
The next thing Dyon heard was the mumbling of voices, not to mention tears of pain.

"What happened to him?"

"I don't know, he just… he just disappeared…" The sound of sobbing filled the hollow room.

"He disappeared?"

"Yes, and he came back like this."

"How could this happen to his body… How is he alive?" The furious sound of a head shaking disrupted the sentence as Dyon vaguely felt droplets of water hitting his body. "No.. No, it's good that he's alive.. Very good." Another bout of sobbing filled his ears.

He was baffled. 'Can you all not smell that foul smell? I'm glad you're crying for me, but can we clean me up first please?'

Dyon's thoughts trailed away as he once more lost conscious.


The sound of water and gentle, soft hands flowing over his skin was the next thing Dyon felt. He still couldn't see a thing no matter how he tried, but faint mumbling made him feel warm regardless.

"I leave you for a few months and you go and let this happen to you." A delicate snort sounded. "I don't know what happened to your body, but to think it could heal so quickly, it's beyond logical…"

Droplets of water fell upon Dyon once more, but he somehow felt that it had nothing to do with the water that was washing him previously.

"… You went and became more handsome again… How about you wake up and laugh about how lucky we are to have you? Hm?" The gentle voice seemed to be pleading. It broke Dyon's heart but no matter how much he tried, he couldn't move.


"Ah! How did he suddenly become so heavy? We were moving him around easier before but now…" A worried voice filled Dyon's ears.

'Heavy? Did I get fat?'

It didn't make much sense. He assumed whoever was talking was a martial artist. Even as a woman moving hundreds of thousands of jin should have been as easy as breathing. So why was it that they couldn't move him anymore?


"I rushed here as fast as I could, I'm sorry…" More droplets of tears fell upon Dyon, but they seemed different than before. They were infused with such a breath of life that Dyon felt completely refreshed.

"What is it, why are you frowning?" Another voice seemed to ask the first that apologized.

"His body… It's healthy. No, it's more than healthy, it's the picture of perfection. There aren't any internal injuries, I have no idea why he hasn't woken up."

"Your flames won't help?"

"It's not that they won't help, it's that there's nothing to help. Even his life force is many times normal levels, or he would have never survived…"

There was a long pause.

"Not only did he survive, he healed in just a few hours if what you're saying is true. Isn't it supposed to be more difficult to heal stronger bodies? Just what happened to him?"

"I don't know… But I think there's a disconnect between his mind and the disposition of his constitution. His blood is wild, bestial, lustful, and unhinged, but he's still trying to rein it all in. If he let go, not only would he have woken up a long time ago, he would have healed in even less than a few hours."

Dyon could hear all of this, but he was muddled.

Constitutions directly affected your personality. He knew this very well… Ever since his birth he had been wildly arrogant, reckless, and lustful. In fact, he still remembered hitting on Delia and Meiying when he first came to Focus Academy. He still remembered being arrogant enough to embarrass the pillar families of Focus Academy even though they could have killed him with a single finger. He didn't even need to mention all of the times he had been reckless.

It could be said that Dyon's personality really was forged by his constitution, even though it was stolen from him at birth. However, he was born with something other wielders of this constitution didn't have: an overwhelming soul talent that gave him world-defying intelligence. So, he had slowly tried to grow out of his innate nature.

From the voice's words, Dyon could only just barely understand that the chaotic state of his mind wasn't due to the world he had been in. Or, more accurately, it wasn't entirely due to that world. Rather, the world had magnified it many times over.

Dyon struggled. 'Balance… I need balance…'

A groan sounded through the room causing the two talking voices to snap their heads toward Dyon.

"Dyon? Dyon!" They both called out simultaneously rushed to his side. It was only now that Dyon could faintly see the outline of a violet haired beauty with outrageous curves he wanted to bury his head into standing beside a petite silver-blue haired beauty with modest curves, but an exotic look that left him intoxicated.

Even in this situation, his Titan's blood was roaring. 'How good would it be to bed these two at the same time?' It said.

"Madeleine… Ri…" Dyon's voice was barely audible. "Give… Me… The… Pill…"

The two women blinked in confusion. What pill? They didn't have any pills capable of helping him.

"You can't mean the constitution awakening pill, can you?" Ri said in shock. "No. No. Definitely not! It's because of those things that you're in this situation, you're powerful enough! Let us take some of your burden. If you keep this nonsense up, I'll slap you back into a coma!"

Dyon couldn't help but chuckle. With Clara coming into their fold, the fiery tempered Ri had actually become more docile to mellow out Clara's bullying. But, Dyon still remembered the leather-bound tomboy who always tried her best to forget how much she loved being a princess. In fact, that was the Ri he fell in love with.

"Trust… Me…"

There were a stifling few moments of silence before Dyon heard a defiant 'hmph' followed by a familiar delicious liquid seeping through his lips.

Since he needed balance, what better constitution to bring it to him that the one he had planned to awaken all along?

The moment the infusion of energy filled Dyon's body, his evil hands reached outward, grasping two willowy waists and grinning at the sound of their adorable shrieks.

"You're supposed to be injured! We worried about you for so long and now you do this! Clara's right, pervert!" Ri's voice of protest was entirely different from the moans that soon escaped her delicate lips.

As for Madeleine, she only giggled as though expecting something like this.

They both couldn't help but lose any minute will to resist the moment the pleasure giving aurora flames entered their bodies.