
My Hermes System (Web Novel)chapter 68: o' young american soldier!

"I… I didn't lose!"

Michael quickly covered his ears until Gerald stopped screaming. The only reason why he was letting Gerald wreak havoc in the Enhancer classroom was that he knew that his family could pay for the damages… and more.

"So…", Michael hummed as soon as Gerald slightly calmed down, "Do you know why you lost?"

Gerald grit his teeth as instructor Michael's words pierced his ears like a knife, "I didn't--"

"You lost", Michael quickly interrupted before Gerald could even say anything.


Finally giving in, Gerald could only lightly bite his lip as he looked Michael straight in the eyes, "...Why?", he whispered.

"Because you're weak", Michael quickly said before suddenly leaving the room, not even letting Gerald say anything back to him.


"What the f*ck!?", Gerald's face could not help but turn into a deep frown as he once again started screaming.

"Me!? Weak!?", Gerald waved his hand, screaming even though no one was no longer listening to him, "I don't even have a scratch on me!", he shouted as he threw the chair that was innocently placed near him.

"Gaah!", Gerald continued to scream until his lungs started to hurt. Only when his voice started to crack did he shut his mouth. But even then, he let out whispers.

"I…", he muttered, "I am not weak…"

Gerald's eyebrows started to tremble as his eyes started to moist, "I am not weak", he once again whispered, "I will show all of you that I am not weak"

He remembered the looks on the people's faces during his fight with Van. Their eyes that seemed to be mocking him and looking down at him irritated him to the core.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64ce79d606107d003c23ea27", id: "pf-5140-1"})"I… am not weak"


The night was quiet with only the sound of insects and fleeting whispers entering Van's ears as he stared at the door in front of his house.

Beatrice and Harvey walked with him until they reached Van's house, but they quickly left, saying that he should probably talk to Andrea alone. And for some reason, Van didn't seem to have the courage to open the door.

He still remembered the look on Andrea's face when he found her in the bathroom. The way she was tied up, her face pale and covered with blood. That was his fault, he thought.

But after a while, he shook his head and decided to enter the house. Some of the stuff seemed to have been cleaned already, but even then, their living room was a total wreck.

Van could not help but sigh, he was preparing what to say to Andrea, but it would seem she was already asleep. He should probably do the same, it's been a long day, he thought. He took one final look at the destroyed living before heading to his room, hoping that his bed was still intact.

But before he could open the door of his room, he heard his name being called from behind him.


The quiet whisper felt like a sharp knife that was stabbing him in the back. Van couldn't really turn around to look at Andrea. He didn't know what to say… he didn't know what expression to show her.

He was the one who brought Andrea here. She wouldn't have been at the risk of losing her life if it wasn't for him.

Guilt. He could only close his eyes and turn his head down in guilt. But after a few seconds, he felt Andrea's arms wrapped around him.

And a few seconds after, he felt something warm trailing on his shoulders as the sound of Andrea's tears started to scream in his ears.

"You… you're finally back", Andrea's stuttered breath filled the entire house. Van's lips slightly trembled, wanting to say something, but still not knowing what.

"Don't… don't you ever leave like that again", Andrea said as her tears continued to fall, "Family… aren't we supposed to be a family?"

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "64cc9e79c7059f003e4ad4b0", id: "pf-5109-1"})"Families… don't leave each other behind, Evans"

"...", hearing Andrea's words, Van could not help but let out a deep and stuttered breath as a single tear started to trail from his eye.

He then gently touched Andrea's arm, letting himself completely fall into her embrace.

Van thought long and hard on what to say. But it turns out...

...He didn't need to say anything at all.


Come morning, Van was deliberating on whether or not to attend the Academy or stay with Andrea to help her with repairing the house. But Andrea quickly kicked him out, saying that it was her job to do this, and Van's job was to go to the Academy.

And so, he did.

Van entered the classroom, and all of his classmates were staring at him, even those that were in the front of the class.


Even when he was walking in the hallway earlier, he could not help but notice that almost all of the people were staring at him and some even avoided him ever so slightly. Although he was a bit uncomfortable with all the eyes on him, he still continued to walk to his desk.

But before he could even reach halfway, Harvey suddenly blocked his path… and started to sing the Academy's anthem.

"O' young American soldier! You are the crusaders of the new world!"

"What the f…"

And then, halfway through the song, the male students started harmonizing as they circled Van. He couldn't help but look back when he heard the strum of a guitar. Where did that even come from, he thought.

window.pubfuturetag = window.pubfuturetag || [];window.pubfuturetag.push({unit: "663633fa8ebf7442f0652b33", id: "pf-8817-1"})"Bright, oh bright and early morning!"

In the end, Van had no choice but to sit through and listen until they finished the whole anthem. And as soon as they were done, the boys all started clapping as they expressed their admiration towards Van. It didn't help that Victoria was also clapping, her eyes dead and emotionless.

Van could only nod and smile awkwardly as he returned his classmates' praises.

"What the hell is going on, Harvey?", Van could not help but furrow his eyebrows.

"Bro, you defeated my bro… Gerald", Harvey crossed his arms, "Who is probably one of the strongest students in the Academy"

"Defeated?", Van slightly raised his eyebrows. Was that what it looked like? The truth is, it really was not Van's intention to defeat him. He just wanted to humiliate him. Humiliate him in front of a lot of people.

Their battle? It hasn't even begun, Van thought. It won't end with just someone winning or losing.

"Settle down!"

The students quickly dispersed and returned to their seats as Mr. Jacobs entered the classroom. He then scanned the entire room, only stopping when his eyes landed on Van.

"You!", he pointed at Van and hastily approached him.

"Sir?", Van tilted his head.

"Good job, kid!", Mr. Jacobs raised both of his thumbs before bursting out in laughter.

"You're also being called to the Headmaster's office after class", he then abruptly stopped as he looked at Van straight in the eyes, "Good luck"

