
From that day forward, Dyon began to incorporate another aspect of his flame control training. After finishing his shape changing exercises, he would send the flame through his body, forcing it to follow along the narrow paths of his blood vessels.

Even with Dyon's robust body, he coughed up blood more than once during this process. Even his rose-bronze veins and arteries couldn't withstand the impacts of his clumsy control. However, the good news was that all of his vessels and meridians were completely clear of impurities, making the process much easier than it would have been.

The Demon Sage couldn't help but smile when he saw Dyon's masochistic side. He hadn't even asked Dyon to do this as it truly put his life on the line, yet he did so anyway. This was how a cultivator should be! To put your life on the line in the pursuit of power, this was the only thing the Demon Sage would ever respect.

What he didn't tell Dyon was that his Titan Diamond Body had already set him on the path of body refinement. In fact, he was very far along it already.

Those rose-bronze flakes within his runic flame were the perfect measure. As Dyon progressed, the ratio of blue would lower while the ratio of rose-bronze would grow. Eventually, once Dyon's body was capable of withstanding all one billion jin of his weight, the entire flame would be rose-bronze. This would be Dyon's first barrier to leap over.

After completing the rose-bronze stage, he would then be faced with the rose-silver stage. His skin and body would begin to emit a beautiful pink-silver light and his flame would gain flakes of rose-silver that would almost look like pink-diamond. At this point, his goal would be to be capable of withstanding his entire ten billion jin weight.

Once this stage was entered, Dyon's next goal would be the rose-gold stage. Aside from emitting this beautiful sheen, his peak weight would increase to one hundred billion jin.

This process would continue onward for the crystalline, diamond and fate silk stages.

Why didn't the Demon Sage tell Dyon this despite knowing that his body refinement would have clear markers unlike others? It was because he wanted Dyon to understand what it meant to be a body refiner. Chasing after these markers would only stunt his growth, only by not knowing and forcing oneself to improve even in the face of the unknown would one truly become a body refiner!


As Dyon was training, more ground-breaking news shook the martial world.

The hysteria of the Celestial Deer Corner opening had rocked the tower, but it had soon calmed when many realized that True God Sacharro wouldn't be appearing. However, while they came for Dyon, they stayed for a vastly different reason! The corner was absolutely beautiful!

The air was rich and calming, energy seemed to purify much easier, making cultivation 10x easier, and they even sold pills even the Sapientia Quadrant didn't have!

Geniuses began to pay exorbitant prices to rent and own homes within Celestial Deer Corner, the atmosphere was simply too good!

At the same time, clans began to inquire about buying pills in bulk. But, they were turned down. According to the announcements, these pills were created by True God Sacharro himself!

Knowing this, the craze over the pills increased to another level. True God Sacharro was actually such a heavenly genius of alchemy! It was no wonder he performed so well in the first two trials while the other True Gods only did so for the third to fifth trials!

The Martial World had never seen such majesty. Even the worst of Dyon's pills were at 70% purity! There were even rumors that if you were willing to pay more, you would be provided with 90% pure pills! Such goods made alchemists who had spent their lives for the craft cough up blood in shame.

As these things happened, the revenue of the Celestial Deer Corner skyrocketed. Just by itself, it already matched the former revenue of the internet and was slowly growing!

Many felt that it was a shame that they couldn't visit the Celestial Deer Quadrant itself. After all, if just the corner was so beautiful, what feat of architecture waited for them on the other side? However, the teleportation pads were closed to them.

This didn't cause too much of a fuss, though. Many high-ranking quadrants closed of their borders. For example, it was impossible to enter the first ranked Star Clan quadrants or the third ranked Sprite Quadrants on a whim. In fact, of the top 20, only the quadrants ruled by sects allowed easy entry into their quadrants for the sake of recruiting talents. As for those ruled by Clans, they had strict vetting processes.

However… Not everyone was happy about this. When Hela and First Saint Son heard that the celestial deer quadrant was opening, they were among the first to rush there. This was their home quadrant, was it not? Then the teleportation pad shouldn't have stopped them, right?

This was their thinking. And they were correct! Dyon had no idea who they were, so how could he ban them despite having the ability to do so as the key wielder? He had no idea they even existed.

That said… Dyon had learned his lesson. From the outside looking in, it was incredibly stupid for Hela and First Saint Son to do what they did. What if Dyon's supposed powerful clan killed them in anger?

But, Dyon had learned to expand his plans to encompass the actions of those who weren't intelligent into his plans.

The moment Hela and First Saint Son were giddy with happiness that teleportation worked for them, they were trapped within an impregnant 1st stage moon grade formation! With their battle prowess, even half a century wasn't enough to break out!


~Weeks ago…

Hela's voluptuous body caught the attention of many with Celestial Deer Corner. Whether it be her towering breasts or her ridiculous scant body armor, each was more enticing than the last. Her long blond hair glistened in the wind even as her blue eyes shone. Although no one knew where she was headed, her footsteps were steady and determined.

The truth was that Hela was very much aware that this was dangerous. However, her communication with her family was far too slow. Although others had began using the so-called "forums" as modes of long-distance communication, hiring messengers across quadrants, the Celestial Deer Quadrant hadn't allowed the Sapientia to set up any towers, so therefore such a method was impossible for her.

A few days ago, she had noticed the Presence of First Saint Son. Thankfully, she had yet to become confident enough to challenge her way up to the celestial floors, or else she would have missed this opportunity!

'You bastard Uidah, to think that you were really the ones hiding such a treasure. You even sent your First Saint Son as a decoy?!'

Hela had wanted to send a message back to her family immediately, but she decided to check first. Something seemed off to her. This kind of grand display… It was impossible for the Uidah to bring out. If they could, they would have long since obliterated her Ragnor Clan and the Pakal Clan, unifying the entire quadrant.

So, Hela made a decision. If the teleportation pad worked for her, then the enemy was likely not the Uidah and was more likely the Pakals. If it didn't work, then she'd be certain that it was the Uidah!

In the darkness of night, Hela left her expensive hotel, slinking through the streets. She had heard that the celestial deer corner had powerful, evolved serpent vines protecting their territory even with True God Sacharro not being here. These serpent vines had already punished some hot-headed characters seeking to rile True God Sacharro into making an appearance.

When the Corner opened, rumors had it that True God Falkor had come to challenge Dyon and had even destroyed a few buildings when Dyon hadn't appeared. Finally, he left when it seemed that Dyon wouldn't appear, calling him a coward.

Although Dyon didn't know who this True God Falkor was, he was the same young man who meditated beneath the waterfall and was among the first to find out about Dyon breaking the first trial record. [Author's Note: Falkor was introduced in the chapter right after the first trial ended. I haven't spoken about him since].

True God Falkor was actually a member of the Hydra Clan, a family of blue scaled transcendent king beasts!