
Of course, Ri was meant to stay behind as well, but she refused. She wanted to follow Dyon no matter, so that was what she did. Unfortunately, this led to her constitution being neglected even further.

There was good news, though. Ri no longer needed this awakening because Dyon had effectively accomplished the same thing by giving her so much Primordial Energy. In fact, Ri's constitution sucked up so much that his remaining energy was depleted.

However, he wasn't worried about that. After experiencing entering that world once, he had firmer control over the gate. With his constitutions now perfectly balanced, he could enter whenever he wanted by stimulating his titan's blood.

That said, there were numerous caveats to this, as one might expect. But, that could be explored at a later date.

Either way, judging by Zaltarish's leap in strength, they didn't lose out by much. Although he hadn't broken into the celestial realm, when one considers how scarce the energy in this universe is, the fact that he had reached the 9th saint realm was impressive in and of itself.

Judging by the fact it took Madeleine's former master more than a 1000 years to simply break into the saint realm, yet she was touted as a genius, the fact Zaltarish had these feats before 40 years of age was truly a marker of his talent.

Zaltarish pouted. "Don't make fun of me. You know perfectly well why I had to stay. Now, even if you try and kick me away, I won't leave."

Dyon laughed. He much preferred this Zaltarish to the one who was overtly serious and spent his every waking moment trying to please his father.

Thinking to that point, Dyon couldn't help but wonder how Head Sigebryht was doing. Now that he had finally stopped trying to one-up King Acacia in everything, maybe he was living a more relaxed life now.

Patting Zaltarish's shoulder, Dyon made his way to a big framed teenager who suddenly looked very nervous. Those who knew Sarid were astonished by what was happening. Since when could that giant blush?

Dyon grinned, looking up at his god son. "Look at you. Who said you could grow to be bigger than me? Huh? You're probably too big for the present I left you, aren't you?"

Sarid sheepishly smiled while scratching the back of his head.

"Well, I wouldn't be much of a god father if I didn't give you a present, now would I?" Scanning Sarid, Dyon could immediately tell the kind of weapons he liked. These were the kind of senses his Weapon's Master will gave him.

"How about these?" He said after a moment, taking out two weapons that made Sarid's eyes glow like a toddler on Christmas morning.

Sarid almost giggled as he accepted the two massive battle axes.

They both had a black finish, with a fierce red glow. Their handles were slightly longer than a meter with the thickness of a small bowl. But, their truly magnificent characteristic were their massive twin blades. They were capable of hiding half of Sarid's massive body alone.

Sarid stumbled forward at the sheer weight of the weapons, barely missing Dyon as the stabbed directly into the floor.

He looked up with an embarrassed grin. "They're a bit too heavy for me…"

Dyon smiled, having expected this. "They're 1st comet grade Spiritual weapons, so they are too heavy for an essence gatherer like you. But, you'll grow into them."

Placing a finger on both weapons, sealing energy coated the blades. Sarid could only watch Dyon in surprise as what used to be millions of jin of weight suddenly shrunk to a few ten thousand. It was still heavy for most essence gatherers, but for Sarid, it was perfect.

Sarid happily swung his new weapons around, laughing like a kid for the first time in a long time.

Nearby, Ulu's tired eyes glistened with tears. It had been a while since she had seen her son so happy. She was a bit worried that Dyon had given him such an astounding weapon, but knowing Dyon's personality, it would be a waste for her to try and get him to take it back. So, she only kept her gratefulness in her heart.

Although everyone else was stunned by the grade of the weapon, Zaltarish and the others of the Sigebryht family who specialized in seals were more shocked by Dyon's control of the energy. Sealing millions of jin of weight was a highly complex feat that required great comprehension of spatial will. Yet, he had done it so casually.

Dyon looked around after doing his duties as a god father, even spending the next few minutes greeting familiar faces.

After assuring Head Sicarius that Ava and Arios were doing well, he couldn't help but ask about something that had weighed on his mind.

"Where is the Bai family? What about Meiying?"

Maybe if it was before the war with the Ragnor, no one here would know what Dyon was talking about. After all, the Bai family was a small pillar family of Focus Academy. Even at their height, Focus Academy had to be wary of attack from the mortal world, they didn't exactly have high positions in the martial world.

Yet, after the war, everyone came to know about the sacrifices Meiying had made. If it wasn't for her, the Ragnors' plans would have gone much too smoothly.

Dyon had been hoping to get an answer from Patia-Neva who was once the Headmaster of Focus Academy, but it seemed he wasn't here as well. In all likelihood, he was spending time mending his relationship with his wife. Something Dyon couldn't fault him for.

Finally, it seemed like that was final straw for King Belmont. "Is this really what we should be talking about right now? The fate of the kingdom is on the line and you're all having a warm welcoming party? I hope that comradery helps you when the Mino's axes bisect your bodies.

"You're the "hero" of Earth, aren't you? How about you do something?"

Everyone turned a hateful glare toward King Belmont, but he only sneered in disgust. It was clear that he was too far gone.

Dyon frowned as he looked toward King Belmont. 'Something's not right… A person doesn't just change so abruptly…'

"How long has he been acting like this?" Dyon asked Head Sicarius.

Head Sicarius looked toward Dyon curiously. He fully expected this hot-headed youth to lose his cool and unleash his rage onto King Belmont.

As an assassin, Head Sicarius' senses were incredibly sharp. On top of that, although his soul talent wasn't anything to write home about, due to the Sicarius family's core teachings, he had control over his soul very few in the upper echelon of the martial world could match.

One only needed to look toward how both Ava and Arios could fake their deaths to understand just how well this family could control their soul.

So, the moment Head Sicarius saw Dyon, the fact he couldn't see through him meant one thing: This boy was already stronger than them all. In just 20 or so years, he had leap frogged any expectations they might have set for him.

Simply put, Dyon could kill King Belmont if he wanted. Yet… He hadn't. So, did that mean there really was something odd going on with him?

In the end, Head Sicarius shook his head. "I don't know. He just hasn't been himself since his master left."

King Belmont's expression darkened further. They really were talking about him as though he was a child who needed his hand held.

"Tell me everything of note that happened during that time." Dyon pressed.

"Well… Since you did bring up the Bai family, their Holy Lands have had some odd occurrences recently…"

Head Sicarius went on to explain that after his master left, King Belmont was still sharp of mind and knew that this would soon lead to war. After all, the only thing holding their enemies back were the threat of dao formation experts.

So, he started travelling around Earth to gather up and organize their forces ahead of time. One of the families he visited was the Bai family… In fact, the last family he visited was the Bai family. This was something that was incredibly odd to his attendants because by the time they got to the Bai family, there were still more than 90% of the families to go. Yet, King Belmont just stopped for no apparent reason.