
In the Primordial Era, eating a celestial beast shouldn't be as much of a joke as it was. How could the Dyon of then eat three celestial beasts from that era and still feel hungry? This would never have happened back then.

However, it couldn't be helped. With so many beast bloodlines declining, it was only natural that this would happen...

The lights around Dyon dispersed, feeling his anger and reacting accordingly. Like a child caught, knowing it had done something bad, the lights almost pouted before trying one more time.

'Condense more!' Dyon's mind roared. If they lights had continued on the same course as its second attempt, he would have been more than two meters tall sitting, how could he stand such a thing?

The lights became agitated. They felt conflicted, on one hand knowing that Dyon had given them more energy than almost anyone else in their long history, but at the same time finding it a little annoying that someone could be so stingy. They were giving him power beyond his imagination, did he really need to care about how he looked afterward so much?

He was already so handsome, so what if he was another meter taller than normal? Plus, if someone with Dyon's looks was reforged with gems, just how outstanding would he look? Women would gladly accept the pain to lay in bed next to him.

The lights almost harrumphed and did as they pleased, but it was at that moment that they felt an overwhelming presence once more have its eyelashes flutter.

Time seemed to freeze as the lights realized just who they were about to anger. Without the dignity of a primordial era power, it bowed obediently, sighing within.

The only way it could meet Dyon's expectations and not increase his height was to give him a head start.

Because Dyon had fused two of this constitution, he had already qualified for the peak of the Gem stage. If one included the Primordial Energy he also supplied, it was just enough to break through that stage and reach the peak of the Mesh stage. However, this still wasn't enough to be granted entry into the Silk stage.

Hearing this, one could see just how difficult it was to gain entry into this legendary stage. Even so much Primordial Energy wasn't enough to earn it...

The lights almost sighed, thinking to itself that it would have to take the rest of Dyon's Primordial Energy to fulfill his request.

'Don't touch anymore of my energy, you stingy lights. I need it for other things. How am I supposed to raise an army of beasts without it? Don't make me let its eyes open.'

The lights trembled. What the hell was up with this troubled client? It was only designed to deal with those of the mortal plane, but this kid somehow had access to the Presence of someone from the immortal plane. This wasn't fair!

In the end, the lights grit its teeth. It comforted itself though, knowing that Dyon would soon very much regret threatening it like this. His intestines would bleed green when he realized that whether he took the energy or not didn't matter.

Just like Dyon and his Grand Teacher, it too had heard the shattering glass. But, unlike Dyon, it knew exactly what that represented.

In this world, there was nothing you could get for free. There was a reason you were only allowed to raise your level incrementally.

Judging Dyon based on his current ability, the lights had decided to take just enough Primordial energy to earn him the peak of the Mesh stage, because as things stood now, that was all he could handle. But, since Dyon insisted on maintaining his current height, the only way to fit the power of this constitution into him was with the Silk stage.

Primordial Energy began to pour into the lights once more. Dyon had no idea where it was coming from, but he suddenly got a very bad premonition.

His Energy Core remained untouched... Yet energy continued to pour in... The only explanation was...

'Shit.' Was Dyon's final thought as his body began to be reconstructed.

In truth, the process was absolutely beautiful despite Dyon's chaotic mind state.

Thin lines of silk barely a few atoms across in thickness whipped outward from the motes of light. They shone with a beautiful rose-colored bronze as they began to construct Dyon's skeleton like master craftsmen.

However, the most beautiful part of the process was when Dyon's muscles and skin got their turn. It was mesmerizing to watch line after line of muscle fiber, meticulously built to levels of sturdiness that surpassed human imagination.

The Primordial Energy continued to flow in from a completely unknown source. Before the silk had completed even half of their work, the amount had already surpassed ten times what Dyon had provided. This sort of astronomical sum was at such a level that Dyon completely lost the ability to wrap his head around it.

If it was really up to him to provide this amount of energy... It would have been impossible!

By the time the silk had reached Dyon's skin, Dyon's appearance could no longer be described in terms of handsomeness. It was as though a Greek God had personally descended from the skies to bless the commoners with his presence.

His hair remained short, but had an otherworldly sheen. His body was brimming with an energy and vitality that forced Mia and Bella to look away, especially when they realized he was naked. However, there was nothing they could do about their racing hearts. And yet, as if this wasn't enough, his eyes had become like two burning embers, as though they had drops of ambrosia flickering in their depths.

However, in the next instant, Dyon disappeared completely, leaving his companions in a state of confusion.

Dyon should have been in a state of absolute euphoria. His body had been completely reconstructed to a godly level, his meridians were now more than capable of withstanding the mercury-like energy caused by his silver mirror constitution having shot up to the absolute peak of the first grade, his body cultivation that had been at the mere fourth grade had evolved to the point that even a first grade assessment was too short-sighted, and his looks were certain to moisten the panties of his wives. What more could a man ask for?

Yet, that wasn't how Dyon felt at the moment at all. In fact, he was cursing everything under the sun with such a ferocity that even innate potty-mouths would sink to their knees and worship him as their god.

Dyon couldn't see a damn thing. To be more accurate, he could see, but rather, his vision was blocked by shit and soil.

He didn't know where he had been teleported to, but he was absolutely certain that this was the revenge of the motes of light. Who would have thought that a universe level entity would be so childish? Teleporting him into a pile of beast dung? What the fuck?

The worst part was that Dyon couldn't move an inch. It felt like billions of jin of weight was lying on every inch of his body, as though the sky itself wasn't made of air but of the densest metal known to all of existence.

It was a miracle his body hadn't been crushed to minced meat. In fact, he was certain that if he had come to this place before fusing his Titan Diamond Bodies, that that's exactly what would have happened.

Despite the comedy of the situation, this wasn't even remotely a laughing matter. The weight lying on Dyon was so fierce that he couldn't even twitch. Whether it be his fingers or toes, nothing budged. Even his neck couldn't roll his head out of the pile of shit it was in.

Since there was nothing he could do about it, the first thing Dyon did was check the status of his body. Surprisingly, he wasn't injured anywhere. In fact, his condition was so perfect that almost mistook himself for being a newborn.

However, what did catch his attention was that his runic flame had become wilder... Almost to the point of being out of control. Even its color had changed from its normal bright gold to a beautiful blue color with hints of rose bronze.

Still, Dyon's heart didn't seem to notice the wild nature of the flames. It pumped steadily and fiercely, moving his blood at a pace akin to a massive waterfall.

Dyon's eyebrows struggled to arc upward in surprise. Before, his blood had gained golden tints due to the Demon Sage's blood. This golden tint grew fiercer whenever he entered his Demon Emperor's Will state, resulting in golden veins protruding from his skin. However, at the moment, his blood had seemingly reached another level entirely.