
"Silver Fang!" A brown-eyed youth roared at Silver Fang, fuming with anger. "Do you believe that I don't dare to kill your wives? What would your clan do to me? Release a strongly worded statement condemning my actions?"

Even in his anger, the young man roaring toward Silver Fang was sharp with his words, all but calling the Silver Needle Wolf Clan cowards to the face of their air.

Before, the five youths had an unspoken agreement that they wouldn't fight amongst one another. They would slowly cherry pick their opponents to foster their Battle Intent. Once they time was ripe, they would then fight, coalescing around one youth for their generation.

But, this Silver Fang actually attacked him!

In his anger, he threatened his wives. Even if Silver Fang somehow beat him, would Silver Fang dare to kill him? Of course not. And, in the case that he was still alive after this battle, who would he vent his anger on? Since he couldn't kill Silver Fang due to the potential rage of his Clan, he could dare to kill his women. What kind of Clan would start a war over a pair of women?

Maybe in the past, Silver Fang would have taken a step back hearing these words. However, he was a changed man.

Waiting for when the time was ripe? That was nothing but a cowardly excuse! They were scared to lose their Intent to Balor, and thus applied pressure on the Golden Crown Raven Clan to force their genius to not fight them until this "ripe" time.

Threatening his wives? Silver Fang dared him!

An aura as unmoveable as a mountain crashed down upon his opponent, Silver Fang's Battle Intent Soaring.

"I dare you!" Silver Fang roared. "Lay a single hand on my women and I'll wipe your entire Earth Skinned Salamander Clan from existence!"

The young man's eyes shifted from brown, to a red hue. Rage threatened to burst through his chest. Had this Silver Fang lost his damn mind?!

"You attempt to follow the Human Path but you understand nothing about it!" Silver Fang's body shifted, growing larger as his silver-white hair floated through the air. "Today I'll show you what it means, Ignis!"


Dyon was completely oblivious to the impact he'd had on Silver Fang. It could be said that among the five alliance clans, only he truly followed the Human Path now.

Although Balor was said to be the most powerful among them, that didn't mean he understood the path he was following.

Simply put, it was the nature of beasts to assume that Balor was the most powerful among them. After all, he was the only mid heaven grade King while they were low heaven grade Kings. By all rights, his path to the top was easier, but it didn't mean he understood the path.

Only Silver Fang was attempting to break through the norm, only he was seeking to break the limits that held him to the standard of a low heaven grade beast, only he was taking advantage of what it truly meant to be a King Beast!

In their Five Clan Alliance, they all treated Balor as though he was some kind of god, but didn't high heaven grade beasts not exist? What of peak heaven grade beasts? What of the legendary transcendent threshold? And the supreme? Did they not exist?!

Because of the blessings the heavens gave beasts, they subconsciously submitted to its will, rarely breaking the mold to reach new heights. It was only the ancestors of transcendent and supreme grade beasts that understood this truth.

As a result of this truth, the descendants of such high-grade beasts were doomed to suffer diminishing bloodlines and their pool of talents was far more volatile, resulting in some of their descendants being worse than even some Earth Grade or even Common Grade Beasts.

Would these ancestors regret their decision to go against the heavens? Of course not!

They handed their descendants an opportunity to grow, to fight, to reach above the path set out for them and forge their own!

This was what Silver Fang had finally come to understand…


In an emptied branch of space, Dyon slowly ate the heart of the Leather Skinned Rhino. Endless vitality flowed within him, pumping through his veins at an astonishing rate.

If a Runic Vein Master saw Dyon squandering such good resources in this way, they'd faint from anger. Unlike Magic Masters and Array Alchemists, Runic Vein Masters could make use of beast parts in their practice. Something like the massive heart sitting before Dyon was invaluable!

Around him, the beast babies sat. Although Linlin and Biibii were herbivores, Shere and Sen salivated before the meat. Unfortunately, they were still too weak to eat what Dyon was, so they could only nibble away as spiritual fruits and beast pills.

In the past three years, they had oddly barely grown. But, Dyon didn't take much notice.

The truth was that although the time was chaotic here, Heaven's Laws didn't recognize them as reality. Due to this loophole, no matter how much time one spent here, they aged at the same pace the true timeline continued along. This meant that the beast babies were still barely over a year old.

That said, although they didn't grow in size, they grew in spirituality and mind state. They had learned to not shiver in fear due to infernal beasts, in fact, they had grown to despise them.

Slowly, but surely, they were becoming warriors as well.


Dyon continued along his journey, leaving destruction in his wake.

The beast babies began to follow behind Dyon. It seemed that one of their bloodline abilities allowed them to fly without even having reached the essence gathering realm. If Dyon was in the mind state to think about, he'd realize just how heaven defying the celestial bloodline truly was.

That said, these beast babies were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. They ate nothing but reinforced beast nurturing pills, spiritual fruits were a frequent staple of their diet, and they often rested in rooms amplified with energy stones. Dyon even fed them a drop of what Jade Queen Bee Honey he retained everyday!

Dyon hadn't even begun to advance their prowess using Primordial Energy yet, believing that they were too young, but even still, their constitutions and potential blossomed with each passing day.

Shere grew into her body. No longer looking like a palm-sized kitten, she had become about a half a meter in length. As a celestial tiger, her stripes should have been a dense black, but if one looked closely, the faintest of gold and silver hues could be seen.

Little Linlin was the most reserved of the four, often hiding in her beautiful black shell. She could no longer fit atop of Dyon's head now, having grown to about a half-meter in length and width as well.

Much like Shere's fur, her black shell grew in luster. The faintest etching of indiscernible ancient runes became to make their presence known.

As for Sen, the mischievous celestial ape, he was no longer able to hope about on Dyon's shoulders. He had grown to just over a meter in height, able to now stand to reach Dyon's waist. Although he didn't the same beautiful signs as Linlin and Shere, his muscle definition and density were becoming more and more apparent everyday. Despite his small size, his black palms were already as large as Dyon's!

Little Biibi had grown to the same size as Shere. Unlike Little Zaire who had paws from his qilin heritage, Biibi had hooves and had begun to refine quite an elegant flair about herself. She loved meticulously cleaning herself, something she had no choice but to do after being practically bathed in blood everyday.

When Dyon first met his master, he was mesmerized by her celestial deer form. The swirls of gold fur, the majestic demeanor… He felt like Little Biibi could one day become that great.

By the end of the fifth year, Dyon had lost all sense of time, however, he could finally consistently defeat lower saint beasts.

His body's weight had ballooned up to 650 000 jin. After the initial jump to half a million jin, the process slowed considerably. As for the reason, it was a combination of Dyon's injuries and his terrible win to loss ratio.