
These two were among the best the Sapientia Quadrant had in terms of geniuses. Although many of their contemporaries were unable to come due to not meeting the Mystical World' criteria, these two alone were more than enough to remind others of the sheer number of geniuses the Sapientia Quadrant had.

That said, these two weren't Sapientia Clan members. They were geniuses of auxiliary Clans that settled in Sapientia Quadrant in order to pursue knowledge.

However, these two could only be said to be equal to God Goldeen in status. As for those who surpassed him in this facet, one could only speculate in a single direction. Who were these people who could outshine even God Goldeen? Who if not True Gods?! Not one, but two!

It was no surprise that there were fire dao geniuses among the True Gods. Maybe only True Gods could even hope to follow this path to the end.

One of them was a True God that had only reappeared in the world recently. After completing his trials and claiming the title, rumor had it that he went into seclusion. He even barred off one of the best cultivation resources of the saint floor, monopolizing it for his own use: Spirit Waterfall!

This young man was none other than the recent attacker of Celestial Deer Corner, True God Falkor, genius of the transcendent grade beast clan, Hydra!

One couldn't question the level of genius this young man was. While his clan was known for its water will, he had pressed forward along the fire path simultaneously!

He stood with a full head of blue hair, his sapphire eyes flickering with intent to battle and kill. His gaze hadn't left Madeleine's body in several minutes, yet no one dared to scold him. Madeleine, however, only smiled lightly, not because she couldn't take action herself, but rather because her husband would be here quite soon.

As for the other True God, his body was raging with flames so hot that there was not a single person within hundreds of meters of him. His hair was lit afire, so much so that it was impossible to tell its true color. To his waist were two blood red sabers, but one couldn't help but focus on the hands with abnormally long and sharp fingernails that rested on their hilts.

If one listened closely, low rumbling growls escaped this young man's lips every so often, making his appearance all the more menacing… In fact, this young man stood at almost 5 meters tall!

This young man was Titus Tatsuya, sole heir of the Red Dragon Clan not because he was the eldest, but because he killed all of his siblings!

Titus Tatsuya… One of the five geniuses of the Drago-Qilin lands and heir of one of the few Dragon Clans to reach the King God Clan realm.

Just a few years back, he had still been on the saint floors. But, about two years ago, he had thrashed the guardian of the celestial floor while still in the pseudo-celestial realm. Then, fueled by arrogance that looked down at the world from heaven's porch, he immediately broke through to the celestial realm before the eyes of many, crushing the tribulation in the palm of his hand.

What arrogance! One would normally find a secluded place to undergo their tribulation because it was very possible to be heavily injured in the aftermath. Yet, this young man did it surrounded by enemies! Then, he leisurely left, strolling through the skies with a roar that shook the lands rumbling his throat.

This young man was the Third True God, excluding Dyon, that had been on the saint floors. But now, there were only two. Anak of the Emperor Giant Clan and Falkor or the Hydra Clan. Both of whom would soon transcend to the celestial floors as well… Soon, a generation of True Gods will converge!

Within the Flaming Lily Sect ranks, some of the women were beginning to get antsy. The time for the portal to open was coming, but there was still no sign of True God Sacharro.

It had to be said that many of them were excited to meet him. The idea of being hitched to a True God was something no sect or clan would give up. Even if one was a poor man of no background, if you earned the True God title, there was no shortage of people who would clamor to marry their daughters to you, nor sects that would pour all of their resources into you.

One had to understand the kind of cache such a title held. In the history of the tower, no True God had ever failed to become a great man or woman. In fact, the number that had died before reaching their full potentials could be counted on a single hand. They were the closest you could get to a sure bet in the martial world!

"Madeleine." The Vice Master of the Flaming Lily Sect took a step forward to speak with her Legatee. Her middle-aged appearance couldn't hide the earth-shattering beauty she once was. In fact, even now, she overshadowed many. "Are you certain that he will be here?"

Madeleine nodded in affirmation. "He's never let me down, he won't start now."

There was absolute confidence in her voice and a slight intoxication that made it clear to a woman who had lived through the vicissitudes of life that this young genius of hers had fallen into the clutches of love.

Truthfully, the Vice Master had thought that Madeleine's marriage had always been arranged. With all the rumors about how much younger Dyon was than her and about how powerful his clan was, many of the upper echelon believed that Madeleine was forced into this marriage against her will. After all, for all they knew, Dyon was just a talented, ugly fat bastard who treated women like tools.

However, the Vice Master knew different after observing this disciple of theirs. This True God Sacharro had without a doubt won Madeleine's heart.

She sighed to herself. 'Is this a good, or a bad thing? If we truly hand the sect's future to Madeleine… Will we be handing it to her?... Or Dyon Sacharro?'

This was obviously a massive debate among the elders and grand elders of the sect. Some believed that a sect Master should only be married to the sect. In fact, very few Masters of their history had ever had husbands which was why their Clan didn't have any true dominating Clans like other sects did.

However, others believed that even if Madeleine only became a figure head and their true ruler was Dyon it wouldn't be so bad. After all, who didn't want the backing of a True God? Given enough time, they would all become half-step transcendents! How long had it been since their Sect had had such a powerful expert?

Plus, Dyon wasn't any normal True God either. He took first place in four of the five rankings! He was an even surer bet than the others!

Some argued that who Madeleine's husband was didn't matter. She was Amethyst's successor! This alone was enough to shake the very foundation of the Golden Flame Quadrant. How could there be a better incumbent than her?

Still others believed that Yandevere and Sabona deserved a chance to compete as well. They thought it was unfair that after so many years of grooming, they had replaced Yandevere so easily… Although her personality was a little ill-suited to lead, they couldn't just toss her away, right?

Then there was Sabona. She was actually found to have a partial and latent dwarf bloodline within her! Such a thing couldn't be ignored either, right? In addition, her personality was abrasive and spiteful, if they didn't handle her chance to lead with soft gloves, she might turn resentful and join an enemy. Could they afford such a thing? Of course not.

Truth be told, those concerns were ignored by most others and were only voiced by the minority.

Those who knew Yandevere knew that she hated the prospect of leading. As for Sabona, although she was abrasive to others, she treated Madeleine like a big sister and was happy to cling to her. These were just silly concerns to most.

It was then that a streak of blue interrupted their small conversation as True God Falkor couldn't seem to hold back anymore. He shot forward, making his way into the circle of Flaming Lily Sect ladies with a bright smile on his handsome face.

"Hello Madeleine, I'm Falkor. Would you mind if I accompanied you all?"