large body even blocking out the dark clouds in the sky.

"Are you sure this is just an image?" Clara said bitterly, using her wind domain to boost Ri's speed.

Ri grunted, floating in the air as her white tails whipped about. Pillars of ice and water crashed into the basilisk's massive body. She missed the days where the only basilisks she had to deal with was that overly affectionate couple back during her first campaign.

"[Water Wheel: Turn of Fate]!" Her delicate roar caused the dark ocean below to surge forward, wrapping around the basilisk's black body and severing it in multiple places.

Violet blood fell by the liter, darkening the already black waters below as a pained roar pierced the skies.

"The Rainbow Scaled Peng Clan is known for their illusions, however, it's more accurate to call it a creation branch of magic. All of those legends about how good Dragons are at magic… It was actually ancient people mistaking them for being of the Dragon Race…" Ri gasped for breath.

Clara grumbled. "If it's real then it's not an illusion… READY?!"


The two beauties floated into the air, clasping both of their hands together as though they were about to begin a waltz. However, instead, they did something only possible between two people who had absolute trust in each other.

Their meridians connected, suddenly, 108 doubled. If just a single order above the ninth gave Dyon so much power…. What would 108 orders do?

"[Wind and Water Wheel: Seal of Fate]!"

A wheel akin to a roaring chainsaw shot up from the dark ocean, slicing the basilisk's body in half, only to leave behind a bloody pool of intestines.

Ri and Clara gasped from breath, descending onto Centauress to allow Isla to heal them.

The truth was that their fusion ability wasn't so exaggerated as 108 orders above the 9th. If that was true, they'd already be undefeatable despite the fact Clara was still a saint.

However, this sort of fusion raised Ri's abilities from the peak of the 9th order, closer to how powerful someone of the 11th or 12th order would experience. Plus, the only reason it was so weak was because Clara hadn't broken through yet. Once she did, its power would exponentially increase, bringing them close to the 18th order which Dyon would reach after filling his 9 new meridians.

Unfortunately, Clara's meridian grade was still slowly increasing. If it wasn't for all the high-level pills she could eat, she would likely still be an essence gatherer. At the moment, she was still of the 5th grade. It would likely take several hundred more years to reach the 1st grade.

Suddenly, Clara laughed as news flashed along her pupils. "So unreasonably flashy."

"What happened?"

"That husband of ours made a large unnecessary splash again. The good news is that he slapped that arrogant True God Falkor prick." Clara snorted. She had been there with Falkor tried to rampage across Celestial Deer Corner. Unfortunately, she was too weak to do anything about it without pulling out the supreme grade treasure Dyon gave her. But, for obvious reasons, it wasn't worth it do such a thing.

Ri smiled through her fatigue. "I can't tell if you're happy or annoyed."

"Both!" Clara said defiantly. "Can you believe that that arrogant bastard told me he'd put a baby in us so that we wouldn't move around so much anymore?! If he said that nonsense back in the mortal realm, he would have been cancelled by woke twitter a million times over, not to mention attacked by a gang of feminists. Yet now he just says this nonsense so blatantly!"

Ri giggled. Clara always went on rants about things she knew nothing about, but they were always funny, so she didn't mind.

It was also funny that words she found to be incredibly cute became horrible slander on Clara's tongue. She actually partially looked forward to Dyon putting a baby in her, and she could tell that Clara did as well despite what she was saying now.

"Look at you, giggling like a little schoolgirl. Where's your womanly pride?" Clara berated the still laughing Ri.

"A little Clara would be adorable, don't you think?" Ri said knowingly.

Clara was stunned by Ri's words, but in the end, she smiled. "Yea, she would be."


While the two sister wives bonded over the future and the craziness of their husband, Delia was far closer to birthing a mini version of herself.

As the months passed, Delia's once toned belly swelled. Watching Eli's face grow more and more panicked by the day was something that always lightened the mood of Soul Rending Peak.

They too had received news of Dyon, so a pride in their ever-absent Sect Master was growing steadily across the universe as well. Of course, they didn't allow the Sapientia to build towers, but Clara was able to circumvent the problem buy creating her own receivers. After all, it wasn't smart for Dyon's empire to be disconnected from outside information.

Across the quadrants, another familiar pairing Dyon was still longing to see was also reacting to the news of his appearance.

Zaire laughed uproariously, shaking the dark red lands of his Clan. Those of his generation shrunk back when they heard this. Usually when that battle maniac was in a good mood, it meant that they would suffer. But, luckily, Zaire shot off into the skies, his laughter shaking Demon Qilin Planet.


By now, Zaire had grown to a man. His body was massive, standing at over 2.5 meters tall. Even Sarid would have to look up at him.

His muscles rippled with vitality and his eyes seemed to pierce through the void. His long black hair waved wildly in the air as his laughed, the singular white scale on his forehead shining brightly.

After so many years, waiting for information on his big brother, it had finally come. How could he not be excited?

He had long since made the Demon Qilin Clan bend to his will. Although the upper echelon refused to bow their heads, their arrogance also made it so that they disdained to attack a member of the younger generation as well. So, just like that, Zaire slowly worked his way up, systematically forcing those at and below his cultivation level beneath his wing. This was the way of the Dragons and Qilin!

Knowing his battle crazed personality, it could only be imagined how shocked those below were to hear him call another Big Brother. They were suddenly very curious about who this man Zaire called as such was…

"I'm going Dragon Hunting again!" Zaire's voice boomed. "I'll be back in a couple years, maybe a couple decades. At that time, I'll start by challenging you foolish elders who dared to tarnish my father's reputation!"