
Dyon's gaze shifted from the little boy to Giralda. Of course, it hadn't been Percival who screamed. To that bastard who put pride over everything, he might have really allowed Dyon to do it if it meant he could save face.

His hand paused in the air. Still, the little boy hadn't reacted.

"Why?" Dyon asked again. "For as long as this little boy lives, he'll be nothing but a reminder to you. Maybe now it's easy for you to forgive him because he's young, but what about when he's older? What about when his extreme yang constitution makes him aggressive?

"Will you still feel the same way the first time he throws a tantrum? Will you still feel the same way the first time he argues with you? The first time he tells you that he hates you? The first time he chooses someone or something else over his own mother?

"Will you be able to forgive him then? Or will your anger fester? Will your old resentments resurface?

"If that happens, who will you take it out on then? Will you also bully someone weaker than you? Will you fight with your own son? Or will you hurt someone else in your anger?

"Even if you don't, how will you take responsibility of the constitution his father passed on to him? Will you stay by his side for his whole life, making sure that he only makes the right choices?

"What about how you'll handle when he realizes that you've taken him away from his real father?

"What if he really does become a good person, only to learn of what this Percival did? The kind of man his father truly was would rack him with guilt. Are you willing to take responsibility for your son living with that for his whole life?"

Every question Dyon asked was like a needle tearing through Giralda's soul.

While Percival's daughters were gifted with extreme yin constitutions almost equivalent to earth grade constitutions, his sons weren't left behind either. In fact, their extreme yang constitution could be said to be equivalent to an earth grade constitution.

The problem was that Rand was a fool who couldn't control himself. In a fit of lust, he lost his virginity too early in his life, shattering his yang foundation to a young lady he tossed away without care.

As a result, before he could solidify his yang, he lost it, capping his potential at the possible King level, whereas no one with an Earth grade constitution, fully awakened, would be any less than an Emperor. At the worst, they'd be the peak-most among Kings.

However, an extreme yang constitution came with its own draw backs. Without proper consolidation, his mood swings would be difficult to control. Also, just like his sisters, he'd be extremely weak to those his opposite, making him constantly lust after the fairer sex.

Rand couldn't hold back this lust, who's to say if this little boy could?

To make matters worse, even if Giralda had a falling out with her family due to her choice in husband like Dyon suspected, would this same family reject a boy of their family line with an Earth Grade constitution?

Of course not. Constitutions were rare beyond belief and gifted talent beyond imagination.

This meant that this boy would have lust greater than his father, with a power backing him far greater than the Grand Templar Sect.

On top of all of this, whether he chose the good or the bad, both would end catastrophically… It was either that he'd inflict pain upon others, especially his mother. Or, he would inflict pain upon himself…

The more Dyon thought about it, the more he saw an endless wall growing before him. 'Do all things really end so horribly?... What's the point of it all…'

Giralda lowered her head, squeezing her child closer. "He's innocent. No one knows what the future holds."

Hearing these words, Dyon almost burst into his own fit of laughter. Except his wouldn't be in anger… It would be filled with self-mockery and helplessness, brimming with vulnerable angst.

No one else knew what the future held, but he had comprehended things to a depth they couldn't imagine. To him… There was only one ending for everything…

"There is no answer here…" A layered voice, suffused with sadness escaped Dyon's lips, causing the hearts of the spirits to experience an endless ache.

With a wave of his hand, the mother and child disappeared. No one could tell where they went, but it was clear that Giralda was too weak to stop Dyon from doing anything. Although she was a high order second grade celestial, the seal had very clearly degraded her strength since it stopped her ability to absorb celestial energy.

Then, he turned and left, causing the black wall of flames in the air to disappear.

He didn't say anymore useless words, nor did he threaten them to keep their mouths closed.

From beginning to end, he had only killed a single person, yet he had left such a profound footprint on the Grand Templar Sect.

Not too shockingly though, the world would never find out about exactly what happened here. After King Cromwell turned his anger on Percival and learned of which family Giralda was an heiress of, whether it be him, or the spectators, none dared to speak a word.

If such a powerful family learned that something like this happened to their princess, they wouldn't care about rules. Wiping them and their clans out would only be the first step in saving their face…

They could only hope that Giralda didn't plan on revenge… For now, they could only show their sincerity by keeping quiet.

Percival, however, had to be specially dealt with… A matter that King Cromwell would lose many nights of rest over…

As for Dyon? He headed to a place no one would ever expect him to enter…

Less than half a day later, he stood silently over the ancient stone carvings within the Belmont Family Catacombs… The very same place he fought Loki and Elder Daiyu to the death in… The very same place the entity's body and spirit resided…


Dyon stood before the stone etchings for a long while.

In the distance, the obscenely large hand of the entity was still in view. For something to still seem so large from millions of miles away… Even now Dyon couldn't fathom his size.

Last time Dyon stood here, the pressure was enough to make him drop to his knees. Now… He hardly felt it. But, how could he be proud of something like that?

A man chained up and restricted by seals Dyon didn't understand, even now, could make his knees weaken from millions of miles away. How was that anything but pitifully pathetic?

With a wave of his hand, The Seal appeared, causing the stone etchings to rotate and open, exposing three empty indents where the kernels once sat… In the center of it all, a shadowy figure sat in meditation. Its features weren't clear, just as before, but now, Dyon got the feeling that it wasn't that they weren't clear… But rather that he wasn't powerful enough to perceive what he should have.

Dyon suddenly felt a pressure he hadn't noticed before. In that moment, he was certain that if he reached out with his divine sense that his soul would be crushed to oblivion.

'God level Presence… But… This isn't his body?'

"Hoho… This is unexpected…"

The voice was just as gentle as Dyon remembered it. It had a hint of ambiguity, but it was undoubtedly calm and soothing.

When Dyon first met the entity, its voice reminded him of a young father speaking with his children. Even now… That feeling hadn't changed. If anything, with his heightened senses, the voice was even more comforting, as though he could trust his whole existence with him…

"… To think the young man who hates me the most in the world would actually come seeking to talk… Too unexpected, truly too unexpected." Dyon could almost sense the slight and inviting smile on the entity's face as though this was truly a pleasant surprise.

"What an interesting state you're in… Rare, rare indeed. Your life span is decreasing quite quickly. Ah, I see why, your dao heart actually shattered…

"You know, life force and the dao heart are inextricably linked. As a mortal though, it's not a simple one to one ratio. While a mortal can survive having their dao heart shattered, for an immortal, that means death.

"Interesting… So you're using your life force as a replacement for your dao heart. Oh? That's not all either, you've actually exchanged your life force for access to that Ancient Constitution…"

The entity was just as talkative as ever. Dyon doubted that this entity was capable of treating anyone as an enemy… Maybe he saw everyone as children compared to himself.

However, he only spoke the truth.