
Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal Godchapter 1028: satisfaction

Since they were also an all-female sect, they were quite confident in their chances. After all, sects and clans were separate things, one could be a part of a clan and still join a sect. So, no one thought this conflicted with the Snow Clan.

The sixth piece of information were more speculations about the mysterious Celestial Deer Quadrant. They had abruptly disappeared from the world thousands of years ago, even falling to the 100th spot. Yet, they had suddenly come back so forcefully.

Many were thinking about sending ambassadors to connect, however the prospect of travelling for decades, even centuries, was too daunting. So, many of them were waiting for God Sacharro to officially appear so that they could use their Corner as a short cut.

The seventh piece of information flew completely under everyone's radar. However, this was only natural because it had to do with a quadrant ranked 62nd. The only reason that it was even remotely of note was because it involved a key wielder. Since any key wielder had the possibility of becoming a God, it was always worth paying a little attention.

Of course, it was very rare for someone of a quadrant ranked so low to be brave enough to take the God trials, but it was a possibility nonetheless. After all, there would always be geniuses like Legolas popping up from time to time.

This aside, the news was that the key wielder had actually exchanged hands not by death or inability to climb higher like it normally was, but by formal challenge.

When this happened in the 98th quadrant, it flew completely under the radar. This was because the key wielder of the Soul Rend Quadrant, or rather, the former key wielder, had already become too old to enter the tower. So, the fog barrier had already been up. As a result, when Lilith took ownership, there was no real change because the fog barrier was still up.

However, for the 62nd quadrant, the fog barrier hadn't been there.

According to reports, the former key wielder was challenged and lost in embarrassing fashion. Spectators of the battle described it as one that finished within two strikes. The battle was over so quickly that no one even had the wherewithal to record the match. This might not have been so shocking… If it wasn't for the fact that the key wielder of the 62nd quadrant was actually an expert of the celestial floors while his challenger was still on the saint floors!

Just like that, the key wielding responsibilities of the 62nd quadrant changed hands. Their new key wielder was a little-known rising star, King Emytheus.


[Author's Note: Warning, rage inducing tirade ahead, might be particularly hard to read. All I can say is that the pay off will be worth it. Babye *runs away*]

While the world was raving about the masked wife stealer, the actual man himself wasn't doing anything so glorious. In fact, it could be said that whatever the polar opposite of glory was, was exactly what Dyon was facing right now.

The moment he completed his last act of defiance, disallowing his name from being added to the Pillar of Shame and facing his wrists up the sky, his punishment came to pay its dues.

From beginning to end, Dyon no longer spoke. His eyes showed no other emotion but cold murder, yet he didn't retaliate. It was as though he was memorizing the faces of each and every person who did him wrong.

To those who truly understood what was happening, they felt their hearts seize. They thought that Dyon knew he had no chance of leaving this place alive, so he decided to become a martyr. Their eyes could only redden as their fists clenched, unable to do anything.

The crowd became split, one half standing aside, doing nothing, while the other half threw anything from rocks to rains of curses.

Even with a celestial body, because Dyon had never practiced any defensive techniques, he could distinctly feel the pain of tens of thousands of cultivators pelting him with any object they could find. Some of the more sinister individuals used more than just their strength, adding hidden weapons and explosive wills to their strikes.

The anger of the crowd only grew when they found that Dyon's words about the pillar weren't empty. No matter how many attacks they sent at his weapon, they couldn't shatter or move the chains that wrapped around it.

Some even tried to lift the weapon from the ground, but they found that they were powerless to do so.

Dyon couldn't help but inwardly sneer. If mere saints and celestials could shatter his broad sword, then its title as a Supreme weapon would be empty.

As for them lifting it from the ground, he was even less worried. One of the abilities of his weapon was to form endless chains. As long as his runic flames could power it, they could always grow longer and more numerous. While it looked like only two chains were anchoring his sword, in reality, it was thousands, each one buried tens of kilometers beneath the earth. Dyon was confident that the brute strength necessary to pull it out was far higher than what those of this quadrant could provide.

In the skies, the family heads only watched as Dyon withstood the rage of the crowd, not seeming eager to act just yet. It wasn't until after the crowd had exhausted all of its means that the five core elders of Soul Rending Peak descended before Dyon beaten and bloodied body.

Still, they felt uncomfortable facing this young man. Despite his injuries, his back was just as straight and his eyes just as piercing.

"You dare glare at me?!" A fiery tempered elder couldn't handle Dyon's gaze for long and decided to act in hopes of saving face.

A flaming fist flew forward, slamming into Dyon's gut.

Dyon grunted slightly, bending over.

The elder smiled, seemingly enjoying the power he held. He had held back significantly, not wanting to kill Dyon and bring on the rage of The Cathedral.

In the skies, Violet was still distraught. Although the image of her had disappeared, this wasn't a humiliation she could stand.

She knew she was no match for Dyon and didn't dare to go down herself, but that didn't stop her from constantly urging her father again and again, tears streaming down her face, looking particularly pitiful.

When the elder saw that Dyon's gaze hadn't changed after his satisfaction disappeared and he almost cocked back to deliver another strike, but that was the moment the Master finally stopped standing in the air and appeared beside him.

Dyon didn't have to look up to the Master. In fact, after his body broke through the celestial ranks, he had reached two meters tall. But, many felt that the imposing aura of a celestial had little to do with height.

However, those same people were shocked to find that Dyon's momentum wasn't any less fierce that the top expert of their quadrant.

Dyon stared into the Master's eyes unperturbed, Violet's shrieking still ringing in his ears. Her pleas to have Dyon killed didn't fall on deaf ears. In fact, many of the crowd who had thrown objects at Dyon began to chant the same things.

Despite what they thought would happen at this point, though, Dyon didn't beg for his life. He didn't even speak.

"For the crime of offending my daughter," The Master began to speak, silencing the crowd and his daughter. "I should kill you where you stand. However, such a death would be too easy for you."

Even though his words seemed calm, anyone could see the blazing fury in his eyes.

"Your life is no longer your own. You'll spend the rest of your miserable existence as a slave. You'll have no free will, you'll have no freedom, you'll suffer endless humiliation day in and day out."

The Master's fists tightened. "Since my daughter can't act on her own, this first punishment will be from me!"

A torrential rain of fists began to bombard Dyon's body, each involuntarily wielding the piercing power of sword qi.

The crowd and the family heads only watched as this happened, satisfaction clear in many of their eyes.

No one stopped to think that maybe Dyon was allowing this happen, that maybe the shots they took today would be repaid many times over in the future. After all, Dyon still emitted the aura of a 1st stage essence gatherer, wasn't it only natural that he lose so severely to elders above his station?

As for the optics of a Master bullying a disciple, they cared even less. If they were Violet's father, wouldn't they react the same way?