
Dyon frowned. 'If I have the blood anyway, why would I need the room? Explain clearly.' Dyon lost patience with the spirit. Since it didn't show him any respect, he was disinclined to deal with it.

'In order to improve a beast's blood, you need blood essence, not regular blood. However, it's impossible to receive blood essence without the creature being willful. How could someone as weak as you force a Dragon to willingly give you its blood essence?' The spirit snorted with disdain.

'You mean?'

'The Origin Beast Room only needs regular blood, not blood essence.'

Dyon was shocked. Using normal blood to upgrade your bloodline? That was even more heaven defying that the Weapon Devouring Room. What the hell was this tower?!

'Wait, does this work for humans too?'

Although it was a bit sadistic and evil to think about draining human beings for the sake of his and his allies' bloodlines, Dyon wasn't the type of person to feel morally confused when it came to dealing with his enemies.

For example, he wouldn't hesitate to drain Anak of all of his blood. If his Demon Generals gained a trace of Angel blood like those of the Emperor Giant Clan, their power would raise to an entirely new level.

'You don't have high enough floor access to do this with humans.' The spirit said coldly.

'What the hell? What's the difference between beasts and humans?'

'If you didn't think there was a difference, why did you bother to ask?' The spirit clearly wasn't giving Dyon any leeway. 'Beasts are inherently more in tune with the heavens. This is why they're chosen to represent various wills, like Dragon with sovereign will and Celestial Hamsters with time will.

'Because they're more favored by the universe, it's relatively easier for them to retrace their blood to its origins. This is why, although it's rare, you hear of snakes becoming dragons, but you don't randomly hear of normal humans becoming angels. There is a much, much, much stronger barrier for humans as compared to beasts.'

Dyon sighed. Unfortunately, this was yet another airtight explanation by the tower spirit. Clearly, although it was hateful, it followed the rules. It wouldn't make things difficult for Dyon on purpose.

'Wait.' Dyon suddenly paused. 'You said I don't have high enough access yet, does that mean there will be a day I do?'

'Let's just say I don't have much hope in you.' With those final words, the tower spirit disappeared, leaving Dyon by himself.

After looking around, Dyon could only sigh. Although he had expected it, after confirming that both Evangeline and Little Rose had disappeared, he felt odd.

At that moment, Dyon heard a knock come from the front door.

'Who could possible be knocking the door of a Vice Master? Could it be Violet again?' Dyon felt a shiver go down his spine. He really didn't want to deal with that woman again.

When Dyon reached the door and opened it, he was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't Violet, but Donari.

"What're you doing here?" Dyon asked in surprise. Although Donari's familial status was high, he was still only an inner disciple. It was quite rare for them to be allowed to come to the core of the sect like this.

"You are here!" Donari said, brushing past and ignoring Dyon's confusion.

"Why wouldn't I be here?"

"No one has heard anything from you in more than two weeks. You didn't show up after the valley closed even after we all waited hours for you. Plus, the official disciple trials are beginning soon. They decided to give us a month after the valley's opening to readjust ourselves and absorb our gains, so there's only about two weeks left."

"Wait for hours? Why would you do that?" Dyon laughed, but inwardly, he was sneering. The reason was obvious.

Donari shrugged, completely oblivious. "I was pissed off too, I have better things to do than wait around for you. Why're you so important?"

Donari stopped looking around and turned back to Dyon, scanning him from head to toe almost as though he was trying to figure something out. His gut feeling was telling him that there was something odd going on in the quadrant, but he had no idea what it was.

He had almost failed in resonating with his legacy in time because his soul was so heavily damaged. The fact he just barely made it was a miracle, but at the same time, his anger toward his family and this Soul Rend Quadrant grew even more after that experience.

He felt like he should have been able to walk around in the core valley along with all the other geniuses, but he was stuck in the inner valley. He hated that sense of inferiority.

"How's Virvor?" Dyon suddenly asked.

"Him? He didn't come back either. We assumed he was with you."

Dyon breathed out. It seemed Virvor had listened to him. That was good. If he came back, he would definitely be taken away. Since Evangeline wasn't involved in the way he thought she was, he decided to continue with his original plan. He couldn't just leave things as they were. Not only was that unfair to those who were suffering, it was also unfair his master and her clan. They had a legacy built here and it was being destroyed by greed.

Dyon sighed and steeled himself.

Given the current situation, he was in a tight bind for time. Two weeks from now, the sect would open up the Mystical World for the sake of its disciple trials. But, Dyon had a feeling that Soul Market would make its last sales and shut down even before that. Reason being that the Devil Cultivators likely wanted to partake in the treasures of the Mystical World as well.

Simply put, time was running out. If Dyon allowed the Devil Cultivators to enter without him there, the Celestial Beast Clan would be in danger of being discovered. But, if he didn't deal with Soul Market, millions, potentially billions, of lives would be hung in the balance.

At that moment, Dyon suddenly thought of something else: Arthurian. Instances of names being placed on the Pillar of Shame were massive events that involved the ringing of the sect's central bell.

For context, said bell was so loud that an entire planet would hear its call and chime. It was more likely than not that it happened while Dyon was asleep. However, the reason the bell reached so far wasn't because it was physically that loud, but rather, it sent out pulses that reverberated in the soul. For Dyon to sleep through that… Just what happened while he was out of it?

Just as Dyon was about to ask Donari about it, by pure sheer coincidence, a loud chime began to sound in all of their minds.

A deep noise reminiscent of an ancient church bell shook Planet Cathedral, causing its population of billions to look up into the skies involuntarily.

Before Dyon could even properly react, a roar filled with rage shook erupted from the center of Soul Rending Peak.

The skies above blasted apart, concentric circles of sound waves dispersing the clouds themselves and entering the high atmosphere.

'A celestial?' Dyon raised an eyebrow, but then he understood. The only celestials of the sect should be their core elders and masters. Core elders were those who had barely broken through and couldn't be more than 5th grade celestials, while the master was more likely a 5th or 4th grade celestial.

Either way, because they were celestials and not suppressed like Dyon was, he still had to take them seriously.

That aside, a celestial roaring in anger just after the central bell was rung? It didn't take much brain power for Dyon to understand that it was likely Violet's father reacting after finding out what happened in the valley. It was just odd that it took two weeks for Violet to tell her father. Maybe she was just working up the courage to tell her story, which was perfectly reasonable.

Donari visibly paled when he heard the roar. After all, the Master's residence wasn't very far from Evangeline's and he was still an essence gatherer.

However, Dyon was impressed that he recollected himself before he could help him.

"Well, I guess we have no choice but to go now." Dyon shrugged. One of the rules of sect mandated that every member available to show up when the central bell was rung. If not for that rule, Dyon wouldn't bother. This was also the only time lower ranked disciples were allowed to enter the core sect.