
"There are less than five of you capable of defeating even the lowest level infernal beast alone, so form teams. If I learn of anyone inadequate travelling alone by choice, even if they come back alive, I'll slaughter them personally!"

12th Elder sighed. "Alright, that's enough. Off you go."

After hours of rambling, 12th Elder finally concluded his rant and sent them off. The youths were so eager that they barely waited for him to finish before surging forward.

"OH AND!" 12th Elder shouted as he watched their receding backs, but that only made them run faster. "REMEMBER THAT THE GATE ENTRANCE IS FLUID. CALCULATE THE NEW LOCATION USING YOUR STAR MAPS!"


While 12th Elder was rambling, Dyon was devouring his hard-earned meat. It was almost comical watching his body inflate and deflate like a balloon with every bite. Still, Dyon continued, his runic flame working hard.

While Dyon ate, his flame acted like a metabolizer, burning away the energy into an easier to consume form. Dyon found the state quite interesting.

Although he could feel himself getting stronger, his body cultivation was somehow still stuck at the 1st celestial stage. It was an odd feeling.

Was what he was doing now not body cultivation? Weren't his muscles growing firmer and stronger? So why was his strength increasing while his cultivation remained stagnant?

"I really don't understand much about body cultivation, huh?" Dyon mumbled to himself.

What was happening now basically made his assessment of his body's grade useless. Wasn't he certain that he was a first-grade body cultivator after awakening his constitution? So why did it seem that he was steadily increasing his grade still? What the hell was above the first grade?

The more Dyon ate, the lighter the burden of his body weight became. He had been at half a million jin, but now he felt like he could increase this by a few thousand.

'Hm?' Dyon paused as he suddenly ran into something hard and round within the infernal beast's meat. 'What's this?'


In the expanse of this chaotic space, a team of three beast youths charged forward with vigilance in their eyes. Among them was one male and two females.

Long silver-white hair flew behind them, making them look almost ethereal. However, there was also a bloody red aura that hung around their bodies… This set of three seemed to have been raised with death and murder.

The two women were astounding beauties. Their ears were sharp, their noses slanted and delicate, while their large yellow eyes glowed with a bestial light.

The man was far larger than his companions, almost a meter taller in fact. His yellow eyes were so deep that they could almost be taken for gems. However, his blanket of killing intent was so dense that they seemed to have reddened in hue.

"Lord Husband." One of the beauties spoke. "Will we be aiming for the Center Galaxy as well?"

"Mm." The young man's response almost sounded like a low growl.

"Then…" The beauty's words trailed off. Their husband had responded in this way, but they were headed in the wrong direction entirely.

"We have time." The young man spoke in a rumbling voice. "No one has managed to snatch that expert's Legacy for several ten thousand years already, we've only been able to gain some benefits on the outskirts. Can it be that our generation is so much more talented than that of our ancestors?"

The beauties shook their head. In fact, their current generation couldn't hold a candle to the oldest generation of their beast alliance. If they failed, why would they succeed? It would be too blindly arrogant to say such a thing.

Their husband was right, they had 50 years. If they followed the areas marked by their ancestors, it should be equivalent to about five to ten years in the outside world. They had plenty of time, there was no need to rush toward a place filled with conflict when there were benefits to attain elsewhere.

However, they knew their husband well. There was an excited and intelligent glint in his eye. Why was he acting like this?

"I don't know why, but my heart is pumping." The young man spoke. "It only pumps like this for those four, yet I'm certain that this feeling isn't coming from them. Something is telling me that if I can find the source of this feeling, I'll have a break-through in my battle intent."

Hearing their husband's words, the eyes of the beauties lit up.

Battle Intent. Undefeatable Spirit. Dao Heart. These were all extensions of the same concept, yet different at the same time.

Battle Intent wasn't a tangible will. It fell into a category known as Spiritual Wills.

What decided a battle when two opponents were equal in every fashion? What was that mysterious state one entered when even dripping water along a blade of grass was clear? What separated geniuses from normal martial warriors?

Dyon had never fought a True Genius before, so he had no idea about this world… Although he had had brief exchanges with Kings and Emperors, how could these be considered True Geniuses?

The minimum requirement for being considered as such was the God Title!

As one cultivates, the state of the mind is just as important to cultivate as anything else. In fact, it's often more important than anything else.

Why is it that it was possible to transcend as a mortal who had never before cultivated? If one elevates their state of mind to a transcendent level, everything follows suit… Including your plane of existence.

Dyon had learned about these individuals before. When first met the twin sisters, he had asked the Dragon King what could be wrong with them. At the time, the Dragon King mentioned Ancient Constitutions, but he also led the conversation down a path to speak of these Spirituality Masters.

These were people who never had to learn a cultivation technique in their entire lives, yet could take their mastery of the arts to bring them to the immortal plane.

The cultivation of one's Dao Heart, Undefeatable Spirit and Battle Intent all fell into this very same Spirituality Cultivation. Even Presence was an extension of this Realm.

Battle Intent… It was the will to face the world and to carry all of its troubles on your shoulders. Dyon was arrogant beyond belief, but he hadn't understood this realm yet! He hadn't even sniffed its entrance!

The final evolution of Battle Intent was the Undefeatable Spirit. This Spiritual Realm is built on the pedestals of countless defeated geniuses!

This Battle Intent could only be formed in one way: to fight! Not only to fight, but to use the hearts and hopes of geniuses as nothing more than fuel for your glory!

It was because of Battle Intent that the heirs to the Five Crown Clans had never fought. The time wasn't yet ripe… Each was sharpening their blades in preparation for the day their undisputed leader was chosen!

Dyon was oblivious to this as he rotated an object that looked like a palm-sized marble in his hand. Compared to the size of the lizard, it really was too small. It was no wonder he almost broke his teeth on it.

Yet, even while distracted, his senses were too sharp to not notice three killing intent rich auras enter his range.