
Knowing this, how could those with Lower Blossom stage innate souls be underestimated? Every single one was an innate aurora wielder… If they were released into the outside world, a place that only had less than 5 innate aurora wielders would suddenly grow to several tens of thousand. And this didn't even mention what constitutions they might have been born with as well.

Even knowing all of this, there was nothing Elder Bowa could do. A quadrant optimized for soul cultivation like this one would inevitably give birth to talents that should otherwise exist.

If this very same man who was stressing out about everything going according to plan knew that there was a young man seeking to ruin exactly that just meters from him, who knows how he'd react.

Dyon had already been here for the better part of an hour, analyzing the anchors of the teleportation pad. Although the plan to move it seemed simple, it was far more complicated than he made it seem.

When the 24th White Mother created these arrays, they hadn't been set in any one location yet. According to the hamster twins, the arrays had been given to the Master of Soul Rending Peak for safe keeping, which meant they were never laid out.

Now, however, they were. And, considering setting down an array was far less complicated than lifting it up, Dyon had to be careful.

This was the same principle as when Dyon crushed his array plaques. He couldn't just 'un-crush' those plaques and put the arrays back. In fact, the only reason he became visible when he spoke to the twin sisters was because he used a sliver of aurora flame to disrupt the array's function.

'The array seems to have melded into the roof.' Dyon thought with a frown. 'The highest-level arrays are inseparable from their base, it adds stability that way. I just can't believe someone would be so stupid as to choose this as a foundation.'

Dyon shook his head, these people were really too stupid. If it wasn't for the fact this was a planet level array and he wanted to be sure first, he would have already acted.

The material the auction house was made up was far too inferior in comparison to the array and its energy source. Dyon had no doubt that over the last 500 years, this auction house was forced to see many days of repair. It was a miracle the place didn't collapse after every teleportation.

'Found it!' Dyon finally sighed a breath of relief. One reason he spent so long analyzing the array was to ensure he didn't make any mistakes, but the second reason was to find the energy source.

An array like this would meld with its base, yes. But, the proxy by which it did so was its core. Which meant that if Dyon carefully took away this origin crystal, the movement of the array would only be a matter of time.


"We're about ready to begin, Elder Bowa. The supervisors are getting ready to send in the first batches now."

Elder Bowa nodded, still looking off into the distance. But, it was at that very moment, that everything changed.


The roof began to violently shake, quaking beneath the feet of Elder Bowa and his three attendants.

The auction house violently reacted, shaking to its core. If it wasn't for the fact that the lower floors were etched into the asteroid itself, the entire base would have collapsed!

Elder Bowa's eyes widened. 'She was actually right?!'

"Send communications now! Inform all elders to teleport to the auction house immediately!" Elder Bowa's voice roared.

It should only take an instant for them to get here. As the twins informed Dyon previously, each master key array had the ability to deploy 10 relay stations for quick teleportation to it. This extended what should have been 30 arrays to 300. Considering this was the case, how could they not have the ability to quickly make it from Planet Cathedral to their hidden bases?

The attendants quickly scrambled to find their orders.

"Show yourself, coward!" Elder Bowa's old eyes continuously scanned the surroundings, but no matter how much he tried, he couldn't find anyone. Even if he wasn't among those who had to cripple their souls for the sick coverup of their evil deeds, it didn't mean his soul had broken into the celestial level…

He couldn't find Dyon because he didn't have divine sense! The best part for Dyon was that even if he did, it would still be very difficult.

The roof trembled, cracking and folding in on itself.

At that moment, a sudden realization came over Elder Bowa. Is he trying to destroy the array?

Although he thought this, a sudden calm overcame him. If Dyon destroyed the array, it was true that the elders wouldn't be able to teleport here, but it was also true that neither would the soul slaves. At worst case, they could just do the auction at a later date in a less prepared location. After all, they had 21 other bases.

This way, not only would the soul slaves be safe and their investments would be protected, but this perpetrator would have nowhere to run. Obviously, since this person was hiding himself, he was no match for Elder Bowa, or else why would he hide?

If Dyon could hear Elder Bowa's thoughts right now, he'd start laughing uproariously. This was exactly what he wanted.

If he allowed the cathedral to find out that he was transferring the array to a safer location, Elder Bowa might try to trigger the fail safes before Dyon was ready. If that happened, Dyon would have caused the death of millions…. How would he live with himself after that?

However, if the elder thought that Dyon was destroying the array, he'd become lax, giving Dyon room to deliver him a fatal blow.

After speaking to the sisters, Dyon got an even clearer picture of how the Soul Market functioned. He was also able to examine those two teenage girls that the twins saved closely. At first, he didn't notice anything out of the ordinary… until his master finally woke up!

With her explanations, Dyon nearly burst into a new level of anger. These bastards actually placed suicide arrays within these poor soul slaves. The moment anything went wrong, they'd be able to remotely cause their death. If it hadn't been for Dyon's master awaking due to the time for the mystical world opening approaching, Dyon would have made one of the biggest mistakes of his life.

Dyon's fists continued to rain down on the asteroid, digging deep into the ground in a straight line toward the origin crystal.

"E – Elder," One of the attendants stuttered, completing pale with fright. "We can't contact the elders. None of the messages we send are going through!"

Elder Bowa's complacent expression suddenly froze. What the hell did that mean? Was this planned? Was this plan more intricate than what they once thought?

His eyes once again desperately searched the landscape, but he couldn't see anything other than continuously shattering rock and a strongly gleaming formation.

It was at that moment he relaxed again. He suddenly remembered, this was a legendary planet level formation! How could someone scared to face him possibly destroy it? It was also possible that one of the infrequent solar flares that passed through the solar system was what was interfering with the communication and not some well thought out plan.

At this point, if Dyon knew Elder Bowa's thoughts, he'd be cursing in his mind for facing up against such a stupid opponent. Solar flares? Really? That was his explanation? Was he just overconfident or stupid?

Either way, this worked perfectly for Dyon. Although he stood behind his assessment that the choice of base was far too stupid, it still wasn't easy for him to cut through properly. The auction house was placed into a cut out portion of the asteroid, which meant that the origin core was buried somewhere within it as well.

The thing was that Dyon wasn't the one searching for it, his only job was to make noise. As for who would?

"Found it!" The hamster twins squeaked excitedly, scurrying to Dyon's side and teleporting into the Demon Sage Tower.

At that moment, Dyon grinned, erupting into his Demon Emperor's Will, Act one, Stage two.