
Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal Godchapter 1128: follow suit

The Tigris Clan attendant trembled with anger at Dyon's provocation.

"No need to be angry. In half a century, I'll let your true body experience it. Maybe then you'll be able to answer my question."

Although Granny Celest didn't fully understood what Dyon was talking about, considering the reaction of the Tigris Clan Young Ira, she couldn't help but giggle. It seemed her grandson was being mischievous again.

Every Celestial Clan had their own important positions within the younger generation. For Celestial Deer, that position was held by their Saintesses. For the Celestial Tigers, this was given to their Ira Warriors. For the Celestial Turtle, the title was Apprentice Scholar. And finally, for the Celestial Apes, their title was Kami Warriors.

By this token, the Celestial Beast Clans were split into two major factions. The warrior factions which included the Simia and Tigris Clans and the structure factions which included the Tudo and Arie Clans.

This was all to say that to hold such titles, these attendants were very high ranking, or else they wouldn't be the confidants of their respective clan heads. For one to lose control of their emotions as they were seeing now, it was quite rare.

"I'll kill you!" The Ira Warrior growled, a dense killing intent exuding from him.

The pressure was so overwhelming that even the two saintesses behind Dyon became incomparably serious, spreading their feet apart to settle into battle positions.

"Just like your family head, your Presence is weak." Dyon's eyes sharpened.

In that moment, the Ira Warrior felt an insurmountable Presence fall from the skies and pierce toward him. Before he could even realize what was happening, his bestial instincts kicked in, causing him to shoot backwards at a speed Dyon had to admit was impressive.

As quickly as the Presence appeared, it disappeared, leaving behind only Dyon's light laughter.

"It seems the Tigris Clan's Slaughter Heart isn't worth much at all."

By now, Head Tigris had shifted his attention from Head Arie to Dyon. Seeing one of his chosen react in such a way, he felt his chest erupt with an unquenchable rage.

Similar to the Celestial Deer Clan that took a path of purity, the Celestial Tiger Clan had their own path. However, much like how the Celestial Deer could no longer access their supreme law, causing them to use a watered down version of celestial will, the Celestial Tiger Clan's Slaughter Heart had also weakened from once being among the nine great hearts, to being too weak to still be considered so.

Knowing this, Dyon's words hit with a much fiercer force than even Head Tigris wanted to admit.

In the end, this all stemmed from the weakening of their bloodlines.

Head Tudo looked upon this scene emotionlessly while Head Simia had an odd glint hidden behind his hairy face.

Seeing the way things were going, the right choice was clearly to pressure Dyon instead of Head Arie. It was almost as though they hadn't seen the Ira Warrior's response at all.

"I'm not sure what you came here for child, but the Celestial Beasts don't move at the whim of humans, especially not humans as unqualified as you." Head Tudo spoke slowly.

Dyon tilted his head in confusion. "Move for? Didn't I say that even if you got on your knees and begged me you wouldn't be allowed entrance into my kingdom? I don't have room for cowards among my subordinates."

Head Simia erupted into a monkey-like laughter. It was so unbridled and without logic that he really did seem to morph into an animal for that moment.

"Foolish." Head Tudo slowly shook her head in disdain. "This isn't a man who could lead anything. Your daughter has made a terrible choice."

Dyon's expression darkened. "Keep my master's name out of your old, wrinkled mouth. If you piss me off, I'll help you put that other foot in the grave."

"How dare you threaten Head Tudo!" The two Apprentice Scholars behind the old woman, each wearing a smaller turtle shell of their own stepped forward with an anger that didn't match their previous scholarly appearance.

Head Tudo stretched out a wrinkled hand that, quite frankly, looked like nothing more than dead skin hanging from a skeleton. "Mind your emotions."

Her voice was slow and calm, filled with the vicissitudes of life. With just three words, she quelled the fire that burned within them.

"You are unqualified to lead. Not only is your talent poor, you have no ability to understand the situation you are in. Did you really believe that just because Head Arie is acting confident, that she can truly deal with all three of us without issue? If you did, you are more foolish than I believed.

"You've entered a hostile territory, yet you don't lower your head, you don't seek to negotiate, nor do you show any signs of adaptation abilities. How could you possibly be worthy of leading us?

"I, myself, won't stoop so low as to attack you, the dispositions of the ape and tiger are much different than mine while the person your confidence stems from can only deal with one of them."

Dyon shook his head. "There are nine fools here, each seemingly more stupid than the last. Especially the old woman who is supposed to embody wisdom, yet can't analyze what's right in front of her. As a grandson, what kind of useless bastard would I be if I needed my grandmother to step in and protect me?

"In fact, if my Granny Celest is standing on the ground, it's best you follow suit."

The moment Dyon spoke those words, the law of the world seemed to change.

The angered Tigris Head, the mischievous Simia Head and the insufferably arrogant Tudo Head all had their expressions change, suddenly realizing it had become impossible to stay afloat.

Under the astonished gazes of the two saintesses, the nine opposing figures in the sky came floating downward, unable to stop their momentum as they landed on the ground, each of their faces redder than the last.

Granny Celest giggled like a little girl, enjoying the show. It seemed she really didn't need to interfere.

"You…" The three clan heads spoke at once, none believing what they had just witnessed.

Why did Head Arie not believe Dyon was a hot-headed fool? It wasn't just because she blindly believed in her daughter's choice despite not truly knowing Dyon, it was because unlike the other clan heads, she understood the power of the Master Symbol very well… And she also knew that anyone who could gain its recognition was an unmatched talent.

Knowing the abilities of the Master Symbol so well, she knew that Dyon could hear their conversation, and not only that, but could teleport directly into their meeting room should he have wished to.

For the "hot-headed" Dyon to be well aware of his abilities, yet decide to slowly make his way up and take his time to train, following his own pace instead of that set by them, he was clearly as level-headed as he could be.

What was clear to Head Arie was only just becoming clear to the other family heads as they glanced at Dyon with an added caution. He was King here, not them.

"Truthfully speaking, I didn't plan on interacting with you all at all. I was only going to fulfill my goal before leaving. How you felt about it was irrelevant. But… Since you're so insistent on doing things your way, I have some time to be the petty hot-head you think I am."

The three heads tried to move, but to their horror, they suddenly found that they couldn't. The reality dawned upon them that if Dyon wanted to massacre them all, he'd have a good shot at doing so…

"What's your name?" Dyon ignored them for a moment and turned toward the Saintesses.

Saintess Rue blinked before realizing that Dyon was speaking to her. "I'm Rue, she's Ray."

Dyon smiled, "Tell me, do you have an age stone?"

"We have an age stone and a cultivation age stone." Saintess Rue replied.

"Cultivation age stone?" Dyon had never heard of this.

'A cultivation age stone calculates based on the number of years you've been cultivating. Technically, the foundation stage is like a rebirth. In reality, the stone outputs an age based on the time you've spent actively cultivating.' Dyon's Master explained.

"Interesting." Dyon grinned. "Can you give me the both of them?"